11 research outputs found

    The health care burden in rural Burkina Faso: Consequences and implications for insurance design

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    This paper maps the health care burden of households in rural Burkina Faso. More specifically we investigate the financial burden of health shocks and the manner in which households respond. Our data allows us to differentiate the burden of chronic illness and handicap, more frequent and recurring illnesses and episodes of severe illness, accident and mortality. We find that the burden of health shocks and health spending is high, ranging from one third of monthly non-medical consumption for the treatment of common infectious illnesses to almost three times the monthly non-medical spending in case of death of a household member. To cope, households deplete savings, sell livestock or reduce consumption. In case of severe shocks they are also heavily reliant on transfers from outside. Looking at the economic consequences of health shocks we find that illness of whichever type – severe, chronic or more common – reduces household consumption. Furthermore, households which suffered from a severe illness show significantly lower livestock holdings. Many of the health insurance schemes implemented in developing countries are not yet taking note of the burden of severe and chronic illness. However, in light of the universal health insurance coverage objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) it should be considered an area for future expansion

    The Costs of Implementing Vaccination With the RTS,S Malaria Vaccine in Five Sub-Saharan African Countries.

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    Background. The World Health Organization has recommended pilot implementation of a candidate vaccine against malaria (RTS,S/AS01) in selected sub-Saharan African countries. This exploratory study aimed to estimate the costs of implementing RTS,S in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, and Tanzania. Methods. Key informants of the expanded program on immunization at all levels in each country were interviewed on the resources required for implementing RTS,S for routine vaccination. Unit prices were derived from the same sources or from international price lists. Incremental costs in 2015 US dollars were aggregated per fully vaccinated child (FVC). It was assumed the four vaccine doses were either all delivered at health facilities or the fourth dose was delivered in an outreach setting. Results. The costs per FVC ranged from US25(BurkinaFaso)toUS25 (Burkina Faso) to US37 (Kenya) assuming a vaccine price of US5perdose.Acrosscountries,recurrentcostsrepresentedthelargestsharedominatedbyvaccines(includingwastage)andsupplycosts.Non−recurrentcostsvariedsubstantiallyacrosscountries,mainlybecauseofdifferencesinneedsforhiringpersonnel,inwages,incold−roomspace,andequipment.Recentvaccineintroductionsinthecountriesmayhavehadanimpactonresourceavailabilityforanewvaccineimplementation.Deliveringthefourthdoseinoutreachsettingsraisedthecosts,mostlyfuel,perFVCbylessthanUS5 per dose. Across countries, recurrent costs represented the largest share dominated by vaccines (including wastage) and supply costs. Non-recurrent costs varied substantially across countries, mainly because of differences in needs for hiring personnel, in wages, in cold-room space, and equipment. Recent vaccine introductions in the countries may have had an impact on resource availability for a new vaccine implementation. Delivering the fourth dose in outreach settings raised the costs, mostly fuel, per FVC by less than US1 regardless of the country. Conclusions. This study provides relevant information for donors and decision makers about the cost of implementing RTS,S. Variations within and across countries are important and the unknown future price per dose and wastage rate for this candidate vaccine adds substantially to the uncertainty about the actual costs of implementation