12 research outputs found
An applied stochastic model of the quality–quantity trade-off in the public health care sector
Quality–quantity trade-off, Optimal quality, Public service sector,
Antecedents and outcomes of service recovery perfomance in private healthcare: An empirical investigation
Service recovery perfomance, healthcare, frontline staff, Desempeño en los servicios de atenciñn al paciente, sanidad, pleados de atención al póblico,
Correlates of Nonwork and Work Satisfaction Among Hotel Employees: Implications for Managers
This study develops and tests a research model that investigates job satisfaction as a mediator of the effects of interrole conflicts, work environment, and affectivity on career satisfaction and life satisfaction. Based on data gathered from a sample of frontline hotel employees in Turkey, these relationships were assessed through structural equation modeling. Results reveal that while interrole conflicts and work overload do not have significant impacts on any of the satisfaction constructs, perceptions of organizational politics show significant negative influences on career and life satisfaction, mediated by job satisfaction. Job satisfaction also acts as a mediator of the effects of the positive elements of work environment (perceived organizational support, job autonomy, and participation in decision-making) on career and life satisfaction. While negative affectivity shows no significant influence on satisfaction constructs, positive affectivity significantly influences career satisfaction and life satisfaction directly and indirectly through the mediating role of job satisfaction