187 research outputs found

    Piliç baget örneklerinde pseudomonas türlerinin araştırılması

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    This study aimed to detect the contamination of refrigerated poultry meat with psychrotrophic bacteria, such as Pseudomonas species. Pseudomonas spp. can grow well in the skin and muscle of poultry meat by using carbonhydrates and amino acids at refrigeration temperature (4 °C). They are mainly responsible for the spoilage of poultry meat with their enzymatic activiy. For this purpose, a total of 107 chicken drumstick samples were analyzed for the presence of Pseudomonas species (Pseudomonas fragi, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas putida, Pseudomonas lundensis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa). Of the samples, 92.5% found to be contaminated with Pseudomonas spp. A total of 99 isolates were confirmed as Pseudomonas spp. by PCR, targeting the 16S rDNA gene. Among the 99 isolates, 78.7% were identified as P. fluorescens, whereas P. fragi, P. putida, P. lundensis, and P. aeruginosa were not detected in the study. The findings show that P. fluorescens is the most prevalent species in refrigerated poultry meat, thus posing a potential risk for the spoilage of poultry meat.Bu çalışmada, soğukta muhafaza edilen kanatlı etlerinin Pseudomonas türleri gibi psikrotrofik bakterilerle kontaminasyonunun belirlenmesi amaçlandı. Pseudomonas’lar soğuk muhafaza şartlarında (4 °C’de) kanatlı etindeki karbonhidratlar ile amino asitleri kullanarak deri ve kasta kolaylıkla gelişebilir. Enzimatik aktiviteleri ile kanatlı etlerinin bozulmasından esas olarak sorumludurlar. Bu amaçla, toplam 107 adet tavuk baget örneğinde Pseudomonas türlerinin (Pseudomonas fragi, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas putida, Pseudomonas lundensis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) varlığı analiz edildi. Örneklerin % 92.5'inin Pseudomonas spp. ile kontamine olduğu bulundu. Toplam 99 izolat, 16S rDNA geni hedef alınarak Pseudomonas spp. yönünden PCR ile doğrulandı. Çalışmada 99 izolatın %78,7'si P. fluorescens olarak identifiye edilirken, P. fragi, P. putida, P. lundensis ve P. aeruginosa tespit edilemedi. Bulgular, soğukta muhafaza edilen kanatlı etlerinde P. fluorescens'in en yaygın tür olduğunu ve dolayısıyla, kanatlı etinin bozulması için potansiyel bir risk oluşturduğunu göstermektedir

    Farklı nitelikteki biyolojik ağların entegrasyonu ve yerel topolojik özellik vektörleri tabanlı karşılaştırılması

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    TÜBİTAK EEEAG Proje01.12.2016In this project, we developed a framework for the analysis of integrated genome-scale networks using using directed graphlet signatures. In addition, we developed a novel graph layout algorithm specific for visualizing aligned networks. Analysis of integrated genome-scale networks is a challenging problem due to heterogeneity of high-throughput data. There are several topological measures, such as graphlet counts, for characterization of biological networks. In this project, we present methods for counting small sub-graph patterns in integrated genome-scale networks which are modeled as labeled multidigraphs. We have obtained physical, regulatory, and metabolic interactions between H. sapiens proteins from the Pathway Commons database. The integrated network is filtered for tissue/disease specific proteins by using a large-scale human transcriptional profiling study, resulting in several tissue and disease specific sub-networks. We have applied and extended the idea of graphlet counting in undirected protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks to directed multi-labeled networks and represented each network as a vector of graphlet counts. Graphlet counts are assessed for statistical significance by comparison against a set of randomized networks. We present our results on analysis of differential graphlets between different conditions and on the utility of graphlet count vectors for clustering multiple condition specific networks. Our results show that there are numerous statistically significant graphlets in integrated biological networks and the graphlet signature vector can be used as an effective representation of a multi-labeled network for clustering and systems level analysis of tissue/disease specific networks. In addition, the proposed graph layout algorithm can be used to visualize the similarities and differences between aligned regions of these network

    The prevalence of drug-drug interactions and reported therapy related side-effects in oncology out-patients

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    Objective: The use of multiple medications in cancer patients is unavoidable; thus, adverse drug-drug interactions are frequent. This study aims to assess the prevalence of potential drug interactions in oncology patients visiting the outpatient chemotherapy unit. Method: Demographic and health-related information of patients visiting an outpatient chemotherapy unit was recorded using a pre-prepared form. A comprehensive list of all concurrently used medications was compiled and checked for interactions with the Micromedex online drug interaction tool.Results: A total of 179 adult patients were included. We recorded an average of 9.3 drugs per patient with 79 patients using more than 10 drugs. A total of 1671 drugs including 303 chemotherapeutic agents were assessed for drug-drug interactions. A total of 374 interactions, of which 203 were significant, were recorded in 118 (65.9%) patients with an average of 3.2 interactions per patient. Only 46 major interactions were recorded for anticancer agents. Cyclophosphamide (n=13) and cisplatin (n=12) were involved in most interactions. The number of interactions correlated with the number of drugs used (p=.001) and the presence of comorbidities (p=.002). The presence of comorbidities increased the risk of interaction by 1.21 (p=.04). Recorded side effects were not correlated to drug interactions. Conclusion: Medication review in cancer patients is essential in establishing all medications used by patients. Routine assessment in terms of potential drug interactions and evaluation of these interactions by a qualified pharmacist may help in optimizing patient outcomes

    Evaluation of central and peripheral neuropathy in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Conclusion: Central and peripheral nervous system involvement could develop in patients with moderate-severe COPD, and these patients should be monitored for neuropathic changes in combination with neurological examination

    Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis mimicking iron deficiency anemia: a delayed diagnosis?

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    Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis (IPH) is an uncommon chronic disorder in children. It is characterized by recurrent pulmonary hemorrhage and may result in hemoptysis and pulmonary insufficiency. The most common hematologic manifestation of IPH is iron deficiency anemia. The etiology of IPH is not known and its diagnosis may be difficult due to the variable clinical courses. The most helpful signs for identifying IPH are iron deficiency anemia and recurrent or chronic cough, hemoptysis, dyspnea, wheezing. We report here 5 pediatric cases of IPH presenting with iron deficiency anemia and without pulmonary symptoms. Mean corpuscular volume was low in all patients; iron was low in 4 out of 5 cases; total iron binding capacity was high in all of them; ferritin was low in 3 patients. At follow up, none of them had responded successfully to the iron therapy. Although they didn’t present with pulmonary symptoms, chest radiographs incidentally revealed diffuse reticulonoduler shadows in all of them. Computed tomography revealed diffuse ground-glass opacities, consolidation, increased density. The diagnosis was confirmed by the detection of hemosiderinladen macrophages in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and gastric aspirate. If patients with iron deficiency anemia don’t respond to iron therapy, they should be examined for IPH. Chest radiographs should be taken even in absence of pulmonary symptoms. Early diagnosis is important for a timely management of IPH

    Trakya Bölgesi'nin İşgücü Piyasası Analizi

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    Trakya Bölgesi’nin işgücü piyasası genç işgücü arzının yüksek olduğu ve işgücünün çoğunun hizmetler sektöründe istihdam edildiği bir piyasadır. Bölgede tarım üretiminin yapılabileceği alanlar bulunmasına rağmen zamanla tarım sektöründe istihdamın azaldığı görülmektedir. Özellikle İstanbul sanayisinin bir kısmının son yıllarda bölgeye taşınması tarım işgücünün sanayiye kaymasına neden olmuş istihdamın yapısını değişikliğe uğratmıştır. İşgücü piyasası, ekonomik dalgalanmalardan en çok etkilenen piyasa olduğu için özellikle kriz dönemlerinde reel yurtiçi taleplerdeki düşmeler nedeniyle üretimin daralması sonucunda işsizlik oranlarında artışlar meydana gelir. Trakya Bölgesi’nde de 2008 küresel krizinden sonra işgücü piyasasında olumsuz gelişmeler yaşanmış, işgücü arzında artışlar olurken istihdam oranında azalmalar gerçekleşmiştir

    Sosyal Hizmetler ve Yoksulluk

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    Modern ve sosyal devlet anlayışında ortaya çıkan sosyal hizmetler, yoksulluğun azaltılmasında ve yoksulların korunmasında önemli bir araçtır. Sosyal hizmetlerin temel amacı, yardıma ihtiyaç duyan bireylerin muhtaçlık durumunun ortadan kaldırılmasını sağlamak, yaşamlarının insani bir şekilde devam ettirilmesine yardımcı olmaktır. Sosyal devlet kavramı kamu kurum ve kuruluşlarına bu anlamda önemli görevler yüklemektedir. Ancak bu görevi sadece resmi kurumların üstlenmesi yoksulluğun şiddetini azaltmakta yetersiz kalabilir. Kamu kurum ve kuruluşlar her ne kadar bu konuda büyük çalışma alanına sahip olsa da, sosyal hizmete ihtiyacı olan her bireye ulaşılması mümkün olunmayabilir

    Psychological Human Factor in Economics: Behavioral Economics

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    Matematik, ekonomide karşılaşılan karmaşık sorunların çözümünde uzun yıllar bir araç olarak kullanılmıştır. Ekonominin ölçülebilir olgulara sahip olması, matematiksel formülasyonların etkin şekilde kullanılmasına olanak sağlamıştır. Çeşitli iktisadi ekollere bağlı teorisyenlerin hepsi matematiksel formülasyonları kullanmasa da, Alfred Marshall, Irving Fisher ve John Maynard Keynes gibi önemli iktisatçıların modelleri, iktisatta matematiğin yoğun bir şekilde kullanılmasına neden olmuştur. Ancak bazı teorisyenlere göre iktisat, insan faktörlü sosyal bir bilimdir. İnsanoğlu ise matematiksel bir dille anlatılamayacak kadar karmaşık ve davranışları öngörülemez bir varlıktır. Bu nedenle ekonomik olayların sadece matematiksel modellerle açıklanması yetersiz olacaktır. Davranışsal iktisat, insanın ekonomik davranışlarının psikolojik unsurlarla incelenmesi gerektiğini vurgulayarak iktisada katkı sağlamıştır.Mathematics has long been used as a tool in solving complex problems encountered in economics. That economics has measurable phenomena, has made the effective use of mathematical formulations possible. Although not all theorists from different economic schools use mathematical formulations, the models of some important economists such as Alfred Marshall, Irving Fisher and John Maynard Keynes have led to the intensive use of mathematics in economics. Yet, according to some theorists, economics is a social science with the human factor. And the human race, whose behaviors cannot be predicted, is a far complex entity to be described by any mathematical language. For this reason, it will be inadequate to explain economic situations merely with mathematical models. Behavioral economics, has made a contribution to economics by emphasizing the necessity of examining the economic behavior of people from psychological aspects