55 research outputs found

    Combined effects of aldehyde dehydrogenase variants and maternal mitochondrial genes on alcohol consumption

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    Two lines of rats bred to differ in their voluntary alcohol consumption — the alcohol-abstaining UChA rats and the alcohol-drinking UChB rats — differ in how effectively toxic acetaldehyde is removed during alcohol metabolism. UChB animals carry efficient variants of the aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) genes and have active mitochondria, resulting in fast removal of acetaldehyde. UChA animals, in contrast, carry less efficient ALDH2 variants and less active mitochondria, which result in transient elevations of acetaldehyde levels after alcohol ingestion. Cross-breeding studies have demonstrated that the presence of active mitochondria inherited from UChB females can fully abolish the reduction of alcohol consumption associated with the presence of less efficient ALDH2 variants — a phenomenon known as epistasis. These and other findings suggest that mitochondrial activity during alcohol metabolism should be considered a new modulator of alcohol consumption not only in rats but also in other species, including humans

    Eliciting the Low-Activity Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Asian Phenotype by an Antisense Mechanism Results in an Aversion to Ethanol

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    A mutation in the gene encoding for the liver mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH2–2), present in some Asian populations, lowers or abolishes the activity of this enzyme and results in elevations in blood acetaldehyde upon ethanol consumption, a phenotype that greatly protects against alcohol abuse and alcoholism. We have determined whether the administration of antisense phosphorothioate oligonucleotides (ASOs) can mimic the low-activity ALDH2–2 Asian phenotype. Rat hepatoma cells incubated for 24 h with an antisense oligonucleotide (ASO-9) showed reductions in ALDH2 mRNA levels of 85% and ALDH2 (half-life of 22 h) activity of 55% equivalent to a >90% inhibition in ALDH2 synthesis. Glutamate dehydrogenase mRNA and activity remained unchanged. Base mismatches in the oligonucleotide rendered ASO-9 virtually inactive, confirming an antisense effect. Administration of ASO-9 (20 mg/kg/day for 4 d) to rats resulted in a 50% reduction in liver ALDH2 mRNA, a 40% inhibition in ALDH2 activity, and a fourfold (P < 0.001) increase in circulating plasma acetaldehyde levels after ethanol (1 g/kg) administration. Administration of ASO-9 to rats by osmotic pumps led to an aversion (−61%, P < 0.02) to ethanol. These studies provide a proof of principle that specific inhibition of gene expression can be used to mimic the protective effects afforded by the ALDH2–2 phenotype

    Proteomics in alcohol research

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    The proteome is the complete set of proteins in an organism. It is considerably larger and more complex than the genome - the collection of genes that encodes these proteins. Proteomics deals with the qualitative and quantitative study of the proteome under physiological and pathological conditions (e.g., after exposure to alcohol, which causes major changes in numerous proteins of different cell types). To map large proteomes such as the human proteome, proteins from discrete tissues, cells, cell components, or biological fluids are first separated by high-resolution two-dimensional electrophoresis and multidimensional liquid chromatography. Then, individual proteins are identified by mass spectrometry. The huge amount of data acquired using these techniques is analyzed and assembled by fast computers and bioinformatics tools. Using these methods, as well as other technological advances, alcohol researchers can gain a better understanding of how alcohol globally influences protein st

    Targeting kupffer cells with antisense oligonucleotides

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    © 2002 Frontiers in Bioscience. All rights reserved.During proinflammatory reactions such as endotoxemia, ischemia-reperfusion and immune reactions, excessive amounts of cytokines and prostanoids are released resulting in liver injury. In the liver, Kupffer cells are the primary source of cytokines and prostanoids. Obliteration of Kupffer cells prevents experimentally-induced liver damage, suggesting a major role for Kupffer in the pathogenesis of liver diseases. Pretreatment of experimental animals with antibodies directed against cytokines such as tumor necrosis alpha (TNF-alpha) prevented experimentally-induced liver damage. In recent years, antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) directed against specific mRNAs have been tested as an alternative therapy to control the excessive production of inflammatory peptides. Although ASOs have great potential against gene expression, their design, in vivo delivery and stability, have posed significant challenges. Computer-aided configurational ana

    Genotyping of Mitochondrial Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Locus of Native American Indians

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    Using the polymerase chain reaction to amplify genomic DNA from hair roots, we have examined the mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH2) genotypes of 28 individuals from the South American Mapuche Indians. We have determined that individuals from this population previously reported to lack (ALDH2) activity do not show the presence of the inactive (ALDH22) allele frequently found in Orientals. Copyright © 1990, Wiley Blackwell. All rights reserve

    Insulin is secreted upon glucose stimulation by both gastrointestinal enteroendocrine K-cells and L-cells engineered with the preproinsulin gene

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    Transgenic mice carrying the human insulin gene driven by the K-cell glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP) promoter secrete insulin and display normal glucose tolerance tests after their pancreatic β-cells have been destroyed. Establishing the existence of other types of cells that can process and secrete transgenic insulin would help the development of new gene therapy strategies to treat patients with diabetes mellitus. It is noted that in addition to GIP secreting K-cells, the glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) generating L-cells share/ many similarities to pancreatic β-cells, including the peptidases required for proinsulin processing, hormone storage and a glucosestimulated hormone secretion mechanism. In the present study, we demonstrate that not only K-cells, but also L-cells engineered with the human preproinsulin gene are able to synthesize, store and, upon glucose stimulation, release mature insulin. When the mouse enteroendocrine STC-1 cell line was transfected with t

    Tetranucleotide GGGA motif in primary RNA transcripts: Novel target site for antisense design

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    Selecting effective antisense target sites on a given mRNA molecule constitutes a major problem in antisense therapeutics. By trial-and-error, only 1 in 18 (6%) of antisense oligonucleotides designed to target the primary RNA transcript of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) strongly inhibited TNF-α synthesis. Subsequent studies showed that the area in RNA targeted by antisense oligonucleotides could be moved effectively 10-15 bases in either direction from the original area. We observed that only molecules that incorporated a tetranucleotide motif TCCC (complementary to GGGA on RNA) yielded potent antisense oligonucleotides against TNF-α. A comprehensive literature survey showed that this motif is unwittingly present in 48% of the most potent antisense oligonucleotides reported in the literature. This finding was prospectively used to predict the sequences of additional antisense oligonucleotides for the rat TNF-α primary RNA transcript. Over 50% of antisense constructs (13 of 22) contai