63 research outputs found

    Refractory Rhinosinusitis

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    Various factors have been proposed to be related to refractory chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). Treatment for refractory CRS is challenging for ear, nose, and throat (ENT) surgeons. The aim of the study was to determine the clinical features associated with the severity of CRS that may necessitate revision surgery by eliminating the bias of the surgeon’s technique using standardizing surgical procedures. Sinus wall thickness and blood eosinophilia, which may represent the depth of inflammation in CRS, are associated with the need for revision surgery. We found that, when the thickness of the posterolateral maxillary sinus wall is more than 3.03 mm, there is an increased probability for a need for revision surgery. CRS patients with thickened sinus walls were found to have poorer outcomes. Further research is needed in order to justify this type of surgical procedure for CRS

    Establishment of a Knock-In Mouse Model with the SLC26A4 c.919-2A>G Mutation and Characterization of Its Pathology

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    Recessive mutations in the SLC26A4 gene are a common cause of hereditary hearing impairment worldwide. Previous studies have demonstrated that different SLC26A4 mutations may have different pathogenetic mechanisms. In the present study, we established a knock-in mouse model (i.e., Slc26a4tm1Dontuh/tm1Dontuh mice) homozygous for the c.919-2A>G mutation, which is a common mutation in East Asians. Mice were then subjected to audiologic assessment, a battery of vestibular evaluations, and inner ear morphological studies. All Slc26a4tm1Dontuh/tm1Dontuh mice revealed profound hearing loss, whereas 46% mice demonstrated pronounced head tilting and circling behaviors. There was a significant difference in the vestibular performance between wild-type and Slc26a4tm1Dontuh/tm1Dontuh mice, especially those exhibiting circling behavior. Inner ear morphological examination of Slc26a4tm1Dontuh/tm1Dontuh mice revealed an enlarged endolymphatic duct, vestibular aqueduct and sac, atrophy of stria vascularis, deformity of otoconia in the vestibular organs, consistent degeneration of cochlear hair cells, and variable degeneration of vestibular hair cells. Audiologic and inner ear morphological features of Slc26a4tm1Dontuh/tm1Dontuh mice were reminiscent of those observed in humans. These features were also similar to those previously reported in both knock-out Slc26a4−/− mice and Slc26a4loop/loop mice with the Slc26a4 p.S408F mutation, albeit the severity of vestibular hair cell degeneration appeared different among the three mouse strains

    Functional characterization of cellulases identified from the cow rumen fungus Neocallimastix patriciarum W5 by transcriptomic and secretomic analyses

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Neocallimastix patriciarum</it> is one of the common anaerobic fungi in the digestive tracts of ruminants that can actively digest cellulosic materials, and its cellulases have great potential for hydrolyzing cellulosic feedstocks. Due to the difficulty in culture and lack of a genome database, it is not easy to gain a global understanding of the glycosyl hydrolases (<it>GHs</it>) produced by this anaerobic fungus.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have developed an efficient platform that uses a combination of transcriptomic and proteomic approaches to <it>N. patriciarum </it>to accelerate gene identification, enzyme classification and application in rice straw degradation. By conducting complementary studies of transcriptome (Roche 454 GS and Illumina GA IIx) and secretome (ESI-Trap LC-MS/MS), we identified 219 putative <it>GH </it>contigs and classified them into 25 <it>GH</it> families. The secretome analysis identified four major enzymes involved in rice straw degradation: β-glucosidase, endo-1,4-β-xylanase, xylanase B and Cel48A exoglucanase. From the sequences of assembled contigs, we cloned 19 putative cellulase genes, including the <it>GH1</it>, <it>GH3</it>, <it>GH5</it>, <it>GH6</it>, <it>GH9</it>, <it>GH18</it>, <it>GH43 </it>and <it>GH48 </it>gene families, which were highly expressed in <it>N. patriciarum </it>cultures grown on different feedstocks.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These <it>GH </it>genes were expressed in Pichia pastoris and/or Saccharomyces cerevisiae for functional characterization. At least five novel cellulases displayed cellulytic activity for glucose production. One β-glucosidase (W5-16143) and one exocellulase (W5-CAT26) showed strong activities and could potentially be developed into commercial enzymes.</p

    Pediatric multiple sclerosis: update on diagnostic criteria, imaging, histopathology and treatment choices

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    Pediatric multiple sclerosis (MS) represents less than 5% of the MS population, but patients with pediatric-onset disease reach permanent disability at a younger age than adult onset patients. Accurate diagnosis at presentation and optimal long-term treatment is vital to mitigate ongoing neuroinflammation and irreversible neurodegeneration. However, it may be difficult to early differentiate pediatric MS from acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) as they often have atypical presentation that differs from that of adult-onset MS. The purpose of this review is to summarize the updated views on diagnostic criteria, imaging, histopathology and treatment choices

    " Patch Clamp " - 研究離子孔道的新方法

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    德國籍的兩位電生理學家Neher及Sakmann,因發現patch clamp的技術,於今年榮獲 諾貝爾醫學獎,將使得此項技術應用更加廣泛。本文謹就此一技術的原理及應用作一 簡單的介

    Decreased Connexin 43 Expression Correlated with Eosinophil Infiltration in Nasal Polyps

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    王敏男。1989。台灣山羌之生物學研究-分佈現況及性別與年齡的辨 別。碩士論文。國立師範大學生物學所。台北。 白火成。1995。家畜解剖生理。三民書局印行。台北。 吳志仁。1990。動物園台灣山羌行為的研究。碩士論文。國立師範大 學生物學所。台北。 吳春利。2001。畜牧學實習(飼料分析)。合記圖書出版社。台北。 吳應寧。1976。各品種牛瘤胃內纖毛蟲叢之調查。碩士論文。國立台 灣大學獸醫學所。台北。 李登元。1995。乳牛學。台灣商務印書館。台北。 林俊義、林良恭。1983。台灣哺乳類的動物地理初探。省立博物館科 學年刊。26:53-62。 洪燕琦。1994。飼糧澱粉與蛋白質之分解速率組合對台灣山羊瘤胃 微生物的影響。碩士論文。國立台灣大學畜產學研究所。台北。 馬春祥、楊錫坤。1996。養鹿學。華香園出版社。台北。 郭欽賢。1994。家畜組織學。國立編譯館。台北。 陳怡君。1997。瓦拉米地區台灣山羌之食性、棲地利用與活動習性。 內政部85年度研究報告。玉山國家公園管理處。南投。 陳怡君。2003。瓦拉米地區台灣山羌之活動習性。博士論文。國立 師範大學生物學所。台北。 陳慧娟、陳寶忠、王光平。1990。台灣七種本土中、大型哺乳動物之 繁殖及成長生物學研究:台灣獼猴(Macaca cyclopis)與台灣山 羌(Muntiacus reevesi micrurus)成長資料初步研究。79年生態 研究第014號。行政院農委會。台北。 陳擎霞。1990。宜蘭縣舊金洋地區台灣山羌棲息地之選擇及其植被分 析。79年生態研究第015號。行政院農委會。台北。 楊价民。1997。瘤胃生態系統與反芻動物對養分的利用。藝軒圖書出 版社。台北。 董光中。1989。台灣地區牛羊鹿瘤胃纖毛蟲分類與形態學之觀察。碩 士論文。國立中興大學獸醫學所。台中。 賴景陽。1986。世界哺乳動物名典。台灣省立博物館。台北。 Aagnes, T. H., W. S&oslash;rmo, and S. D. Mathiesen. 1995. Ruminal microbial digestion in free-living, in captive lichen-fed, and in starved reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in winter. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 61:583-591. Abe, M., T. Iriki, N. Tobe, and H. Shibui. 1981. Sequestration of holotrich protozoa in the reticulo-rumen of cattle. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 41:758-765. Abou Akkada, A. R., and T. H. Blackburn. 1963. Some observations on the nitrogen metabolism of rumen proteolytic bacteria. J. Gen. Microbiol. 31:461-469. Anthony, R. G. and N. S. Smith. 1974. Comparison of rumen and fecal analysis to describe deer diets. J. Wildl. Manage. 38:535-540. Arman, P., R. N. B. Kay, E. D. Goodall, and G. A. M. Sharman. 1974. The composition and yield of milk from captive red deer(Cervus elaphus L.). J. Reprod. Fert. 37:67-84. Beharka, A. A., T. G. Nagaraja, J. L. Morrill, G. A. Kennedy, and R. D. Klemm. 1998. Effects of form of the diet on anatomical, microbial, and fermentative development of the rumen of neonatal calves. J. Dairy Sci. 81:1946-1955. Bryant, M. P. and I. M. Robinson. 1961. An improved nonselective culture medium for ruminal bacteria and its use in determining diurnal variation in numbers of bacteria in the rumen. J. Dairy Sci. 44:1446-1456. Bryant, M. P. and I. M. Robinson. 1968. Effects of diet, time after feeding, and position sampled on numbers of viable bacteria in the bovine rumen. J. Dairy Sci. 51:1446-1456. Chapman, N. G., M. Furlong, and S. Harris. 1997. Reproductive strategies and the influence of date of birth on growth and sexual development of an aseasonally- breeding ungulate: Reeves’ muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi). J. Zool. Lond. 241:551-570. Christiansen, W. C., W. Woods, and W. Burroughs. 1964. Ration characteristics influencing rumen protozoal populations. J. Anim. Sci. 23:984-988. Cooker, B. A., C. J. Sniffen, W. H. Hoover, and L. L. Johnson. 1978. Solvents for soluble nitrogen measurements in feed stuffs. J. Dairy Sci. 61:437-447. Craig, W. M., G. A. Broderick, and D.B. Ricker. 1987. Quantitation of microorganisms associated with the particulate phase of ruminal ingesta. J. Nutr. 117:56-62. Dearth, R. N., B. A. Dehority, and E. L. Potter. 1974. Rumen microbial numbers in lamb as affected by level of feed intake and dietary diethylstilestrol. J. Anim. Sci. 38:991-996。 Dehority, B. A. 2003. Rumen Microbiology. Nottingham University Press. U.K. Di Giancamillo, A., G. Bosi, S. Arrighi, G. Savoini, and C. Domeneghini. 2003. The influence of different fibrous supplements in the diet on ruminal histology and histometry in veal calves. Histol. Histopathol. 18:727- 733. nk between Cx43 and eosinophil and orchestrating both in developing nasal polyps

    Primary Culture of Reissner's Membrane from the Gerbil: Growth, Morphologic Features, and Characterization

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    To overcome the technical difficulties encountered in investigating the physiology of Reissner's membrane (RM), primary culture of RM was established. Minute explants obtained by mechanical dissociation were seeded on impermeable substratecoated with collagen type I in serum- free, hormone-supplemented medium. Within 2 weeks, a large cultured area was obtained which reproduced the two cell layers of the original explant. One layer, deep or superficial depending on the side to which the explant adhered, was made of cells exhibiting light and electron microscopy characteristics of an epithelium. Immunohistochemical methods revealed that they expressed cytokeratin, demonstrating their epithelial nature. The second layer was made of mesenchymal cells. This study suggests that cell culture of RM will facilitate further investigation of its physiology