23 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Pertumbuhan Sambungan Eucalyptus Pellita F. Muell Dengan Teknik Veneer Grafting

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    Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell is one of the promising species for pulp production in Indonesia.  Tree breeding activities of this species have been developed to investigate a high productivity of Eucalypt through the selection of genetically improved individual trees. Vegetative propagation technique is an important tool needed to multiple the trees. Veneer Grafting is one of the recommended propagation techniques. The objective of the research is to study the compatibility of several E. Pellita clones that are produced from plus trees. Implemented by  Completely Randomized Design (CRD), the research was used 36 E. pellita families and 6 hibryds of  E. pellita x E. brassiana as the treatment with 4 replications. The result showed that the clone of E. pellita was significantly different effecting growth variation of clone adaptability, shoot number, shoot length, and shoot diameter.  Clone adaptability was range from 0  -  100%. Shoot number was around 1-3 stems. Shoot length was range 0.17 cm – 17.82 cm and the shoot diameter was 0.10 mm – 2.27 mm in range. The clone (number 19) from Keru To Nata WP Papua New Guinea was invented as the best in adaptability (100%) during the observation period, while clone (number 33) was the best growth performance in  shoot number, shoot diameter and shoot length.Key words : Growth, Eucalyptus pellita, veneer graftin

    Variasi Kandungan Kimia Minyak Cendana (Santalum Album Linn) dari Berbagai Provenans di Indonesia

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    Kualitas minyak cendana (Santalum album Linn) ditentukan oleh adanya 2 kandungan komponen Sesquiterpene, yakni α-santalol dan β-santalol. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui variasi kandungan kimia cendana dari berbagai provenans. Sebanyak 54 sampel dari 8 provenans dan satu ras lahan diambil dari tanaman cendana umur 13 tahun di Hutan Penelitian Watusipat, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. Serbuk kayu cendana didapatkan dengan cara mengebor batang cendana setinggi 10 cm di atas permukaan tanah. Serbuk diekstrasi dengan larutan n-hexane untuk mendapatkan larutan minyak. Kandungan kimia larutan cendana dianalisis menggunakan GC-MS (gas chromatography-mass spectrometry). Hasil analisis menunjukkan adanya variasi kandungan kimia baik antar provenans maupun individu dalam provenans yang ditemukan pada 11 sampel dari 6 provenans. Senyawa golongan Sesquiterpene, Monoterpene dan komponen kimia lainnya ditemukan dalam jumlah yang bervariasi. Komponen utama dari hasil pengujian adalah α-santalol (32,38%-78,29%) dan β-santalol (5,45%-37,83%) diikuti oleh epi-β-santalol (5,97%-17,16%), P-Menth-2-En-9-OL-Trans (2,87%-8,53%) dan α-sinensal (3,83%-9,39%)

    Variation of Chemical Compounds of Sandalwood Oil From Various Provenances in Indonesia

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    The quality of sandalwood (Santalum album Linn) oil primarily depends on the compound of two major sesquiterpenes (α-santalol and β-santalol). The aim of this research was to identify variation of chemical compounds of sandalwood oil from various provenances. Fifty four samples from 8 provenances and one land race taken from 13th years old sandalwood planted at Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta Indonesia. Sandalwood powder were obtained by drilling tree at 10 cm above the ground horizontally. The samples were extracted with n-hexane solvent. Identification of chemical compounds of this essential oils were conducted by gas chromatography mass spectrometry analysis (GCMS). The GCMS investigation of sandalwood oils showed that variation compounds both among individual within provenance and between provenances were found in 11 individual from 6 provenances. Compounds such as sesquiterpene, monoterpenes, and others, were found in variying amount. The results showed that α-santalol (32.38-78.29%), β-santalol (5.45%-37.83%) were the major compounds with varying quantities of compounds range of epi-β-santalol (5.97-17.16%), P-Menth-2-En-9-OL-Trans (2.87%-8.53%), and α-sinensal (3.83-9.39%)

    A Brief of Center For Forest Biotechnology And Tree Improvement Yogyakarta Indonesia

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    2010 Annual Meeting Presentatio

    Pertumbuhan Dan Parameter Genetik Uji Keturunan Sengon (Falcataria Moluccana) Di Cikampek, Jawa Barat

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    Genetically improved seed is one of the important factors in producing a high volume increment of sengon (Falcataria moluccana (Miq.) Barneby & J. W. Grimes) Plantation forest in Indonesia. A progeny test of sengon was established at Cikampek West Java in 2008. The plot was arranged in a randomized complete block design, consisting of 80 families, 4 tree line plot and 6 blocks. At 6 and 12 months of age the progeny test was measured for stem diameter and height growth. Seed source and family had significant effect on both stem diameter and tree height at six months old, but the seed source did not have significant influence on growth at one year old. Heritability estimate for stem diameter was low (h2i = 0.07) while that of height was moderate (h2i = 0.10). Genetic correlation between diameter and height was strong (rg = 0.90), while age-age correlation for diameter (-0.05) and height (0.04) were low

    Evaluasi Pertumbuhan Awal Kebun Benih Semai Uji Keturunan Sengon ( Falcataria Moluccana Sinonim : Paraserianthes Falcataria) Umur 4 Bulan di Cikampek Jawa Barat

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    Kebutuhan benih sengon (Falcataria moluccana) terus meningkat, seiring dengan bertambah luasnya hutan tanaman sengon di Indonesia. Sementara itu, keberadaan benih sengon berkualitas untuk meningkatkan produktivitasnya masih terbatas. Salah satu kegiatan penelitian dalam rangka menghasilkan benih sengon bergenetik baik, telah dilakukan oleh Balai Besar Penelitian Bioteknologi dan Pemuliaan Tanaman Hutan Yogyakarta melalui pembangunan Kebun Benih Semai Uji Keturunan Sengon di Cikampek Jawa Barat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kinerja pertumbuhan dan parameter genetik kebun benih sengon tersebut pada umur 4 bulan. Kebun benih ini didisain menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Berblok (RALB) yang terdiri dari 80 famili, 4 treeplot dan 6 blok. Variabel penelitian yang diamati adalah persen hidup, pertumbuhan dan beberapa paramater genetik. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa persen hidup rata-rata sengon berkisar antara 82,47 % sampai dengan 93,38%, sedangkan hasil analisis varian terhadap diameter batang dan tinggi tanaman menunjukkan berbeda nyata. Pertumbuhan rerata diameter batang mencapai 0,87 cm dan tinggi 0,76 m. Taksiran nilai heritabilitas diameter (h2i = 0,10) dan tinggi ((h2 i = 0,16)) termasuk klasifikasi sedang/moderat. Korelasi genetik diameter x tinggi cukup kuat (rg = 0,90) dan lebih tinggi dari korelasi fenotip (rp = 0,78)

    Keragaman Pertumbuhan Uji Keturunan Jati (Tectona Grandis L.F) Umur 5 Tahun Di Ciamis, Jawa Barat

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    In Indonesia the demand of genetically improvement seed of teak has been increasing due to the expansion of teak plantation, while the availability of high quality seed from seed orchard is very limited. A porgeny test of teak at Ciamis West Java that will be converted into a seedling seed orchard is planned to produce improved seed. The trial is laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), consisting of 160 families, 4 treeplots and 10 blocks. The objective of this research is to assess the growth and its variation among the families tested at 5 years old. The best tree height (12 m) was achieved by several seed sources, while the best diameter (14.6 cm) and volume increament (27.21 M3/ha/years) was from Ciamis local seed source. Family affected diameter and volume growth significantly, but not for tree height. Individual tree heriability for stem diameter was low (0.09), while that for stem volume was moderate ().10). The genetic correlation between height and diameter was strong (rg=0.84)