378 research outputs found

    The effects of close kinetic chain exercises on proprioception and physical activity level in pediatric patients with hemophilia

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    Introduction: Knee joint proprioception is affected, and lower extremity functioning declines over time in patients with hemophilia A. Aim: To investigate the effects of a structured exercise programme consisting of the close kinetic chain (CKC) exercises on proprioception and physical activity level in pediatric patients with hemophilia. Methods: A total of 21 patients with hemophilia A who had at least one target knee joint were randomized into three groups: Study Group (SG, n = 7), Conventional Treatment Group (CTG, n = 7) and Control Group (CG, n = 7). The SG received a structured, lower limb-specific exercise protocol consisting of CKC exercises 2 days a week for 12 weeks, in addition to prophylactic treatment. The CTG received exercise training as described in the published literature. The CG continued to receive prophylactic treatment during the study period. Proprioception was measured using a digital goniometer before and after treatment in open and closed kinetic chain positions (CKCPs). The Five Times Sit to Stand (STS), Timed Up and Go (TUG) and Functional Independence Score in Hemophilia were used for the assessment of physical activity level. Results: A significant pre/post-treatment difference was found among the groups in proprioception (p =.001) and physical activity level (TUG p =.008, STS p =.001, FISH p =.006). Improvements in proprioception and physical activity level were greater in the SG compared to the other two groups (p <.05). Conclusion: Compared to conventional exercise, the structured exercise protocol consisting of CKC exercise training produced improvements in proprioception and physical activity in patients with hemophilia A. © 2022 John Wiley & Sons Ltd


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    In the present paper, the notion of discrete weighted mean method of summability isextended the concept of statistical convergence. We also give the notion of statistical (M,P_{λ})-summability and [M,P_{λ}]_{q}-summability. We introduced some properties of this modes of convergenc

    Predicting sumoylation sites using support vector machines based on various sequence features, conformational flexibility and disorder

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    Background Sumoylation, which is a reversible and dynamic post-translational modification, is one of the vital processes in a cell. Before a protein matures to perform its function, sumoylation may alter its localization, interactions, and possibly structural conformation. Abberations in protein sumoylation has been linked with a variety of disorders and developmental anomalies. Experimental approaches to identification of sumoylation sites may not be effective due to the dynamic nature of sumoylation, laborsome experiments and their cost. Therefore, computational approaches may guide experimental identification of sumoylation sites and provide insights for further understanding sumoylation mechanism. Results In this paper, the effectiveness of using various sequence properties in predicting sumoylation sites was investigated with statistical analyses and machine learning approach employing support vector machines. These sequence properties were derived from windows of size 7 including position-specific amino acid composition, hydrophobicity, estimated sub-window volumes, predicted disorder, and conformational flexibility. 5-fold cross-validation results on experimentally identified sumoylation sites revealed that our method successfully predicts sumoylation sites with a Matthew's correlation coefficient, sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy equal to 0.66, 73%, 98%, and 97%, respectively. Additionally, we have showed that our method compares favorably to the existing prediction methods and basic regular expressions scanner. Conclusions By using support vector machines, a new, robust method for sumoylation site prediction was introduced. Besides, the possible effects of predicted conformational flexibility and disorder on sumoylation site recognition were explored computationally for the first time to our knowledge as an additional parameter that could aid in sumoylation site prediction

    Necessity of analgesics prescription after tooth extraction

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    Introduction. For patients and surgeons, pain and discomfort associated with dento-alveolar surgery can be a frightening prospect. This study was aimed to check whether prescription of analgesics is necessary or not after simple extraction of the mandibular third molars. Material and methods. Seventy-six dental outpatients undergoing uncomplicated extraction of both mandibular third molars teeth served as subjects. After extraction on the first side, patients received either naproxen sodium 550 mg orally or a placebo. The order of the drugs was reversed during extraction on side two. The postoperative pain was scored with a six-point category rating scala. The obtained data were analyzed with Mann-Whitney U-test. Results. The sum of the pain intensity for hours 2 through 8 was less for the group that received sodium naproxen. For hours 8-24, the sum of the pain intensity was less for the placebo group but this difference was not statistically different. Conclusion. This study shows that uncomplicated tooth extraction did not cause a significant postoperative pain and there was no need to prescribe analgesics for such cases

    Views of teachers taken STEM in-service training on STEM education

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, STEM (Fen, Teknoloji, Mühendislik ve Matematik) hizmet içi eğitimi almış öğretmenlerin STEM eğitimi hakkında görüşlerini, uygulamalar sırasında yaşadıkları sorunları ve çözüm önerilerini ortaya çıkarmaktır. Çalışmada araştırma yöntemi olarak nitel araştırma yöntemi desenlerinden biri olan fenomenografik desen kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu amaçlı örnekleme tekniklerinden biri olan uygun durum örnekleme tekniği kullanılarak STEM hizmet içi eğitim [HİE] kurslarına katılan 20 öğretmen oluşturmuştur. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu uygulanmış ve elde edilen verilerin analizi için betimsel ve içerik analizi kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular doğrultusunda, öğretmenlerin sınıflarında STEM eğitimi yaptıkları, STEM öğrenme ortamı oluşturmak için derslerine mühendislik ve teknoloji disiplinlerini entegre ettikleri, öğretim yöntemi olarak mühendislik tasarım süreci ve probleme dayalı öğrenme yöntemleri kullandıkları belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca öğretmenler STEM öğrenme ortamının öğrencilere disiplinler arası bir öğrenme ortamı yarattığı ve öğrencilerin yaratıcı düşünme ve problem çözme becerilerini geliştirdiği düşüncesine sahip oldukları bulunmuştur. Diğer taraftan öğretmenler ders öncesi STEM öğrenme ortamını tasarlarken malzeme temin edememe, STEM disiplinleri alan bilgi eksikliği ve öğretim programını yetiştirememe gibi kaygılara sahip oldukları, sınıflarında uygulamalarında de malzeme eksikliği, zamanın da yetiştirememe, gürültü ve STEM disiplinlerine ait bilgi eksikliği gibi engellerle karşılaştıkları tespit edilmiştir. Öğretmenlerin bu engelleri STEM eğitim uzmanlarıyla iş birliği yaparak alacakları öneriler ve sınıflarında STEM öğretimini uygulamaya devam ederek kazanacakları deneyimler sayesinde aşabileceği düşünülmektedir.: The aim of this study is to reveal the views of teachers about STEM education, in particular the problems they experienced during the applications of STEM education and their solution suggestions. In this study, the phenomenographic pattern which is one of the qualitative research methods was used as the research method. The study group of the research consisted of 20 teachers who participated in STEM ISE [In-Service Training] courses and therefore the convenience sampling technique which is one of the purposive sampling techniques was used. Data was collected using a semi-structured interview form and the resulting data was performed by using descriptive and content analysis methods. It was determined that teachers who received STEM ISE education teach STEM-focused teaching, integrate engineering and technology disciplines into their lessons, particularly creating a STEM-focused teaching environment, and using the engineering design process and problembased learning methods. In addition, the teachers argued that the STEM teaching environment leads to an interdisciplinary learning environment for students and that both developed students' creative thinking and improve problem-solving skills. On the other hand, the teachers had various concerns, such as not being able to obtain materials, lack of knowledge on STEM disciplines and not being able to train the curriculum while designing STEM education. While applying STEM teaching in their classrooms, they face particular obstacles such as lack of materials, inability to deliver on time, noise, and lack of knowledge in STEM disciplines. It is assumed that teachers who had STEM ISE education would overcome such obstacles. Thanks to the recommendations they would be acknowledged in cooperation with STEM education experts and the experiences they would be gained by continuing to apply STEM education in their classes

    Endarterectomy and saphenous vein ‘Y’ patchplasty technique for severe carotid artery bifurcation lesion

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    Arteriosclerosis, is mostly affect coronary and carotid arteriesespecially the ostium and bifurcation due to the natureof the flow. Arterial bifurcation lesions cause dilemmafor the treating physician during both surgical and invasiveprocedures because they require a higher clinical experienceand longer processing time. In carotid artery surgery,it is accepted that patchplasty prevents perioperativeand postoperative restenosis, and as a result of this, itreduces the incidence of ipsilateral stroke. In the presenttime synthetic patch materials (PTFE, Dacron) and autologouspatch materials (saphenous and jugular veins) areused. We report a case of carotid endarterectomy and ‘Y’shaped saphenous patchplasty to the carotid bifurcation.According to our research in the literature, we didn’t findany case with ‘Y’ shaped saphenous vein patch. Therewas only one Y shaped carotid patchplasty case by usingPTFE material. Our original technic is advantageous interms of easy preparation and application as well as itssuccessful outcome.Key words: Carotid artery diseases, saphenous vein,patchplast

    Posttraumatic True Aneurysm of the Axillary Artery Following Blunt Trauma

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    The majority of the axillary artery aneurysm cases arise as pseudoaneurysms secondary to blunt or iatrogenic trauma. Isolated traumatic true axillary artery aneurysm is a relatively unusual disorder and generally occurs with repetitive blunt trauma. A 22-year-old female patient with distal axillary artery true aneurysm due to simple blunt axillothoracic trauma is presented. The aneurysm was excised with subpectoral-axillary approach and saphenous vein graft interposition was applied. Long-term follow-up with the patient was uneventful


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      Objective: Oblique root fractures consist of multiple, angled fracture lines extending from the root canal to the periodontal membrane along the long axis of the tooth. Oblique root fractures are injuries with poor prognosis which are rarely observed in teeth in which the root development is complete.Methods: A clinical and radiological inspection was performed of an eight-year-old patient who presented at our clinic for dental trauma. Luxation and oblique sectional root fractures in the maxillary incisors were found. The patient's root development was incomplete. He was treated with dental reposition. Fixation to the adjacent primary canine teeth was carried out using a 0.4 mm full circle orthodontic wire for fractured teeth with a semi-rigid splint. Stabilization of the teeth was ensured to protect the vitality of the fractured teeth. A splint was inserted under local anaesthesia and removed a month later.Results: The absence of pathological symptoms was determined radiologically and clinically. It was shown during a radiological examination of the patient a year later that root development inthe teeth with a root fracture had continued. There were no pathological complications.Conclusion: The current study finding of high recovery potential in young permanent teeth with root fracture is supported by those of other studies in the literature. Recovery in this case was successful because the patient presented timeously at the clinic after the trauma, there was a lack of infection, and the splint was only in situ for a month

    Open heart surgery in dialysis-dependent patients with end stage renal failure

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    Objective: Patients with chronic renal insufficiency remaina risky subgroup in open heart surgery becauseof various reasons. The incidence of cardiovascular diseasein hemodialysis dependent renal failure is found tobe higher when compared with the normal population.Chronic dialysis is still a very important independent riskfactor for mortality and morbidity despite of many studies.In this study, we retrospectively evaluated the outcome ofpatients with chronic renal failure who had undergone toopen cardiac surgery.Methods: The medical charts of 36 patients on maintenancedialysis who underwent cardiovascular surgerywere retrospectively analyzed. Peroperative findings ofthese patients were analyzed from patients’ hospital records.Results: Twenty-seven men (75%) and nine women(25%) totally 36 patients were included to study. Themean age was 58.3±8.5 (range, 44-76) years. 12 patientsunderwent coronary artery bypass surgery, 10 hadconcomitant coronary artery bypass surgery and valvereplacements, five had valve replacements, three hadconcomitant coronary artery bypass surgery and left ventriculectomy,four had valve replacement with other valverepair, two had aortic surgery due to ascending aortic aneurysms.The mean cross clamp time was 78.1±31.3 minand the mean perfusion time was 158.8±92.2 min. Themean intensive care unit stay was 60±41 hours, and themean hospital stay was 12±5 days. Hospital mortality ratewas %38.8.Conclusions: Cardiac and renal functions are closely associatedwith each other. Cardiac surgery operations canbe applied to patients with end-stage renal failure underacceptable risks. Appropriate preoperative preparationwith good postoperative patient follow-up is necessary tohave acceptable levels of morbidity and mortality rates. JClin Exp Invest 2013; 4 (3): 335-338Key words: Cardiac surgery, chronic renal failure, mortalit