2,753 research outputs found

    Reducing standby power applied to SR forward converters with transient load response considered

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    [[abstract]]Up to the present, how to process standby power is getting more and more attractive. Therefore, in this paper, hybrid methods, including duty cycle detection and current detection, are applied to controlling operation states of the synchronous rectification (SR) forward converter, so as to reduce standby power as minimum as possible. At the same time, the performance of the transient load response due to a step load change from no/full to full/no load is also taken into consideration. The proposed approach is described in detail and verified by some simulation and experimental results.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20040725~20040728[[conferencelocation]]Hiroshima, Japa

    Geometric Aspects of the Moduli Space of Riemann Surfaces

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    This is a survey of our recent results on the geometry of moduli spaces and Teichmuller spaces of Riemann surfaces appeared in math.DG/0403068 and math.DG/0409220. We introduce new metrics on the moduli and the Teichmuller spaces of Riemann surfaces with very good properties, study their curvatures and boundary behaviors in great detail. Based on the careful analysis of these new metrics, we have a good understanding of the Kahler-Einstein metric from which we prove that the logarithmic cotangent bundle of the moduli space is stable. Another corolary is a proof of the equivalences of all of the known classical complete metrics to the new metrics, in particular Yau's conjectures in the early 80s on the equivalences of the Kahler-Einstein metric to the Teichmuller and the Bergman metric.Comment: Survey article of our recent results on the subject. Typoes corrrecte

    The range of the tangential Cauchy-Riemann system on a CR embedded manifold

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    We prove that every compact, pseudoconvex, orientable, CR manifold of \C^n, bounds a complex manifold in the CC^\infty sense. In particular, the tangential Cauchy-Riemann system has closed range

    Forward converters using a CPLD-based control technique to obtain a fast transient load response

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    [[abstract]]Today, using the conventional technique to obtain the fast transient load response for the forward converter is not easy. Therefore, in order to overcome this problem, a forward converter with a complex programmable logic device (CPLD) technique added is presented herein along with a hysteresis voltage-controlled pulse width modulation (PWM) scheme and the maximum current limiting, without any analogue-to-digital converters (ADCs). Also, some protection functions are added to enhance the reliability of the proposed topology, thereby allowing this converter to be likely to approach to industrial products. The validity of the proposed topology is demonstrated via some experimental results compared with those created from the conventional topology.[[notice]]補正完畢[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20031117~20031120[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Singapor

    Some estimates of Wang-Yau quasilocal energy

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    Given a spacelike 2-surface Σ\Sigma in a spacetime NN and a constant future timelike unit vector T0T_0 in R3,1\R^{3,1}, we derive upper and lower estimates of Wang-Yau quasilocal energy E(Σ,X,T0)E(\Sigma, X, T_0) for a given isometric embedding XX of Σ\Sigma into a flat 3-slice in R3,1\R^{3,1}. The quantity E(Σ,X,T0) E(\Sigma, X, T_0) itself depends on the choice of XX, however the infimum of E(Σ,X,T0) E(\Sigma, X, T_0) over T0 T_0 does not. In particular, when Σ\Sigma lies in a time symmetric 3-slice in NN and has nonnegative Brown-York quasilocal mass \mby(\Sigma), our estimates show that infT0E(Σ,X,T0)\inf\limits_{T_0}E(\Sigma, X, T_0) equals \mby (\Sigma). We also study the spatial limit of infT0E(Sr,Xr,T0) \inf\limits_{T_0}E(S_r,X_r,T_0), where SrS_r is a large coordinate sphere in a fixed end of an asymptotically flat initial data set (M,g,p)(M, g, p) and XrX_r is an isometric embeddings of SrS_r into R3R3,1\mathbb{R}^3 \subset \mathbb{R}^{3,1}. We show that if (M,g,p)(M, g, p) has future timelike ADM energy-momentum, then limrinfT0E(Sr,Xr,T0)\lim\limits_{r\to\infty}\inf\limits_{T_0}E(S_r,X_r,T_0) equals the ADM mass of (M,g,p)(M, g, p).Comment: 17 page

    The K\"ahler-Ricci flow on surfaces of positive Kodaira dimension

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    The existence of K\"ahler-Einstein metrics on a compact K\"ahler manifold has been the subject of intensive study over the last few decades, following Yau's solution to Calabi's conjecture. The Ricci flow, introduced by Richard Hamilton has become one of the most powerful tools in geometric analysis. We study the K\"ahler-Ricci flow on minimal surfaces of Kodaira dimension one and show that the flow collapses and converges to a unique canonical metric on its canonical model. Such a canonical is a generalized K\"ahler-Einstein metric. Combining the results of Cao, Tsuji, Tian and Zhang, we give a metric classification for K\"aher surfaces with a numerical effective canonical line bundle by the K\"ahler-Ricci flow. In general, we propose a program of finding canonical metrics on canonical models of projective varieties of positive Kodaira dimension

    Observation of Spin-Orbit Berry's Phase in Magnetoresistance of a Two-Dimensional Hole Anti-dot System

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    We report observation of spin-orbit Berry's phase in the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) type oscillation of weak field magnetoresistance in an anti-dot lattice (ADL) of a two-dimensional hole system. An AB-type oscillation is superposed on the commensurability peak, and the main peak in the Fourier transform is clearly split up due to variation in Berry's phase originating from the spin-orbit interaction. A simulation considering Berry's phase and the phase arising from the spin-orbit shift in the momentum space shows qualitative agreement with the experiment.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Ternary q-Virasoro-Witt Hom-Nambu-Lie algebras

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    In this paper we construct ternary qq-Virasoro-Witt algebras which qq-deform the ternary Virasoro-Witt algebras constructed by Curtright, Fairlie and Zachos using su(1,1)su(1,1) enveloping algebra techniques. The ternary Virasoro-Witt algebras constructed by Curtright, Fairlie and Zachos depend on a parameter and are not Nambu-Lie algebras for all but finitely many values of this parameter. For the parameter values for which the ternary Virasoro-Witt algebras are Nambu-Lie, the corresponding ternary qq-Virasoro-Witt algebras constructed in this article are also Hom-Nambu-Lie because they are obtained from the ternary Nambu-Lie algebras using the composition method. For other parameter values this composition method does not yield Hom-Nambu Lie algebra structure for qq-Virasoro-Witt algebras. We show however, using a different construction, that the ternary Virasoro-Witt algebras of Curtright, Fairlie and Zachos, as well as the general ternary qq-Virasoro-Witt algebras we construct, carry a structure of ternary Hom-Nambu-Lie algebra for all values of the involved parameters