1,677 research outputs found

    Joseph Conrad\u27s Feminine Mystique

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    An examination of Conrad\u27s life will provide one with insight into the revelation of his women characters. The following novels and short stories, investigated in this study, will reveal Conrad\u27s portrayal of the woman, her characteristics and associated imagery, and her role in his works to unveil his all-encompassing philosophy of life: Almayer\u27s Folly, The Arrow of Gold, Chance, Lord Jim, Nostromo, An Outcast of the Islands, The Rescue, The Rover, The Secret Agent, Under Western Eyes, Victory, Amy Foster, The Brute, The End of the Tether, Freya of the Seven Isle, The Heart of Darkness, The Idiots, The Planter of Malata, The Return, A Smile of Fortune, and Tomorrow

    Students' achievement and perceptions of school climate during the transition from single sex education to co-education.

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    In 1999, a non-government school with a long tradition of 'boys only' education in South Australia introduced co-education at the secondary school level. The following year, girls were admitted at the primary school level. Educational achievement and perceptions of the psychosocial climate of the school's learning environment were measured in all primary and secondary students at the end of this momentous year and again one year later. Questionnaires measuring students' perceptions of the relationship dimensions of cohesiveness, friction and satisfaction and the personal dimensions of competitiveness and difficulty were administered, together with a test of achievement. Interesting differences were found in student achievement and perceptions of the school's climate, over time and across the grade levels

    Stepping from single to mixed sex education : boys' progress and perceptions during the restructuring.

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    In 1999 an independent school in South Australia took the courageous step of introducing coeducation into their single sex boys' school. Mixed sex education was phased in over two years, with girls admitted to Years 7 to 12 in 1999 and Years 3 to 6 in 2000. Progress and perceptions of school climate were measured in all primary and secondary level boys in the school in the inaugural year of coeducation and then annually over the next two years. Hierarchical Linear Modelling analyses revealed an interesting pattern of interrelationships between boys' progress and cohort and grade level group perceptions of satisfaction, cohesiveness and competition within the school. Perceptions of the difficulty of schoolwork were also significantly related to boys' progress during the restructuring period. [Author abstract

    Aspirations, progress and perceptions of boys from a single sex school following the changeover to coeducation.

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    Career and further education aspirations, educational progress and perceptions of the learning environment were measured annually over three years in primary and secondary boys from a single sex non-government school, following the changeover to coeducation. Hierarchical Linear Modelling analyses revealed the significant role played by the career aspirations of cohorts on boys' progress over time. Further education plans and perceived difficulty of schoolwork were also significant influences, with difficulty at the grade level affecting boys' progress over time. Furthermore, satisfaction with life at school at both cohort and grade levels was a significant determinant of boys' educational progress. These findings suggest new directions for research into single sex/coeducational learning environments. [Author abstract

    Molecular epidemiology of antibiotic resistance in the commensal Escherichia coli of calves

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    In animals, the study of antibiotic resistance in bacteria has been focused on organisms that are pathogenic in human or animal hosts. The development of antibiotic resistance in commensal bacteria is also of concern because they may act as a reservoir ofresistance genes. This thesis aimed to determine levels of resistance to veterinary and medical antibiotics in the commensal Escherichia coli of calves, to explore the genotypic diversity of isolates, and to study the molecular mechanism and transfer dynamics ofresistance to apramycin.The antibiotic sensitivity testing of calf faecal E. coli, obtained by weekly sampling, demonstrated that there was resistance to beta-lactams, cephalosporins, streptomycin, trimethoprim, chloramphenicol, tetracycline and sulphamethoxazole. These resistance phenotypes had not been selected for on antibiotic-containing media, indicating a high prevalence of the corresponding resistance determinants.Five hundred and forty three isolates were genotyped by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Examination of the patterns generated by restriction with Xbal and analysed with BioNumerics software revealed a total of 55 different genotypes. Ampicillin resistant isolates were more diverse (24 genotypes) than apramycin or nalidixic acid resistant isolates (5 and 2 genotypes respectively). Apramycin resistance (aprR) was conferred by three conjugative plasmids, pUK2001, pUK2002 and pUK2003, of sizes 91, 115 and 181Kb respectively. All aprR plasmids conferred cross-resistance to the medical antibiotics tobramycin and gentamicin. Plasmids pUK2002 and pUK2003 also carried tetracycline and streptomycin resistance. Plasmid pUK2001 demonstrated very high transfer frequencies (4.12x10" during 7 hrs mating), horizontal spread to three different genotypes, and an apparent fitness advantage in vitro.This thesis shows a very high prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes in the commensal faecal flora of food-producing calves. This may have significant implications for the transmission ofresistance genes to human clinical bacteri

    Alien Registration- Yates, Mary L. (Brunswick, Cumberland County)

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    The surreal narrative : contemporary tintypes and video.

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    This thesis is a combination of actual works of art in the tintype and video mediums and a written theoretical exploration of the theme of shadow in fairytales, myths and religious stories. The written portion begins with an overview of the central idea of transformation in both object and narrative in regards to the Jungian notion of the shadow. It also discusses the nature of the tintype process and its relation to storytelling in the context of the body of work. The written thesis continues with a narrative interpretation of the works of art and their role in the metamorphosis of story through audience interpretation. The first section begins with the notions of shadow and transformation. It describes the basic concept of the shadow self and applies that theory to the visual imagery in historical examples of stories. The next section is comprised of interpretations of individual works of art. This section encourages the view to further the interpretation through questioning the role the shadow plays in one\u27s life. The final written section is the return to the more direct messages of the artwork and the concept of eternally changing interpretations of the world and that which we most fear. Through the transformative qualities of storytelling we can embrace what we fear and grow as humans. The last section of the thesis is images of the artwork for the viewer to interpret in relation to the written portion and the purely visual experience of the work itself. It is color digital reproductions of tintypes, a silver reversal photographic process, and digital video stills from a DVD installation

    The evaluation of management development using a choice-based consultancy tool : exploring the relevance of the learning organisation model.

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    This Doctor of Education thesis uses Action Research to address the means which organisations can use to evaluate the impact of management development on their organisations. The author has devised a choice-based consultancy tool, the Yates Options Model for Evaluation which, amongst other things, incorporates the concept of the learning organisation as a key element and, using action research procedures, the thesis explores and confirms the value of this concept in the process of evaluating organisational effectiveness. By using the consultancy tool to carry out evaluation in two organisations, one public and one private, insights are drawn into the consultancy process itself, the value of the Model and the way in which action research serves to illuminate both. Each organisation made its choices within the Model and studies of staff opinion were carried out to establish where the organisation lay in terms of the development of the learning organisation. All of the experiences of carrying out those studies formed the research data along with interviews with key participants to establish the value of the Model. The thesis finds that choice-based models of consulting empower client organisations to evaluate their management development in line with their own objectives and through means of their choosing. This process brings clients to the heart of the consulting exercise and increases their sense of ownership of the results of the organisational evaluation and management development

    Exploring justice tensions in the Barnahus model

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    Barnahus is to support children and their families during the justice and recovery process from experiencing abuse or violence. Yet, many perspectives of justice exist in the multi-disciplinary systems involved in Barnahus. The intersection of these systems can cause tension, which affects service delivery and, ultimately, the experience of the justice and recovery journey. The purpose of this chapter is to outline the needs, rights, and responsibilities of those involved in Barnahus as key stakeholders, including children, their families, criminal justice professionals, social and health care professionals, and professionals working in non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that support children and families. We also discuss the justice-related tensions that arise in the Barnahus model and how Barnahus can situate and advance a child-friendly justice model