16 research outputs found

    Analisis Dampak Perubahan Iklim terhadap Produksi Tanaman Pangan pada Lahan Kering dan Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasinya

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    Changes in the frequency and severity of extreme climate events and in the variability of weather patterns will have significant consequences for stability of agricultural system. Research objectives were to a) analyze the Impact of Climate Change on Food Crops in Dryland b) develop a software prototype analysis of the impact of climate change on food production, especially upland rice and maize on dry land; c) create a simulation with multiple scenarios of the impact of climate change on dry land. The study was conducted in South Sulawesi, West Nusatenggara and East Nusatenggara.The activities were carried out by projecting precipitation using scenarios: a) SRESA2 (Scenarios of climate change by assuming economic growth is lower and population growth remains high so the rate of greenhouse gas emissions increased, b) SRESB1 (scenario of climate change by assuming mitigation efforts through expanding efficient use of energy and technology improvements so that the emission levels are lower) and making projections of production of upland rice and maize using Decission Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) as resource information in the preparation of prototype software information Systems Climate Change Impacts on Crop Production (SIDaPi TaPa). The system was built based on the analysis simulation model projections of production output DSSAT. Based on SRES scenarios A2, the decline in rainfall increased until 2050 in several districts, in South Sulawesi, West Nusatenggara and East Nusatenggara.Treatment of adaptation through SRESB1 scenarios could be effective to anticipate a decrease in rainfall in some regions, either in 2025 or 2050. In general, the region experiencing a decrease in rainfall will also decrease in production of both upland rice and maize production. The decline in upland rice production by SRESA2 scenario until 2050 was between 20-25%, and by a scenario adaptation SRESB1 the decline in production could be minimized to only between 7 -10%.The decline in maize production in the plot until 2050 by SRESA2 was between 9-15%, using scenarios to reduce production SRESB1 was only 5-8%. SIDAPI TAPA is a software analysis of the impact of climate change on food production, especially upland rice and maize on dry land in South Sulawesi, West Nusatenggara and East Nusatenggara


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    Lack of water in reproductive phases (flowering, fruit formation and maturation) of mango can reduce fruit production and quality. In these phases the plant must be protected from water stress. The aim of the research was to assess the effect of irrigation on the productivity and quality of mango fruits. The study was conducted at the Cukurgondang Experimental Station, Pasuruan, East Java, from April to December 2013, using 40 mango trees of 21 year-old Arumanis variety. Mangoes were planted on five rows with eight plants for each row and 6 m x 6 m spacing within the row. Fan jet sprayer irrigation was installed using hose according to plant diameter. The irrigation technique of fan jet sprayer with four nozzles per plant was applied at 125, 100, 75, 50 and 0% of crop water requirements or equal to 828, 663, 497, 331 and 0 liters of water per tree, every seven days. The parameters observed were the number and weight of fallen fruits and the number, weight and quality of mangoes harvested. The results showed that irrigation of 50% and 75% of crop water requirement had the highest and lowest number of fallen fruits (26% and 14% of total production), respectively. The highest and lowest total number of mangoes were 3.108 and 1904 fruits, respectively, which were achieved at irrigation of 50% and 75% of crop water requirement. Further, the highest and lowest total weight of mango fruits were 1036.2 and 677.9 kg respectively which were achieved at irrigation of 50% and 125% of crop water requirement. Mango fruits produced were dominated by grades 2 and 3 with A quality

    Analysis of Climate and Soil Variables as Determinant Factors for Internal Quality of Tawangmangu Citrus

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    In Tawangmangu, citrus (Citrus nobilis L.) has a specific taste which may be affected by biophysical characteristics such as soil and climate. Yet, the nature of this citrus in relation with biophysical characteristics is rarely studied. The present study was aimed to (1) identify variables of soil and climate that affect the quality of citrus, and (2) characterize the quality of citrus spatially and temporally. The study was conducted covering deskstudy, field survey and laboratory analysis. Climate and soil parameters were ascertained by identifying citrus and its production, characterizing the farmer practices, observing selected climate and soil parameters, and formulating the selected climate and soil parameters in every stage of citrus growth. The quality of citrus product was ascertained throughlaboratory and organoleptic analysis. The results showed that citrus has better internal quality under the topography of more than 1,000 m above sea level (asl) and the average rainfall of 3,166 mm year-1, on Acrudoxin Hapludands soils compared with that growing in area of lower than 1,000 m asl and the average rainfall of 2,715 mm year-1 on Typic Dystrudepts soils. Citrus of Tawangmangu with good quality of yield needs low temperatureabout 190C and radiation about 320 kal cm-2 in flowering season while high and stable temperature of 22-230C and radiation about 400 kal cm-2 are needed during maturing period until fruiting period. Total Dissolved Solid and acid values significantly affected by most of macro nutrient i.e. N, P, K and micro nutrient i.e. Fe, B, and Cu, and also sand mineral i.e. opaque, volcanic glass and labradorit under the topography of more than 1,000 m asl. Meanwhile in area of lower than 1,000 m asl, total solublesolidity significantly affected by CEC, Al, organic matter, micro nutrient and also Opaque, Volcanic Glass and Labradorit. Acid value significantly affected by macro nutrient. Sweets content significantly affected by Hornblende, Augit, and Hiperstin. Therefore, citrus of Tawangmangu can be more adaptable if planted in Typic Dystrudepts on area of more than 1,000 m asl

    Production and Quality Enhancement of Mango Using Fan Jet Sprayer Irrigation Technique

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    Lack of water in reproductive phases (flowering, fruit formation and maturation) of mango can reduce fruit production and quality. In these phases the plant must be protected from water stress. The aim of the research was to assess the effect of irrigation on the productivity and quality of mango fruits. The study was conducted at the Cukurgondang Experimental Station, Pasuruan, East Java, from April to December 2013, using 40 mango trees of 21 year-old Arumanis variety. Mangoes were planted on five rows with eight plants for each row and 6 m x 6 m spacing within the row. Fan jet sprayer irrigation was installed using hose according to plant diameter. The irrigation technique of fan jet sprayer with four nozzles per plant was applied at 125, 100, 75, 50 and 0% of crop water requirements or equal to 828, 663, 497, 331 and 0 liters of water per tree, every seven days. The parameters observed were the number and weight of fallen fruits and the number, weight and quality of mangoes harvested. The results showed that irrigation of 50% and 75% of crop water requirement had the highest and lowest number of fallen fruits (26% and 14% of total production), respectively. The highest and lowest total number of mangoes were 3.108 and 1904 fruits, respectively, which were achieved at irrigation of 50% and 75% of crop water requirement. Further, the highest and lowest total weight of mango fruits were 1036.2 and 677.9 kg respectively which were achieved at irrigation of 50% and 125% of crop water requirement. Mango fruits produced were dominated by grades 2 and 3 with A quality

    Institutional Innovation of Integrated Cropping Calendar Information System to Support Climate Change Adaptation for National Food Security

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    Government of Indonesia has set the rice surplus target of 10 million tons in 2014. This program requires integrated and comprehensive efforts of all stakeholders in central and local levels. The policy was set forth in form of Permentan No. 45/2011 and then implemented by the Director General of Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development (IAARD) through a decree No. 178.1/Kpts/OT.160/I/7/2012 about For- mation of Integrated Cropping Calendar and Climate Change Task Force in each Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology (AIAT) for whole Indonesia. Additionally, IAARD has developed an Integrated Cropping Calendar Information System as a reference for policy makers in planning food crop management. The information system contains the next planting season estimation at sub-district level, which includes the initial time of planting, disaster-prone areas (flood, drought, and pests/diseases), as well as technology recommendation (varieties, seed, and fertilizer). In order to make an operational standard for AIAT Task Force, the Technical Guideline of Integrated Cropping Calendar and Climate Change is imperative. This article contains the summary of the technical guideline for AIAT Task Force in support of Permentan No. 45/2011 and climate change adaptation for food security. An implication of implementation of the AIAT Task Force is an important part in improving the content of Integrated Cropping Calendar Information System that fits the needs of farmers and extension workers in the field in order to achieve the rice surplus target

    Sistem Informasi Kalender Tanam Terpadu: Status Terkini Dan Tantangan Kedepan

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    Abstrak. Penetapan waktu tanam yang tepat merupakan salah satu penentu keberhasilan panen dan peningatan produktifitas tanaman pangan. Kearifan lokal dan cara konvensional yang digunakan untuk menerapkan pola tanam telah mengalami bias akibat pergeseran awal musim tanam. Untuk memandu penyuluh dalam menyesuaikan waktu dan pola tanam, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian mengembangkan Sistem Kalender Tanam Terpadu untuk menjawab permasalahan mendasar terkait dengan pengamanan dan peningkatan produksi beras nasional menghadapi varibilitas dan perubahan iklim. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan perkembangan sistem informasi kalender tanam terpadu berbasis web pada level kecamatan untuk seluruh Indonesia. Sistem ini dibangun dengan mengintegrasikan tiga sub-sistem, yaitu sub-sistem data, model dan pencarian, yang dapat diakses melalui alamat litbang.deptan.go.id. Informasi utama yang diperoleh dari sistem ini adalah estimasi awal waktu tanam tanaman padi untuk musim tanam yang akan datang. Selain itu, pengguna dapat memperoleh informasi wilayah yang rawan terkena bencana seperti kekeringan, banjir dan serangan organisme pengganggu tanaman. Informasi lain adalah rekomendasi teknologi berupa pupuk, varietas, dan kebutuhan benih yang perlu disiapkan pengguna sebelum masuk periode musim tanam tersebut. Oleh karena itu, sistem ini perlu diperbaiki minimal tiga kali setahun pada setiap awal musim tanam untuk seluruh kecamatan di Indonesia. Tantangan pengembangan sistem kalender tanam terpadu ke depan adalah: (1) pemanasan global mengakibatkan iklim yang sulit diprediksi dan mempengaruhi akurasi estimasi awal waktu tanam, (2) penurunan produktivitas dan produksi yang tentunya membutuhkan informasi inovasi teknologi yang makin kompleks, serta (3) alih fungsi dan fragmentasi lahan pertanian yang mengakibatkan pengurangan luas baku sawah. Pemeliharaan dan pengembangan sistem ini tetap diperlukan, untuk meningkatkan kualitas data maupun informasi agar semakin memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna.Abstract. The accuracy in determining time of planting is one of determining factors in securing good harvest and increasing yield of food crop. Local wisdom and other conventional ways applied previously in determining cropping pattern are no longer appropriate because of shifting seasons. As a guideline for extension workers in determining cropping pattern and time of planting, Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development has published information system of integrated cropping calendar to secure national rice production in coping with climate variability and climate change. This paper aims to describe the development of web-based Information System of Integrated Cropping Calendar at a sub-district level. The system is constructed by integrating three sub-systems, namely sub-system data, model and query and can be accessed through the website address at www.litbang.deptan.go.id. The main information that can be obtained from this system is initial estimate of paddy planting time for the upcoming planting season. In addition, the users can obtain information on disaster prone areas such as droughts, floods and pests attack. Other informations are recommended technology for varieties, seed requirement and fertilizers, that be prepared by users prior to growing season period. Therefore, this system needs to be improved for all sub-districts in Indonesia at least three times a year of the beginning of each growing season. The challenges of developing integrated cropping calendar system for the future are: (1) global warming increases unpredictable weather that impacts on the accuracy of planting time estimate, (2) decreases in productivity and yield production which would require an increasingly technological innovation informations, and (3)land conversion and fragmentation of agricultural land resulting in reduction of paddy field area. Maintenance and development of this system are still needed, to improve the quality of data and information in order to meet the user needs

    Sistem Informasi Kalender Tanam Terpadu: Status Terkini Dan Tantangan Kedepan

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    . The accuracy in determining time of planting is one of determining factors in securing good harvest and increasing yield of food crop. Local wisdom and other conventional ways applied previously in determining cropping pattern are no longer appropriate because of shifting seasons. As a guideline for extension workers in determining cropping pattern and time of planting, Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development has published information system of integrated cropping calendar to secure national rice production in coping with climate variability and climate change. This paper aims to describe the development of web-based Information System of Integrated Cropping Calendar at a sub-district level. The system is constructed by integrating three sub-systems, namely sub-system data, model and query and can be accessed through the website address at www.litbang.deptan.go.id. The main information that can be obtained from this system is initial estimate of paddy planting time for the upcoming planting season. In addition, the users can obtain information on disaster prone areas such as droughts, floods and pests attack. Other informations are recommended technology for varieties, seed requirement and fertilizers, that be prepared by users prior to growing season period. Therefore, this system needs to be improved for all sub-districts in Indonesia at least three times a year of the beginning of each growing season. The challenges of developing integrated cropping calendar system for the future are: (1) global warming increases unpredictable weather that impacts on the accuracy of planting time estimate, (2) decreases in productivity and yield production which would require an increasingly technological innovation informations, and (3)land conversion and fragmentation of agricultural land resulting in reduction of paddy field area. Maintenance and development of this system are still needed, to improve the quality of data and information in order to meet the user needs

    Communication model in the implementation of integrated cropping calendar information system in North Sumatra

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    Integrated Cropping Calendar Information System (ICCIS) is an application used to convey innovative research results related to cropping patterns, varieties, fertilization, pest attacks, agricultural tools and machinery. This study aims to identify the influencing factors and communication models in the implementation of ICCIS in the North Sumatra region. Data analysis uses the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) method. The result showed that the ICCIS Task Force Team (TGT Katam), characteristics of farmers, and characteristics of ICCIS have positive effects on the level of implementation of ICCIS by farmers, with variable significance values of 3.902, 3.851, and 8,296, respectively. In related to the level of application of ICCIS by farmers, the analysis results have a positive effect on the added value of the use of ICCIS with a significance value of 6.509. TGT Katam received ICCIS information from the central cropping calendar team and the technical implementation unit that oversees it. TGT Katam in the North Sumatra region delivered ICCIS information to farmers through socialization and demonstration plots. Interpersonal communication and the demonstration plot media encouraged farmers to implement ICCIS recommendations. Satisfy the local wisdom, compatibility, data accuracy, trialability, observability, and relative advantage are indicators that farmers can implement ICCIS

    Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on early growth, root colonization, and chlorophyll content of North Maluku nutmeg cultivars

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    This study aimed to investigate the agronomic traits of nutmeg transplanting by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculation. The low-fertility soil of Sofifi North Maluku was subjected to a slow early growth stage of nutmeg cultivars. A completely randomized design was used in the experiment. The first factor was three different AMF doses: 0, 4, and 8 g seedlings−1. The second factor consisted of three cultivars: “Ternate 1,” “Tobelo 1,” and “Makian.” Root colonization and agronomic traits were measured 28 weeks after inoculation and transplantation. Results showed that AMF inoculation increased the AM colonization by 2.5–39.0%, significantly increased the leaf area (LA) (p < 0.01) in all cultivars, and interacted with cultivars to increase chlorophyll a (Chl a) (p < 0.05), chlorophyll b (Chl b) (p < 0.01), and total Chl (p < 0.01). Cultivars “Makian” showed the highest Chl (188.4%) at 8 g seedling−1 doses of AMF that were significantly (p < 0.01) different from the cultivar “Tobelo 1” at the same dose. The largest mycorrhizal response was found in the cultivar “Ternate 1” (biomass increase of 30–37.0%). The cultivar “Ternate 1” produced the largest LA (36.7–106.9%) and shoot dry weight (27.8–45.8%) that were significantly (p < 0.01) different from the other cultivars. The percentage of AM colonization was strongly determined (R 2 = 0.88) by Chl a, Chl b, and K content in leaves. This technology is a breakthrough to increase LA and plant biomass in the early growth stage of nutmeg cultivation