175 research outputs found

    TRP Channels as Sensors and Signal Integrators of Redox Status Changes

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    Proteins are capable of sensing the redox status of cells. Cysteine residues, which react with oxidants, reductants, and electrophiles, have been increasingly recognized as the mediators of this redox sensitivity. Cation channels encoded by the transient receptor potential (trp) gene superfamily are characterized by a wide variety of activation triggers that act from outside and inside the cell. Recent studies have revealed that a class of TRP channels is sensitive to changes in redox status and is notably susceptible to modifications of cysteine residues, such as oxidation, electrophilic reaction, and S-nitrosylation of sulfhydryls. In this review, we focus on TRP channels, which directly sense redox status, and discuss the biological significance of cysteine modifications and the consequences of this chemical reaction for physiological responses


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of acceleration and changes in spatiotemporal variables at each step with 100-m sprint performance in preadolescent sprinters. Twenty-six boys performed 100-m sprints, and their spatiotemporal variables were measured at each step. Acceleration was negatively correlated with the 100-m sprint time from the 1st to 21st step. The rates of change in step frequency were positively correlated with acceleration at the 2nd and 3rd step. Posterior to 3rd step, rates of change in step length were positively correlated with acceleration. The results suggest that the acceleration caused by increase in step frequency and step length up to reaching to the maximal sprint velocity is effective for improving the 100-m sprint time

    Statistical potentials for RNA-protein interactions optimized by CMA-ES

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    Characterizing RNA-protein interactions remains an important endeavor, complicated by the difficulty in obtaining the relevant structures. Evaluating model structures via statistical potentials is in principle straight-forward and effective. However, given the relatively small size of the existing learning set of RNA-protein complexes optimization of such potentials continues to be problematic. Notably, interaction-based statistical potentials have problems in addressing large RNA-protein complexes. In this study, we adopted a novel strategy with covariance matrix adaptation (CMA-ES) to calculate statistical potentials, successfully identifying native docking poses

    New acoustic respiratory sound monitoring with artificial intelligence

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    Monitored anesthesia care (MAC) often causes airway complications, particularly posing an elevated risk of aspiration and airway obstruction in obese patients. This study aimed to quantify the levels of aspiration and airway obstruction using an artificial intelligence (AI)-based acoustic analysis algorithm, assessing its utility in identifying airway complications in obese patients. To verify the correlation between the stridor quantitative value (STQV) calculated by acoustic analysis and body weight, and to further evaluate fluid retention and airway obstruction, STQV calculated exhaled breath sounds collected at the neck region, was compared before and after injection of 3 ml of water in the oral cavity and at the start and end of the MAC procedures. STQV measured immediately following the initiation of MAC exhibited a weak correlation with body mass index. Furhtermore, STQV values before and after water injection increased predominantly after injection, further increased at the end of MAC. AI-based analysis of cervical respiratory sounds can enhance the safety of airway management during MAC by quantifying airway obstruction and fluid retention in obese patients

    Redox-sensitive transient receptor potential channels in oxygen sensing and adaptation

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    Regulation of ion channels is central to the mechanisms that underlie immediate acute physiological responses to changes in the availability of molecular oxygen (O2). A group of cation-permeable channels that are formed by transient receptor potential (TRP) proteins have been characterized as exquisite sensors of redox reactive species and as efficient actuators of electric/ionic signals in vivo. In this review, we first discuss how redox-sensitive TRP channels such as TRPA1 have recently emerged as sensors of the relatively inert oxidant O2. With regard to the physiological significance of O2 sensor TRP channels, vagal TRPA1 channels are mainly discussed with respect to their role in respiratory regulation in comparison with canonical pathways in glomus cells of the carotid body, which is a well-established O2-sensing organ. TRPM7 channels are discussed regarding hypoxia-sensing function in ischemic cell death. Also, ubiquitous expression of TRPA1 and TRPM7 together with their physiological relevance in the body is examined. Finally, based upon these studies on TRP channels, we propose a hypothesis of “O2 remodeling.” The hypothesis is that cells detect deviation of O2 availability from appropriate levels via sensors and adjust local O2 environments in vivo by controlling supply and consumption of O2 via pathways comprising cellular signals and transcription factors downstream of sensors, which consequently optimize physiological functions. This new insight into O2 adaptation through ion channels, particularly TRPs, may foster a paradigm shift in our understanding in the biological significance of O2


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    Patients with tumor-induced osteomalacia (TIO), an acquired paraneoplastic condition characterized by osteomalacia due to hypophosphatemia, exhibit a similar clinical picture to those with X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets/osteomalacia (XLH). The human monoclonal anti-fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) antibody burosumab (KRN23) increases serum phosphate and improves bone turnover, fracture healing, pain, and physical function in XLH patients by inhibiting circulating FGF23; thus, burosumab is expected to be an effective treatment for TIO. We report here an interim analysis of a multicenter, open-label, intraindividual dose-adjustment study of burosumab (0.3 to 2.0 mg/kg every 4 weeks) in Japanese and Korean TIO patients. The primary endpoint was the fasting serum phosphate level at each visit. Key secondary endpoints were changes over time in bone biomarkers, pharmacodynamic markers, bone histomorphometric parameters, motor function, and patient-reported outcomes. Safety was assessed based on treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs). Thirteen patients received burosumab treatment, of whom 4 underwent bone biopsy. The mean dose after week 112 was approximately 1.0 mg/kg. After the first burosumab administration, mean serum phosphate levels increased and remained above the lower limit of normal and in the normal range from weeks 14 to 112. Bone biomarkers initially increased, reaching maximum values at week 16 or 24, and then gradually decreased. After burosumab treatment, patients were able to walk further (evaluated by the 6-minute walk test), reported decreased pain levels, and showed a tendency toward healing of baseline fractures and pseudofractures. Two patients discontinued, one each due to disease progression and consent withdrawal. Burosumab was generally well tolerated, with no treatment-related TEAEs of grade ≥3 and no treatment-related serious AEs. In conclusion, the interim results of this first study of burosumab to treat TIO patients indicate that this drug has the potential to provide clinical benefit for patients with unresectable tumors. The full study results are eagerly anticipated