47 research outputs found

    Road landscapes - recreation and tourism sphere segment (on the example of Chernivtsi city)

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    The presented publication analyzes Chernivtsi city road landscapes, reveals the natural conditions of their formation and functioning, investigates the network of city and residential streets, characterizes groups of roads that are used in the city recreational and tourist sphere and can potentially be included in tourist routes

    Prevalence of carbohydrate metabolism disorders in patients with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis therapy

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    There are quite a lot of scientific works today dedicated to the role of disorders carbohydrate metabolism (DCM) in the development of end-stage renal disease (ESRD), at the same time, the influence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) on the development of carbohydrate disorders remains insufficiently studied, especially in patients on renal replacement therapy (RRT). The annual steady increase in the number of patients with ESRD without diabetes mellitus (DM) requiring dialysis therapy leads to increased interest and the need to study carbohydrate status in these patients. It is known that hyperglycemia in patients without DM on hemodialysis (HD) is a predisposing factor to the development of cardiovascular accidents that worsen the quality of life and also increase mortality. The peculiarities of glucose metabolism in patients receiving RRT do not always allow adequate assessment of carbohydrate status using glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c). The review provides up-to-date information on the prevalence of DCM in patients with ESRD without DM receiving HD RRT, touches upon the peculiarities of glucose metabolism, interpretation of HbA1c and glycated albumin values, and mortality risk in hemodialysis patients with various DCM

    Rural Settlements of Crimea in the Golden Hord Period: current stage of research

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    The paper features an overview of the rural settlements in the territory of the Crimean Peninsula that functioned during the Golden Horde period (from mid-13th to 15th centuries). Several centers of such settlement structures, formed near large cities, were revealed. The largest one was a cluster of settlements in the Southeastern Crimea, near the nomadic steppe, which also formed the outskirts of the Golden Horde town Solkhat-Krym. Its rural district increased as the city prospered, and waned in its decline. The second center of Golden Horde sedentary area formed at the end of the 13th century in the Southwestern Crimea, near the main group of lands occupied by the agrarian Byzantine (Greek) population, and also on the border of the steppe and the northern foothills of the Crimean Mountains. These were the settlement of Eski-Yurt – Kirk-Azisler, and later the town of Kirk-Yer. The third cluster was located in the Central Crimea and became a link between the settlements in the West and East of the Peninsula. The clusters of sedentary areas of the Golden Horde Crimea subsequently shaped the direction of the processes of organization and concentration of the rural population in the Crimean Khanate. An analysis of archeozoological materials from the excavations of rural settlements of the Golden Horde period revealed that the main slaughtered animal in the settlements was cattle, and the main meat product was beef. These evidences allow to assume that the most important specialization of the villagers was cattle breeding and, accordingly, not only nomads, but also sedentary inhabitants participated in the formation of the most important item of the Golden Horde export - the export of the bovine skins

    An updated checklist of Chironomidae (Diptera) from the Amur River basin (Russian Far East)

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    A long-term study implemented in the Amur River basin enabled us to generate an updated checklist of 606 valid species in Chironomidae (Diptera) which are composed of 129 genera and six subfamilies, with 98 (17%) described new species belonging to 46 genera. Among the 98 recently described species, 46 ones (45%), were considered as possible endemics and sub-endemics. The numbers of species and genera by subfamilies is as follows: Podonominae (3 species; 3 genera), Tanypodinae (17; 9), Diamesinae (25; 11), Prodiamesinae (7; 3), Orthocladiinae (307; 57) and Chironominae (247; 46). The higher numbers of species (421 and 410, respectively) were recorded in the Lower and Middle parts of the Amur River basin, as compared with the Upper part of the basin. Most of the recorded chironomids (387 species, 67%) are Palaearctic in distribution, while others (191, 33%) are widely Holarctic. Species with Palaearctic distribution mostly have the following range types: East Palaearctic continental (23%); East Palaearctic continental-insular (20%); Palaearctic transpalaearctic (14%); Palaearctic amphi-Eurasian (10%)


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    В статье рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с цифровизацией профессионального образования, поиска современных дидактических средств при подготовке в области дизайна костюмаThe article discusses issues related to the digitalization of vocational education, the search for modern didactic tools in training in the field of costume desig

    Polymer Membranes in Medicine and Pharmaceutics

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    This review covers the main problems and basic principles of the use of various membranes in medicine and pharmacy. Developments in the field of sterilizing, bacteriostatic and bactericidal membranes and membranes for pyrogen-free water preparing are considered. An analysis of the scientific literature in this research area are identified. The main ways of development of this area, as well as an analysis of properties of membranes from different manufacturers for use in the medical and pharmaceutical industries are given. Their advantages and disadvantages are considered. It is shown that the main criterion for sterilizing membranes is the pore size, which should be no less than 0.1 microns. The most commonly used materials for sterilizing membranes are PTFE, polyamide and polysulfone. Review of methods for bacteriostatic and bactericidal membranes showed that there are different prospective modification methods of widely used membranes. Examples of some membranes modifications with inorganic and organic substances are considered. It is shown that the most effective modifying agents are chitosan and silver compounds. The mechanism of action of the ions and silver nanoparticles on bacterial cells is shown. A comparison of the effectiveness of distillation and membrane filtration processes for the preparation of water for injection is given. The ultra- and nanofiltration membranes used for pyrogen-free water preparing are described. New data about the properties of charged membranes are given. It is shown that the use of positively charged membranes for pyrogen-free water preparing is perspective, because it works by sieve and adsorption mechanism

    Differential diagnostics of syndrome and non-syndrome forms of dst on the basis of the scale of assessment

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    А systematization of the symptoms of connective tissue dysplasia with a subsequent scoring is suggested in this study. The evaluation is based on the systemic involvement of connective tissue in the pathological process. This serves as a criterion for the severity of dysplasia and helps differentiate the syndrome and non-syndrome forms of connective tissue dysplasia. Constants (2 points) and periodic (1 point) signs of connective tissue dysplasia in children and adolescents, in patients of older age groups were identified. The assessment of dysplasia by both external and internal signs on the part of the reproductive system is supplemented. In this article, the following system of registration of signs of DST in children is suggested: in early age groups (infancy, early age, ie, up to 6 years, when the child does not yet have all the dysplasia syndromes by age), it was suggested to use a scoring only dysplastic symptoms. Since the age of seven, it has been suggested to evaluate dysplasia with the help of syndromes. This evaluation system can be used in any age group, beginning with the early age and ending with the senior age period. The claimed method of diagnosis of DST in children and adults makes it possible to identify the course of this state of connective tissue at earlier stages of the disease, to prescribe corrective therapy. This will slow the progression of manifestations of connective tissue dysplasia later on.В данном исследовании предложена систематизация симптомов дисплазии соединительной ткани с последующей балльной оценкой, основанной на системности вовлечения соединительной ткани в патологический процесс. Это служит критерием степени тяжести дисплазии и помогает дифференцировать синдромные и несиндромные формы дисплазии соединительной ткани. Выявлены постоянные (2 балла) или периодические (1 балл) признаки дисплазии соединительной ткани у детей и подростков, у пациентов старших возрастных групп, дополнена оценка дисплазии как внешними, так и внутренними признаками со стороны репродуктивной системы. В данной работе предложена следующая система учета признаков ДСТ у детей: в ранних возрастных группах (грудной возраст, ранний возраст, т.е. до 6 лет включительно, когда у ребенка еще не выявляются все синдромы дисплазии по возрасту), предложено использовать балльную количественную оценку только диспластических симптомов. С семилетнего возраста предложено оценивать дисплазию с помощью синдромов. Данная система оценки может быть использована в любой возрастной группе, начиная с периода раннего возраста и заканчивая старшим возрастным периодом. Заявляемый способ диагностики ДСТ у детей и взрослых дает возможность выявить течение данного состояния соединительной ткани на более ранних этапах болезни, назначить корригирующую терапию, и позволит замедлить прогрессирование проявлений дисплазии соединительной ткани в дальнейшем

    The estimation of efficiency of psychohygienic work with pregnant and feeding women of the Satkinskiy area of the Chelyabinsk region

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    The article represents the results of the estimation of pregnant women’s gestational dominants in the Chelyabinsk region, an interrelation of the type of a psychological component of a gestational dominant with medicobiologic factors and babies’ state of health, efficiency of psychocorrectional work with pregnant women is estimated. It is established that 45,8 % of women make a risk group of an early refusal from chest feeding and demand regular psychocorrectional work at a stage of pregnancy for successful chest feeding. Within the women of successful type of PCGD complications of pregnancy and childbirth were seldom registered, optimum terms of the first applying of the newborn to a breast and duration of chest feeding, optimum indicators of babies’ health were marked. Within the women who have received psychocorrection, smooth course of their pregnancy, a favorable result of childbirth, an increase of duration of chest feeding, successful adaptation of babies in postnatal period are more often marked.В статье представлены результаты оценки гестационной доминанты у беременных женщин Челябинской области, установлена взаимосвязь типа психологического компонента гестационной доминанты с медико-биологическими факторами и состоянием здоровья детей, оценена эффективность психокоррекционной работы с беременными. Установлено, что 45,8% женщин составляют группу риска по раннему отказу от грудного вскармливания и требуют систематической психокоррекционной работы еще на этапе беременности для успешного грудного вскармливания. У женщин с благополучным типом ПКГД достоверно реже регистрировались осложнения беременности и родов, отмечались оптимальные сроки первого прикладывания новорожденного к груди и продолжительности грудного вскармливания, оптимальные показатели здоровья детей. У женщин, получивших психокоррекцию, чаще отмечается гладкое течение беременности, благоприятный исход родов, увеличение продолжительности грудного вскармливания, успешная адаптация детей в постнатальном периоде

    Follow-up mapping during the connective tissue dysplasia in boys with anomalies of the vaginal process of the peritoneum and cryptorchidism

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    The connective tissue dysplasia (CTD) is considered as heterogeneous group of diseases with a multifactorial nature. The relevance of this article is connected with the timely need for proper interpretation of cumulative dysplastic signs, which were revealed in the patient’s anamnesis, this allow to prescribe treatment and to reduce or avoid complications. The aim of this research is criterions of diagnosis of the connective tissue dysplasia in reproductive system in patients of different age with anomalies of the vaginal process of the peritoneum (inguinal hernia, hydrocele) and cryptorchidism. Congenital abnormality of the anterior abdominal wall is considered in the article as one of the constant characteristics of the CTO. The follow-up study of the occurrence of the connective tissue dysplasia among patients, who had surgery operations on anomalies of the vaginal process of the peritoneum (inguinal hernia, hydrocele, and cryptorchidism) in their childhood, was conducted. The possibility of morphological verification of CTD diagnosis during performed surgical interventions should be used. The differential diagnostic criterions of CTD forms are considered in the article.Дисплазия соединительной ткани (ДСТ) считается гетерогенной группой заболеваний с многофакторной природой. Актуальность данной работы связана с необходимостью правильной своевременной интерпретации накопительных диспластических признаков, выявленных в анамнезе у пациента, что позволяет своевременно назначить лечение и уменьшить или избежать осложнений. Целью настоящей работы являются критерии диагностики дисплазии соединительной ткани в репродуктивной системе у пациентов разного возраста с аномалиями вагинального отростка брюшины (паховые грыжи, водянки оболочек яичка) и крипторхизмом. Врожденная патология передней брюшной стенки рассмотрена в статье как один из постоянных признаков ДСТ. Было проведено катамнестическое изучение встречаемости дисплазии соединительной ткани среди пациентов, перенесших в детском возрасте оперативные вмешательства по поводу аномалий вагинального отростка брюшины (паховые грыжи, водянки оболочек яичка, крипторхизма). Должна быть использована возможность морфологической верификации диагноза ДСТ при выполняемых оперативных вмешательствах у пациентов с дисплазией соединительной ткани. В статье рассмотрены дифференциально-диагностические критерии форм ДСТ

    Possibilities of treatment of connective tissue dysplasia in children and adolescents (literature review)

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    A systematic analysis of data available in modern literature that affect the etiology, pathogenesis of connective tissue dysplasia in children and adolescents, and the results of studying the clinical efficacy and safety of the use of complex and combination therapy in patients with this pathology. The paper presents research data on the search for effective methods of treatment of connective tissue dysplasia in children and adolescents aimed at finding the optimal treatment regimens, including the use of modern pharmaceuticals, non-drug effects, therapeutic and rehabilitative nature, including exercise therapy, physiotherapy, diet therapy. As a result of the research, it was found out that the treatment of children and adolescents with connective tissue dysplasia requires various approaches based on a number of criteria: approach to treatment, method of medical care, scientific soundness, degree of innovation. Early treatment and rehabilitation can reduce or avoid complications.Проведен систематический анализ данных, имеющихся в современной литературе, которые затрагивают проблематику этиологии, патогенеза дисплазии соединительной ткани у детей и подростков, и результатов изучения клинической эффективности и безопасности применения комплексной и комбинированной терапии у пациентов с данной патологией. В работе представлены данные исследований, посвящённые поиску эффективных методов терапии дисплазии соединительной ткани у детей и подростков, направленные на поиск оптимальных схем лечения, включающих использование современных фармацевтических препаратов, немедикаментозные воздействия, терапевтического и реабилитационного характера, включающие ЛФк, физиотерапию, диетотерапию. В результате проведенных исследований выяснилось, что лечение детей и подростков с дисплазией соединительной ткани требует различных походов с учетом целого ряда критериев: подход к лечению, метод медицинской помощи, научная обоснованность, степень новаторства. Своевременно начатое лечение и реабилитация позволяют уменьшить или избежать осложнений