183 research outputs found

    Privacy Protection by Anonymizing Based on Status of Provider and Community

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    When a user receives personal services from a service provider, the service can be of a higher quality if the user pro-vides more personal information. However, the risk of privacy violation could increase. Therefore, this paper proposes a privacy protection method that realizes avoidance of unwanted informa-tion disclosure by controlling disclosable attributes according to the results from monitoring two elements: user background in-formation of the provider and user community status. This is done before disclosing individual attributes corresponding to the privacy policy (i.e., the required anonymity level) by each user. The system architecture based on the aforementioned is also pro-posed. The validity of the proposed methods was confirmed by a desk model


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    リヌマンショック以降欧州を䞭心にむンタヌバンクネットワヌク䞊の金融機関のシステミックリスクに察しお関心が高たっおいる本研究では金融機関の砎綻の圱響がむンタヌバンクネットワヌクにおいおどのように䌝播するかに぀いお゚ヌゞェントベヌスシミュレヌションを甚いお分析したシミュレヌションでは(1)垂堎性資産䟡栌の䞋萜率ず(2)有䟡蚌刞に䞎える損害率を倉化させる2皮類のシナリオを甚意し金融機関の合䜵の有効性・砎綻リスクのモデル化を詊みたその結果(1)金融機関の合䜵を実斜した堎合においおも倚数行にわたる砎綻のリスクは削枛できない(2)短期間で有䟡蚌刞に損害が発生した堎合長期間にわたっお損害が発生する状況よりもシステミックリスクが倧きくなるこずが明らかになったThe aim of the present study is to evaluate systemic risks by manipulating the declining rate of marketable asset price and damaging of securities due to merger of financial institutions. An agent-based simulation platform with purchase method of international accounting standard is developed and analyse the influence of the goodwill (Noren), produced by merging financial institutions. The research revealed the following two points: (1) merger of financial institutions cannot prevent the failures of many banks; (2) systemic risk is more increasing damaging of securities than declining rate of marketable asset price

    A Countermeasure Method Using Poisonous Data Against Poisoning Attacks on IoT Machine Learning

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    In the modern world, several areas of our lives can be improved, in the form of diverse additional dimensions, in terms of quality, by machine learning. When building machine learning models, open data are often used. Although this trend is on the rise, the monetary losses since the attacks on machine learning models are also rising. Preparation is, thus, believed to be indispensable in terms of embarking upon machine learning. In this field of endeavor, machine learning models may be compromised in various ways, including poisoning attacks. Assaults of this nature involve the incorporation of injurious data into the training data rendering the models to be substantively less accurate. The circumstances of every individual case will determine the degree to which the impairment due to such intrusions can lead to extensive disruption. A modus operandi is proffered in this research as a safeguard for machine learning models in the face of the poisoning menace, envisaging a milieu in which machine learning models make use of data that emanate from numerous sources. The information in question will be presented as training data, and the diversity of sources will constitute a barrier to poisoning attacks in such circumstances. Every source is evaluated separately, with the weight of each data component assessed in terms of its ability to affect the precision of the machine learning model. An appraisal is also conducted on the basis of the theoretical effect of the use of corrupt data as from each source. The extent to which the subgroup of data in question can undermine overall accuracy depends on the estimated data removal rate associated with each of the sources described above. The exclusion of such isolated data based on this figure ensures that the standard data will not be tainted. To evaluate the efficacy of our suggested preventive measure, we evaluated it in comparison with the well-known standard techniques to assess the degree to which the model was providing accurate conclusions in the wake of the change. It was demonstrated during this test that when the innovative mode of appraisal was applied, in circumstances in which 17% of the training data are corrupt, the degree of precision offered by the model is 89%, in contrast to the figure of 83% acquired through the traditional technique. The corrective technique suggested by us thus boosted the resilience of the model against harmful intrusion


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    情報システムによっお蚘録されたビゞネスプロセスの実行履歎を分析するこずはプロセスマむニングず呌ばれ実際に行われたビゞネスプロセスの問題を把握しお改善ぞ繋げるための重芁な手段であるLTL checkerは線圢時盞論理(LTL)をベヌスにした圢匏的な蚀語を利甚しおビゞネスプロセスにおいお成り立぀べき性質を蚘述し怜蚌を行うためのツヌルでありビゞネスプロセスの分析を行うための有力な手段ずしお知られおいるしかし倚くのビゞネスアナリストはLTLのような数孊的な蚘法に粟通しおいないためビゞネスプロセスにおいお怜蚌したい性質を蚘述する際に真に怜蚌すべき性質を正確に蚘述するこずは困難である論理匏を誀っお蚘述した堎合は圓然のこずながら本来意図しおいた怜蚌を行うこずはできないそこで本研究では教垫あり機械孊習手法の䞀皮である決定朚を甚いおビゞネスプロセス実行ログからむベントの実行順序関係に着目しお抜出した特城量に基づいお孊習を行い論理匏を自動生成するこずで怜蚌したい性質を蚘述する手法を提案する本手法を甚いるこずで数孊的な手法に粟通しおいない者でも怜蚌すべき性質を蚘述するこずができる本手法の劥圓性を瀺すために電話修理プロセスに察し提案手法を適甚し有効性を確認したProcess mining is a important means for analyzing business process and LTL checker is a famous tool for process mining. However, since many business analysts are not familiar with mathematical notation like LTL, it is difficult to describe exactly the property to be verified when describing the property to be verified in the business process is there. Therefore, in this study, learning is performed based on feature quantities extracted from the business process execution log using a decision tree, and a logical expression is automatically generated. We propose a method to describe properties to be verified


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    ラむフログなどの個人情報を提䟛しプロバむダより情報掚薊などの個人サヌビスを受ける堎合倚くの個人情報を提䟛するこずで曎に品質の高い個人サヌビスを受けるこずができる反面情報の挏えいや流甚などによるプラむバシ䟵害の危険性も増えるそこで本論文ではナヌザごずに蚭定する垌望匿名床に察応する属性を開瀺する前に匿名床に圱響を及がす二぀の芁玠(1)プロバむダのナヌザ背景情報(2)コミュニティの状況をチェックし匿名床に反映させるこずで開瀺属性を調敎し結果無甚な情報開瀺を避けるこずを特城ずするプラむバシ保護゚ヌゞェントを提案する(1)(2)それぞれにおいお課題を分析し解決ぞの提案手法に぀いお述べ(1)は事䟋モデルによる実隓的机䞊怜蚌(2)は歩行者モデルを甚いたコミュニティを想定し机䞊怜蚌により提案手法の劥圓性ず有効性を確認したWhen a user receives personal services from a service provider, the service can be of a higher quality if the user provides more personal information. However, the risk of privacy violation could increase. Therefore, this paper proposes a privacy preserving agent that realizes avoidance of unwanted information disclosure by controlling disclosable attributes according to the results from monitoring two elements: user background information of the provider and user community status. This is done before disclosing individual attributes corresponding to the privacy policy (required anonymity) by each user. The validity of the proposed methods was confirmed by a desk model


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    Studies on Functional Bacteria of Indonesian Tropical Forest Plants for Biorehabilitation of Degraded Lands

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    Forest degradations have left vast amount of damaged and abandoned lands in Indonesia. In this paper, we present our approaches in rehabilitation of adverse soils using functional bacteria isolated from plant species of Indonesian tropical rain forests. For these purposes, we collected bacteria from various bio-geo-climatically different forests and conducted bioassays to test these bacterial abilities in improving plant growth. Repeated seedling-based studies on Shorea spp., Alstonia scholaris, Acacia crassicarpa, and Agathis lorantifolia have revealed that many bacteria were able to promote plant growth at early stage in the nursery. Various plant responses towards inoculations suggested that although forest soils maintain highly diverse and potent bacteria, it is necessary to select appropriate approaches to obtain optimum benefits from these plant-bacteria interactions. Our ideas and futures studies for further management of these plant- bacteria interactions for biorehabilitation are also discussed

    Linked Dataを甚いた俯瞰的な倚肢遞択匏問題自動生成手法の提案

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    近幎教科党䜓や科目内党䜓で俯瞰的な孊習が求められおいる特に教科・科目間の関連を図った暪断的な孊習が必芁ずされおいるこず倚肢遞択匏問題が倧量か぀広範囲の出題に向いおおり倚分野の出題に察応する圢匏であるこずから孊習者ず出題者の双方にずっお俯瞰的な倚肢遞択匏問題が有甚であるず考えられる“俯瞰的な問題”ずは幅広い関連情報を含み党䜓像をずらえさせるような内容である䞀方俯瞰的な問題を人手で生成・収集するこずはコストがかかるそこで本研究では出題時に幅広い関連情報を提瀺するこずで俯瞰的な芖点で問題をずらえさせるような倚肢遞択匏問題の自動生成手法を提案する本手法では倚肢遞択匏問題を構成する問題ず遞択肢に察しおそれぞれ芁件を蚭定しLinked Dataを利甚した自動問題生成アプロヌチを考案するLinked Dataずは構造化されたデヌタどうしをリンクさせるこずができるグラフデヌタである出題圢匏ずしお単䞀の正解が存圚する単数回答圢匏耇数の正解が存圚する耇数回答圢匏耇数の問題に察しお単䞀の正解の組合せが存圚する組合せ回答圢匏の3皮類の生成アルゎリズムを提案した生成問題に察する評䟡では被隓者ずしお教職免蚱状所持者ず孊生に出題したうえで芁件に察応しお蚭定した評䟡項目を満たすこずを確かめたIn recent years, just about all subjects require students to learn in a broad perspective. Because the need exists for cross-curriculum learning aimed at relating subject areas, it is useful for multiple choice questions to include panoramic information for learners. Panoramic information means comprehensive information that gives us macro-perspective; through which us look down at the whole learning subjects. A question including panoramic information refers to content that includes transverse related information and makes respondents grasp the whole knowledge. However, it is costly to manually generate and collect appropriate multiple-choice questions for learners and exam preparers. Therefore, in this research, we propose a method for automatic generation of multiple choice questions including panoramic information using Linked Data. Linked Data is graphical data that can link structured data, and it is used as a technology for data integration and utilization. In this paper, we aim to realize a system for automatically generating three types of multiple choice questions by implementing an approach to generating questions and choices. An evaluation method for the generation of questions and choices involves setting indicators for each evaluation item, such as validity and the degree of the inclusion of panoramic information
