3,116 research outputs found

    Zooming in on local level statistics by supersymmetric extension of free probability

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    We consider unitary ensembles of Hermitian NxN matrices H with a confining potential NV where V is analytic and uniformly convex. From work by Zinn-Justin, Collins, and Guionnet and Maida it is known that the large-N limit of the characteristic function for a finite-rank Fourier variable K is determined by the Voiculescu R-transform, a key object in free probability theory. Going beyond these results, we argue that the same holds true when the finite-rank operator K has the form that is required by the Wegner-Efetov supersymmetry method of integration over commuting and anti-commuting variables. This insight leads to a potent new technique for the study of local statistics, e.g., level correlations. We illustrate the new technique by demonstrating universality in a random matrix model of stochastic scattering.Comment: 38 pages, 3 figures, published version, minor changes in Section

    Quantum tunneling on graphs

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    We explore the tunneling behavior of a quantum particle on a finite graph, in the presence of an asymptotically large potential. Surprisingly the behavior is governed by the local symmetry of the graph around the wells.Comment: 18 page

    Some Comments on Gravitational Entropy and the Inverse Mean Curvature Flow

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    The Geroch-Wald-Jang-Huisken-Ilmanen approach to the positive energy problem to may be extended to give a negative lower bound for the mass of asymptotically Anti-de-Sitter spacetimes containing horizons with exotic topologies having ends or infinities of the form Σg×R\Sigma_g \times {\Bbb R}, in terms of the cosmological constant. We also show how the method gives a lower bound for for the mass of time-symmetric initial data sets for black holes with vectors and scalars in terms of the mass, Z(Q,P)|Z(Q,P)| of the double extreme black hole with the same charges. I also give a lower bound for the area of an apparent horizon, and hence a lower bound for the entropy in terms of the same function Z(Q,P)|Z(Q,P)|. This shows that the so-called attractor behaviour extends beyond the static spherically symmetric case. and underscores the general importance of the function Z(Q,P)|Z(Q,P)|. There are hints that higher dimensional generalizations may involve the Yamabe conjectures.Comment: 13pp. late

    Quantum rings as electron spin beam splitters

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    Quantum interference and spin-orbit interaction in a one-dimensional mesoscopic semiconductor ring with one input and two output leads can act as a spin beam splitter. Different polarization can be achieved in the two output channels from an originally totally unpolarized incoming spin state, very much like in a Stern-Gerlach apparatus. We determine the relevant parameters such that the device has unit efficiency.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; minor change

    Giant planar Hall effect in colossal magnetoresistive La0.84Sr0.16MnO3 thin films

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    The transverse resistivity in thin films of La0.84Sr0.16MnO3 (LSMO) exhibits sharp field-symmetric jumps below TC . We show that a likely source of this behavior is the giant planar Hall effect combined with biaxial magnetic anisotropy. The effect is comparable in magnitude to that observed recently in the magnetic semiconductor Ga(Mn)As. It can be potentially used in applications such as magnetic sensors and nonvolatile memory devices

    Spintronic single qubit gate based on a quantum ring with spin-orbit interaction

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    In a quantum ring connected with two external leads the spin properties of an incoming electron are modified by the spin-orbit interaction resulting in a transformation of the qubit state carried by the spin. The ring acts as a one qubit spintronic quantum gate whose properties can be varied by tuning the Rashba parameter of the spin-orbit interaction, by changing the relative position of the junctions, as well as by the size of the ring. We show that a large class of unitary transformations can be attained with already one ring -- or a few rings in series -- including the important cases of the Z, X, and Hadamard gates. By choosing appropriate parameters the spin transformations can be made unitary, which corresponds to lossless gates.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Deformation Quantization of Bosonic Strings

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    Deformation quantization of bosonic strings is considered. We show that the light-cone gauge is the most convenient classical description to perform the quantization of bosonic strings in the deformation quantization formalism. Similar to the field theory case, the oscillator variables greatly facilitates the analysis. The mass spectrum, propagators and the Virasoro algebra are finally described within this deformation quantization scheme.Comment: 33+1 pages, harvmac file, no figure