626 research outputs found

    Interrole Conflicts in the Hospitality Industry: The Role of Positive Affectivity as an Antidote

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    This study investigates the role of positive affectivity as a buffer against the detrimental effects of interrole conflicts on frontline hotel employees’ job performance and turnover intentions. Data collected from a sample of frontline hotel employees in Turkey serve as the study setting. Results and their implications are discussed, and directions for future research are offered

    Gender-choice behavior linkages: an investigation in the hospitality industry

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate whether males and females differ on the emphases they place on core service and relational service in choosing a hotel. Design/Methodology – Data were gathered from the residents of a metro area in the United States. Three hundred and forty-one residents participated in the study. The Del statistic, an undertapped technique, was used. Findings – The results reveal that male and female guests are essentially the same in the importance they place on core and relational services in choosing a hotel. Originality of the research – Empirical research about the hotel choice behavior of female guests is scarce. Therefore, this study addresses this underresearched issue

    Optical and excitonic properties of transition metal oxide perovskites by the Bethe-Salpeter equation

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    We present a systematic investigation of the role and importance of excitonic effects on the optical propertiesof transitions metal oxide perovskites. A representative set of 14 compounds has been selected, including3d(SrTiO3, LaScO3,LaTiO3,LaVO3,LaCrO3,LaMnO3, LaFeO3, and SrMnO3), 4d(SrZrO3, SrTcO3,andCa2RuO4)and5d(SrHfO3,KTaO3, and NaOsO3) perovskites, covering a band gap ranging from 0.1 eVto 6.1 eV and exhibiting different electronic, structural, and magnetic properties. Optical conductivities andoptical transitions including electron-hole interactions are calculated through the solution of the Bethe-Salpeterequation (BSE) with quasiparticle energies evaluated by the single-shotG0W0approximation. The excitonbinding energies are computed by means of a model BSE, carefully benchmarked against the full-BSE method,in order to obtain well-converged results in terms ofk-point sampling. The predicted results are compared withavailable measured data, with an overall satisfactory agreement between theory and experiment


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    Abstract A SASE FEL facility was first proposed in Feasibility Report of the TAC (Turkish Accelerator Center) project in 2000. Conceptual Design Report (CDR) of the project was completed in 2005. Technical Design Report (TDR) studies of TAC were started in 2006 in frame of an inter universities project with support of State Planning Organization (SPO) of Turkey. Main goal of the SASE FEL proposal is to cover VUV and soft X-rays region of the spectrum besides IR-FEL, Bremsstrahlung and Synchrotron Radiation proposals of TAC. Up to now, optimization studies based on a special RF linac or an Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) for the SASE FEL facility, were completed. Today, ERLs provide a powerful broad range of applications like: electron cooling devices, high average brightness, high power FELs, short-pulse radiation sources and high luminosity colliders. In this study, main parameters for two linac options and SASE FEL are given. OVERVIEW OF THE TAC SASE FEL FACILITY PROPOSAL It was first planned that, TAC linac-ring type collider's 1 GeV electron linac should asynchronously be used as a driver for SASE FEL facility [1], as shown i

    Attenuation of Stimulated Accumbal Dopamine Release by NMDA Is Mediated through Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors

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    Electrically stimulated dopamine release from the nucleus accumbens is attenuated following application of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA), which is likely to be mediated indirectly through intermediary neuronal mechanisms rather than by a direct action on dopamine terminals. On the basis of known modulatory processes in nucleus accumbens, the current experiments sought to test whether the effect of NMDA was mediated through cholinergic, GABA-ergic, or metabotropic glutamatergic intermediate mechanisms. Fast-scan cyclic voltammetry was used to measure electrically stimulated dopamine release in nucleus accumbens of rat brain slices in vitro. Stimulated dopamine release was attenuated by NMDA, confirming previous findings, but this attenuation was unaffected by either cholinergic or GABA-ergic antagonists. However, it was completely abolished by the nonselective group I/II/III metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonist α-methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine (MCPG) and by the selective group II antagonist LY 341396. Therefore, group II metabotropic glutamate receptors, but not acetylcholine or GABA receptors, mediate the attenuation of stimulated dopamine release caused by NMDA, probably by presynaptic inhibition through receptors located extra-synaptically on dopamine terminals. This provides a plausible mechanism for the documented role of metabotropic glutamate receptor systems in restoring deficits induced by NMDA receptor antagonists, modeling schizophrenia, underlining the potential for drugs affecting these receptors as therapeutic agents in treating schizophrenia
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