17 research outputs found

    Соціальна відповідальність закладів вищої освіти в умовах кризи та військових дій: міжнародний досвід та уроки для України

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    Стаття присвячена дослідженню соціальної відповідальності закладів вищої освіти в умовах кризи та військових дій. У зв'язку зі зростанням геополітичних конфліктів та загроз безпеці, соціальна відповідальність стає ключовим аспектом роботи вищих навчальних закладів. У сучасних умовах, коли країна зазнає кризових випробувань та військових дій, соціальна відповідальність закладів вищої освіти стає надзвичайно важливою і актуальною темою. Гіпотеза статті полягає в тому, що на основі міжнародного досвіду можна здобути уроки, які допоможуть у формуванні ефективної соціальної відповідальності в українських закладах вищої освіти в умовах кризових ситуацій. Метою статті є проаналізувати міжнародний досвід щодо соціальної відповідальності закладів вищої освіти в умовах кризи та військових дій та виділити ключові уроки, які можна застосувати в українському контексті. У дослідженні використовувалися методи системного аналізу, порівняльного аналізу та синтезу наукової літератури, а також аналізу міжнародних практик у сфері соціальної відповідальності. В результаті дослідження були виявлені ключові аспекти соціальної відповідальності закладів вищої освіти в умовах кризи та військових дій на міжнародному рівні. Зокрема, було висвітлено практики реагування на кризові ситуації, залучення студентів до громадських та благодійних акцій, сприяння вирішенню соціальних проблем та впливу на розвиток громади. На основі аналізу міжнародного досвіду було зроблено висновок про необхідність активного впровадження соціальної відповідальності в українських закладах вищої освіти в умовах кризи та військових дій. Ключові уроки з міжнародного досвіду можуть служити основою для розроблення ефективних стратегій та програм впровадження соціальної відповідальності в українській системі вищої освіти.The article is devoted to the study of the social responsibility of higher education institutions in times of crisis and armed conflict. Due to the increasing geopolitical conflicts and security threats, social responsibility becomes a key aspect of the work of higher education institutions. In modern times, when the country is facing crisis challenges and military actions, the social responsibility of higher education institutions becomes exceptionally important and relevant. The hypothesis of the article is that based on international experience, valuable lessons can be learned to facilitate the development of effective social responsibility in Ukrainian higher education institutions in crisis situations. The objective of the article is to analyze international experience regarding the social responsibility of higher education institutions in times of crisis and armed conflict and identify key lessons that can be applied in the Ukrainian context. The research employs methods of systemic analysis, comparative analysis, synthesis of scientific literature, and analysis of international practices in the field of social responsibility. The study identified key aspects of social responsibility of higher education institutions in times of crisis and armed conflict at the international level. Specifically, it highlights practices for responding to crisis situations, involving students in community and charity initiatives, addressing social issues, and contributing to community development. Based on the analysis of international experience, it is concluded that active implementation of social responsibility is essential in Ukrainian higher education institutions during times of crisis and armed conflict. The valuable lessons from international experience can serve as a foundation for developing effective strategies and programs for implementing social responsibility in the Ukrainian higher education system

    Models of printed boards for solderless mounting of electronic components by foil perforation method

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    The paper presents models of printed circuit boards for an improved foil perforation method. The density of electrical connections of such printed circuit boards is estimated in comparison with circuit boards obtained using the methods of mounting in holes and surface mounting. The technological differences in the manufacture of printed circuit boards for the foil perforation method and the traditional method are considered

    Mechanical structures with enhanced layout characteristics

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    The authors propose solutions for constructing mechanical structures for electronic equipment in terms of plug-in units and subracks, allowing to increase the layout characteristics of electronic modules, sections and desktop devices and increase their functional capacity without changing the architecture of standard mechanical structures. The paper shows effectiveness of the developed solutions. There is a problem of restraining of mass redundancy of mechanical structures for electronic equipment in relation to the weight of the electronic components. On the other hand, the weight is an indicator of structural strength, providing of which is not less important problem. These problems can be solved in different ways, the main of which are the following: a) development of new mechanical structures for electronic equipment taking into account the development of the electronic components; b) improving layout characteristics of mechanical structures for electronic equipment without significant changes in their architecture. The aim of the study was to research mechanical structures of the first level (plug-in units and modules of the second level) of subracks to improve layout characteristics, and to develop methods for the use of connections for surface mounting and for the use of printed circuit boards of smaller dimensions without changing the architecture of the mechanical structures in order to improve layout characteristics. The research allowed the authors to develop the following solutions: 1. The design of plug-in units in which instead of one printed circuit board (PCB) may be two, three or more PCBs of smaller dimensions to compensate a decrease in PCB fill factor in time and to increase the functional capacity of electronic modules. 2. Construction of block designs with a bilateral arrangement of plug-in units and the organization of the electrical connections by way of backplanes with electrical connectors for surface mounting, which allows performing independent installation of plug-in units on both sides of the backplane and creates conditions for increasing the number of plug-in units. The proposed solutions do not lead to a change in the architecture of standard mechanical structures for electronic equipment or any performance degradation

    Analysis of 19-inch and metric mechanical structures for electronic equipment

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    The paper deals with the research and analysis of various quality indicators of the standard mechanical structures of two constructional systems in order to define and compare their characteristics, and to predict prospects for their use. To compare these two systems we have selected parameters which make it possible to make a quantitative assessment and can be calculated on the basis of the data from standards for such mechanical structures. Research has shown that, according to considered indicators, neither 19-inch system, nor the metric system has the absolute advantage. And only in the density ratio of contacts of output electrical connectors, the metric system has real advantages. Although, it should be noted, that certain measures are taken by the developers to improve the 19-inch constructional system. This may, to some extent, explain the fact that the 19-inch system is more widely used than the metric one, and continues to evolve and develop. For other indicators, which are more difficult to be assessed quantitatively, the metric system is more preferable, because it is more convenient in unit design consisting in establishment of interrelation between the coordinating sizes and basic, multiple and mounting steps. At the same time, the 19-inch system has no rival in technical readiness of the industry and in adaptation to the previous designs. The latter is the defining factor for choosing a constructional system by developers of electronic equipment. This, in turn, does not stimulate producers of mechanical structures to extend their production range in accordance with the standards of the metric system. On the basis of the analysis we can predict that in immediate future the 19-inch dimensional system will retain priority for the mechanical structures of electronic equipment. This project deals with the problem of determination of optimum sizes of printed circuit boards for standard mechanical structures for various electronic devices

    L-arginine and L-name effects on functional and physicochemical properties of hemoglobin in conditions of experimental chronic alcohol intoxication

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    It has been revealed that different ligand forms of hemoglobin in the peripheral blood of rats are redistributed under the experimental chronic alcohol intoxication (ECAI), including a reduction of oxyhemoglobin and growth of methemoglobin against the background of total hemoglobin reduction. Also it has been found that under ECAI the concentration of alkaline resistant hemoglobin is rising, whereas the affinity of rat hemoglobin for oxygen is falling. The per os consumption of NOS substrate (L-arginine) under ECAI causes a significant decrease in methemoglobin content in the blood of rats. As for the consumption of NOS-unspecific inhibitor (L-NAME), it leads to an increase in the affinity of rat peripheral blood hemoglobin for oxygen both under ECAI and in control group. The consumption of L-arginine by rats of control group decreases the affinity of hemoglobin to oxygen similar to EСАI. The absorption spectra of RHb and HbFe2+ NO of rat’s blood were characterized at Sore band and in the ultraviolet region. It was found that rate of nitration of hemoglobin in vitro under L-arginine consumption increa­ses comparing with ECAI. In the groups of animals consumed L-NAME nitration of hemoglobin was slowed in control and in the group with ECAI

    Search for the optimal size of printed circuit boards for mechanical structures for electronic equipment

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    The authors present a method, an algorithm and a program, designed to determine the optimal size of printed circuit boards (PCB) of mechanical structures and different kinds of electronic equipment. The PCB filling factor is taken as an optimization criterion. The method allows one to quickly determine the dependence of the filling factor on the size of the PCB for various components

    Physicochemical properties of hemoglobin ligand forms under experimental streptozotocin-induced diabetes and alcohol intoxication

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    The study of hemoglobin affinity to oxygen, oxygen capacity and the content of ligand forms has been conducted in hemolyzates of rat peripheral blood at chronic alcohol intoxication models and experimental diabetes mellitus. The findings revealed that at alcohol intoxication both hemoglobin affinity to oxygen and hemoglobin oxygen capacity validly decrease, whereas at experimental streptozotocin-induced diabetes hemoglobin the affinity to oxygen increases and oxygen capacity is quite high. The results of study demonstrated that sulf- and methemoglobin levels rise under alcohol intoxication and sulf-, met- and carboxyhemoglobin levels rise under experimental diabetes mellitus. We have also undertaken study of hemoglobin affinity to oxygen, oxygen capacity and the ratio of hemoglobin ligand forms in alcoholics and healthy donors. A valid increase in sulf- and methemoglobin and a decrease in hemoglobin affinity to oxygen in alcoholics (32.50±0.45 versus 28.60±0.54 mm Hg in the control group) with insignificant changes in oxygen capacity were revealed. Since minor ligand forms contribute to the affinity of total hemoglobin to oxygen, their quantitative characteristics are essential. Thus, data on absorption spectra which characterize nitrosyl-hemoglobin ligand form and transition of deoxy- and methemoglobin into nitrosyl-hemoglobin have been collected. A combined absorption spectrum of nitrosyl-hemoglobin has been built based on the statistical data set deoxyhemoglobin and its full transition into nitrosyl-hemoglobin (60 analyses) in the examined wavelength range. The article provides the results of the comparative analysis of electronic absorption spectra characteristic peaks of six hemoglobin ligand forms taken from peripheral blood in healthy donors in 450–750 nm wavelength range. The studies can be a pre-requisite for the development of methods for determining six hemoglobin ligand forms in a single blood sample