88 research outputs found

    Ecological properties and close relationships of some Scilla L. Taxa (asparagaceae) in Turkey

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    Ecological properties of some Scilla L. taxa [S. bifolia L., S. melaina Speta, S. siberica Haw. subsp. armena (Grossh.) Mordak, S. leepii Speta, S. ingridae Speta, S. mesopotamica Speta, S. autumnalis L., S. monanthos C. Koch., S. rosenii C. Koch. and S. cilicica Siehe] were compared and relationships among taxa were determined. S.leepii and S. mesopotamica are endemic to Turkey. Because of various reasons, S. melaina, S. leepii, S. ingridae, S. mesopotamica, S. monanthos, S. siberica subsp. armena, S. rosenii and S. cilicica have limited distribution in Turkey. The investigated taxa have fragrant flowers, so are used as ornamental plant in gardens, parks and balconies in Turkey. Soil samples of the taxa were taken in flowering periods and physical and chemical properties (texture class, % of total salinity, pH, % of CaCO3, % of organic matter, % of total N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Cu, Fe and Zn (in mg/kg) were determined. According to the similarities and differences in ecological characteristics, the taxa were divided into four groups. 1st group: S. melaina, S. leepii, S. ingridae and S. mesopotamica; 2nd group: S. siberica subsp. armena and S. cilicica; 3rd group: S. bifolia and S. autumnalis; 4th group: S. rosenii and S. monanthos. From the data, it has been found that organic matter, N, P, K, Ca, Fe and Zn values are more effective than the other soil factors in the distributions of the investigated taxa. © 2018 Friends Science Publishers

    Child-Pugh classification dependent alterations in serum leptin levels among cirrhotic patients: a case controlled study

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    BACKGROUND: As anorexia and hypermetabolism are common in cirrhosis, leptin levels may be increased in this disease. In this study, we investigated the relation between the severity of disease and serum leptin levels in post-hepatitis cirrhosis and the role of body composition, gender and viral aetiology of cirrhosis in this association. METHODS: Thirty-five cases with post-hepatitis cirrhosis and 15 healthy controls were enrolled in this study. Body composition including body mass index, body fat percentage and body fat mass were determined. Serum leptin levels were assayed. RESULTS: Leptin levels were significantly higher among cirrhotic patients independent of sex compared to controls (p = 0.001). Female patients in both groups have had higher leptin levels than males (in cirrhotics p = 0.029, in controls p = 0.02). Cirrhotic patients in each of A, B and C subgroups according to the Child- Pugh classification revealed significantly different levels compared to controls (p = 0.046, p = 0.004, p = 0.0001, respectively). Male cirrhotics in Child-Pugh Class B and C subgroups had significantly higher leptin levels compared to male controls (p = 0.006, p = 0.008). On the other hand, female patients only in Child Pugh class C subgroup have had higher levels of serum leptin compared to controls (p = 0.022). Child-Pugh classification has been found to be the sole discriminator in determination of leptin levels in cirrhotics by linear regression (beta: 0.435 p = 0.015). CONCLUSION: Serum leptin levels increase in advanced liver disease independently of gender, body composition in posthepatitic cirrhosis. The increase is more abundant among patients that belong to C subgroup according to the Child- Pugh classification


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    In the present study, anatomic and ecologic characteristics of 5 Crocus L. taxa (C. baytopiorum Mathew, C. biflorus Miller subsp. crewei (Hooker) Mathew, C. biflorus subsp. isauricus (Siehe ex Bowles) Mathew, C. biflorus subsp. pseudonubigena Mathew and C. cancellatus Herbert subsp. cancellatus) were compared. These taxa have both endemic (except subsp. crewei) and limited distribution in Turkey. The subsp. isauricus subsp. crewei and C. baytopiorum are flowering in early spring whereas subsp. cancellatus and subsp. pseudonubigena are flowering in autumn. In anatomical studies, the cross-sections of the stem and leaves of these taxa were examined. Moreover, arms, keel, micropapillae, mesophyll, stomata types, shape of the epidermis cells, crystal types and vascular bundles properties of the leaves were investigated. The number and the status of vascular bundles in stem, the status of mesophyll layer in leaves of these taxa were asserted as important taxonomic characters. The chemical and physical analysis of the soil samples were also determined


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    Comparative anatomic and ecologic investigation on some endemic Crocus taxa (Iridaceae) in Turkey

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    In the present study, anatomic and ecologic characteristics of 5 Crocus L. taxa (C. baytopiorum Mathew, C. biflorus Miller subsp. crewei (Hooker) Mathew, C. biflorus subsp. isauricus (Siehe ex Bowles) Mathew, C. biflorus subsp. pseudonubigena Mathew and C. cancellatus Herbert subsp. cancellatus) were compared. These taxa have both endemic (except subsp. crewei) and limited distribution in Turkey. The subsp. isauricus subsp. crewei and C. baytopiorum are flowering in early spring whereas subsp. cancellatus and subsp. pseudonubigena are flowering in autumn. In anatomical studies, the cross-sections of the stem and leaves of these taxa were examined. Moreover, arms, keel, micropapillae, mesophyll, stomata types, shape of the epidermis cells, crystal types and vascular bundles properties of the leaves were investigated. The number and the status of vascular bundles in stem, the status of mesophyll layer in leaves of these taxa were asserted as important taxonomic characters. The chemical and physical analysis of the soil samples were also determined

    Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita: Analysis of twelve cases

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    Objective: The term arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC) refers to multiple joint contractures present at birth. AMC is not a specific disorder but is the consequence of neurological, Muscular, connective tissue, and skeletal abnormalities or intrauterine crowding, which may lead to limitation of fetal joint mobility and the development of contractures. Methods: Cases referred to our perinatology department for detailed examination were retrospectively analyzed. Results: Twelve cases with AMC were detected during the antenatal period. The ultrasound features related to the "lack of movement" included limb abnormalities (multiple contractures, clenched hands, and clubbed feet), short umbilical cord, polyhydramnios, pulmonary hypoplasia, camptodactyly, and micrognathia. Five of the early detected cases (71%) were found to have increased nuchal translucency or nuchal fold. All of the cases at the third trimester resulted in neonatal death. Conclusion: First trimester screening may be useful for early diagnosis of AMC. Sonographic findings in late pregnancy might be helpful in predicting the prognosis. Due to the high recurrence risk, a specific screening program should be performed for the following pregnancies by examination of the fetus several times for movement and position of the limbs

    Cortical excitability in Duchenne muscular dystrophy

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    Objective: To investigate the probable cortical excitability changes in DMD by electrophysiological means