18 research outputs found

    Influence of Magnitude and Duration of Altered Gravity and Readaptation to 1 g on the Structure and Function of the Utricle in Toadfish, Opsanus tau

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    Gravity has remained constant during animal evolution and the neural sensory systems detecting acceleration forces have remained remarkably conserved among vertebrates. The utricular organ senses the sum of inertial force due to head translation and head tilt relative to gravitational vertical. Change in gravitational force would be expected to have profound effects on how an organism maintains equilibrium. We characterize the physiology of utricular afferents to applied accelerations in the oyster toadfish, Opsanus tau, in normal 1 g to establish benchmarks, after 1–32-day exposures to 2.24 g (resultant) via centrifugation (hypergravity, HG), after 4- and 16-day exposures to 1.12 g (resultant), and following 1–8 days recovery to HG exposures to study re-adaptation to 1 g. Afferents were also examined during activation of efferent vestibular pathway. Centrifugation at 2.24 g included 228°/s constant angular velocity component, and thus horizontal canal afferent responses to yaw rotation were recorded as an internal control in each fish. Afferents studied after 228°/s rotation for 4 and 16 days without centripetal acceleration, called On-Center-Control, were indistinguishable from their control counterparts. Principal response to HG was an adjustment of afferent sensitivity as a function of magnitude and duration of exposure: an initial robust increase at 3–4 days followed by a significant decrease from 16 to 32 days. Initial increase observed after 4 days of HG took >4 days in 1 g to recover, and the decrease observed after 16 days of HG took >2 days to readapt to 1 g. Hair cells in striola and medial extrastriola macula regions were serially reconstructed in 3D from thin sections using transmission electron microscopy in control fish and fish exposed to 4 and 16 days of HG. Despite the highly significant differences in afferent physiology, synaptic body counts quantified in the same fish were equivalent in their inter-animal variability and averages. No clear role of the efferent pathway as a feedback mechanism regulating afferent behavior to HG was found. Transfer from 1 g to HG imparts profound effects on gravitational sensitivity of utricular afferents and the accompanying transfer from the HG back to the 1 g resembles in part (as an analog) the transfer from 1 g to the micrograms

    Functional Changes in the Snail Statocyst System Elicited by Microgravity

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    BACKGROUND: The mollusk statocyst is a mechanosensing organ detecting the animal's orientation with respect to gravity. This system has clear similarities to its vertebrate counterparts: a weight-lending mass, an epithelial layer containing small supporting cells and the large sensory hair cells, and an output eliciting compensatory body reflexes to perturbations. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In terrestrial gastropod snail we studied the impact of 16- (Foton M-2) and 12-day (Foton M-3) exposure to microgravity in unmanned orbital missions on: (i) the whole animal behavior (Helix lucorum L.), (ii) the statoreceptor responses to tilt in an isolated neural preparation (Helix lucorum L.), and (iii) the differential expression of the Helix pedal peptide (HPep) and the tetrapeptide FMRFamide genes in neural structures (Helix aspersa L.). Experiments were performed 13-42 hours after return to Earth. Latency of body re-orientation to sudden 90° head-down pitch was significantly reduced in postflight snails indicating an enhanced negative gravitaxis response. Statoreceptor responses to tilt in postflight snails were independent of motion direction, in contrast to a directional preference observed in control animals. Positive relation between tilt velocity and firing rate was observed in both control and postflight snails, but the response magnitude was significantly larger in postflight snails indicating an enhanced sensitivity to acceleration. A significant increase in mRNA expression of the gene encoding HPep, a peptide linked to ciliary beating, in statoreceptors was observed in postflight snails; no differential expression of the gene encoding FMRFamide, a possible neurotransmission modulator, was observed. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Upregulation of statocyst function in snails following microgravity exposure parallels that observed in vertebrates suggesting fundamental principles underlie gravi-sensing and the organism's ability to adapt to gravity changes. This simple animal model offers the possibility to describe general subcellular mechanisms of nervous system's response to conditions on Earth and in space

    An algorithm to calculate feasible operating conditions of electrical network, given overhead conductor temperature and sag constraints

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    The paper presents an algorithm to calculate feasible steady-state conditions of an electrical network. A distinctive feature of the calculation is the consideration of constraints on the temperature of bare conductor and the clearance of a controlled span of overhead line. This consideration is based on forming and solving an equation of conductor heat balance to calculate the conductor temperature depending on the current flowing through the conductor and environmental factors, including the actual values of air pressure and air temperature. The paper presents the results of numerical calculations performed for individual overhead lines and for a test 16-node scheme of electrical network. The results illustrate the algorithm performance and the importance of considering the above constraints

    An algorithm to calculate feasible operating conditions of electrical network, given overhead conductor temperature and sag constraints

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    The paper presents an algorithm to calculate feasible steady-state conditions of an electrical network. A distinctive feature of the calculation is the consideration of constraints on the temperature of bare conductor and the clearance of a controlled span of overhead line. This consideration is based on forming and solving an equation of conductor heat balance to calculate the conductor temperature depending on the current flowing through the conductor and environmental factors, including the actual values of air pressure and air temperature. The paper presents the results of numerical calculations performed for individual overhead lines and for a test 16-node scheme of electrical network. The results illustrate the algorithm performance and the importance of considering the above constraints

    Neural Mechanisms to the Space Environment

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    Highly conserved neural systems have evolved to sense the inertial forces due to head translation and head tilt relative to gravitational vertical. These structures consist of ciliated mechanosensitive receptor cells inserted into a neuroepithelium surmounted by biomineral grains of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) called oto- (vertebrates) or stato-conia (invertebrates). Detection of these forces by receptor cells relies on the CaCO3 mass being weighted in Earths 1G. A change in gravity or orientation with respect to gravity has a profound effect on how an organism interacts with its environment, and it is evident that the nervous system responds to the new gravity state. This response might involve the peripheral receptors, the CaCO3 mass, the brain or any combination of these mechanisms based on the intensity and duration of the gravity change. Here, we examine the arguments supporting the different mechanisms of adaptation to the space environment. First, a pre- or post-synaptic alteration in the strength of synaptic transmission between the receptor cell and nerve afferent can adjust the system output. The number of synaptic ribbons in certain type II hair cells in rodent is labile, increasing following exposure to microgravity. An increase in number of synaptic ribbons in toadfish otolith hair cells following exposure to microgravity could potentially explain the observed afferent hypersensitivity to acceleration postflight. The physiological findings in the isolated statocyst in snails are in line with the vertebrate data, and conform to the proposition that G exposure leads to changes in gravireceptor function. At the same time this similarity in neural response to G exposure between the vertebrates and invertebrates is intriguing: the increased neural sensitivity in the vertebrate was detected in the nerve afferents, one synapse away from the receptor cell, whereas the increased neural sensitivity observed in the snail was detected directly at the receptor level. Second, the CaCO3 mass provides mechanical loading of receptor cell cilia, and their density alters sensitivity. A widely considered mechanism by which the animal responds to a chronic change in amplitude of gravity is a change in weight-lending CaCO3 mass. In G, it is argued, the organism counters the loss of gravity by increasing CaCO3 production, thereby increasing its mass, as a means to increase system gain. In hypergravity, the converse is argued. Earlier evidence in mollusks and recent results in mice suggest a remodeling might occur, especially after long-term space exposure. Lastly, we have to distinguish at least two kinds of neural feedbacks. One is connected with local mechanisms of self-regulation and specific for initial period of organ development when the neural connections are still absent. And the other feedback is related to neural self-regulation and specific for later stages of the organ development, and includes an efferent vestibular feedback. Complexity of the problem is enhanced by incompleteness of experiments, and consequently the experimental results have not led to a clear interpretation despite the numerous studies

    Functional Responses in Otolith Structures from Micro- to Hyper-Gravity

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    Vertebrates and invertebrates sense gravito-inertial acceleration by mechanoreceptors in the otolith and statolith organs, respectively. These structures consist of ciliated sensory hair cells surmounted by biomineral grains of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) called oto-orstato-conia. The grains provide mechanical loading of hair cell cilia, and their high density increases sensitivity to acceleration. A widely considered mechanism by which the animal responds to a chronic change in amplitude of gravity is a change in weight lending otoconia. In G, it is argued, the organism counters the loss of gravity by increasing CaCO3 production, thereby increasing otolith mass, as a means to increase system gain. In hypergravity (HG), the converse is argued. Here, we present the results obtained in 3 species exposed both to G and HG. Adult toadfish, Opsanus tau, were exposed to G in 2 short-duration shuttle missions and to 1.24 1.73G centrifugation for 1-32 days; re-adaptation was studied following 1-8 days of 1G. Results show a biphasic pattern in response to 1.73G: initial hypersensitivity, similar to that observed after G exposure, followed by transition to a significant decrease at 16-32 days. Recovery from HG exposure is 4-8 days. Next, we examined directly the responses of statocyst receptors in the land snail after exposure to G on two unmanned Russian Orbital missions and at 1.24G. Similar to vertebrate afferents snail receptors increased their sensitivity to tilt after G exposure, and decrease it after 16-32 days of HG. Two major pieces of information are still needed: vertebrate hair cell response to altered gravity and impact of longer duration exposures on sensory plasticity. To address the latter, we applied electron microscopic techniques to image otoconia mass obtained from 1) mice subjected to 91-days of weightlessness in the Mouse Drawer System (MDS) flown on International Space Station, 2) mice subjected to 91-days of 1.24G centrifugation on ground, and 3) mice flown on 2 short-duration orbital missions. Images indicate a clear restructuring of individual otoconia, suggesting deposition to the outer shell. Images from their HG counterparts indicate the converse - an ablation of the otoconia mass. For shorter duration exposures to weightlessness on 13-day shuttle missions, mice otoconia appear normal. Despite the permanence of 1G in evolution, the animal senses exposure to a novel, non-1G, environment and adaptive mechanisms are initiated - in the short term, compensation is likely confined to the peripheral sensory receptors, the brain or both. For longer exposures structural modifications of the endorgan may also result. Support Contributed By: NASA 03-OBPR-04 and 11-11_Omni_2-000

    Hypometabolic Stasis in Snails (Cornu aspersum) for Adaptability and Survivability Under Extreme Environmental Conditions

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    NASA’s endeavor to engage in long-haul space travel, requires a human defense system against harmful environments in space. Muscle atrophy and bone mass loss are documented effects of long term exposure to space flight environment and microgravity. Our aim is to approach an adaptation to extreme environments on the biological level, rather than simulate a terrestrial environment in space. A correlation has been shown between metabolic suppression and the protection of biological organisms from damaging effects of space environments. Certain bacteria and invertebrates have indicated a link between the reduction and suspension of metabolism, and surviving exposure to cosmic radiation. For example, hibernating black bears showed no loss in bone mass and less muscle atrophy than was expected over 6 – 8 months of inactivity. Our goal is to test the hypothesis that metabolic suppression is a feasible means of adapting animal models to extreme conditions, and to extrapolate this method to the human scale. We will expose both a group of hibernating snails and active snails, to intense radiation and monitor their metabolic rate and muscular response to environmental change. We can then quantify the extent to which metabolic suppression provides defense against the hazards of space flight

    «Бушизми» – оказіоналізми, історизми чи узуальні лексико-граматичні одиниці

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    У статті здійснюється аналіз «бушизмів», їх витоків та перспектив подальшого вживання. За рахунок тлумачення їх провідних характеристик та наявності темпоральної віддаленості від часів президентства Джорджа Буша досліджуються тенденції їх подальшого поширення у мовленні, що маркує перехід від статусу оказіональних до узуальних явищ. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/34103В статье осуществляется анализ «бушизмов», их источников и перспектив дальнейшего использования. За счет трактовки их основных характеристик и наличия темпоральной удаленности от времени президентства Джорджа Буша исследуются тенденции их дальнейшего распространения в речи, что маркирует переход от статуса окказиональных к узуальным явлениям. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/34103The analysis of “bushisms”, their sources and perspectives of further study is fulfilled in the article. Due to the explanation of their major characteristics and the temporary distance from the times of George Bush presidency it is possible to investigate the tendencies of their further spread in speech. It marks their transference from the occasional to colloquial status. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3410