77 research outputs found

    Some Aspects on Sodium Sulfite Oxidation in Aqueous Solution

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    The effects of the partial pressure of oxygen and the pH value on the rate of oxidation of sodium sulfite with oxygen in an aqueous solution catalyzed by cobaltous ion were investigated by a gas absorption method at 25°C. Measurements were made on the solution of 0.3 mol/l of sodium sulfite with 10⁻⁶ mol/l of cobaltous ion in the region of the pH values from 6 to 13, and in the region of the oxygen partial pressures from 0.1 to 1 atm. The order of reaction with respect to oxygen was found to be unity when the oxygen partial pressure was higher than 0.17 atm, and two when the oxygen partial pressure was lower than 0.17 atm. The rate of reaction was very sensitive to the pH value of the solution. The relation between them is very complicated. Hence, it is difficult to find a simple expression to correlate them

    Reaction Kinetics of Oxidation of Sodium Sulfite in Aqueous Solution by Rapid-Mixing Flow Method

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    The homogeneous reaction rate of oxygen and sodium sulfite in an aqueous solution catalyzed by cupric ion was investigated by the rapid-mixing flow method. The performance of the experimental apparatus was examined and proved to be suitable for the study of the kinetics of gas-liquid reactions. The rate of reaction was found to be a half order with respect to the initial concentration of oxygen, first order with respect to sulfite, and a quarter order with respect to cupric ion. But in each run, the apparent reaction rate was zero order with respect to oxygen

    ジドウ ノ スクール モラール オ タカメル キョウシ コウドウ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ : タイイク ジュギョウ ニオケル キョウシ ノ ソウゴ サヨウ コウドウ ノ コウサツ

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    本研究の目的は,児童のスクール・モラールを高めるために有効な教師行動を明らかにすることである。本研究は,体育授業の指導場面における教師の相互作用行動について考察した。協力者は,2つの小学校の6名の教師と4年生172名である。スクール・モラール・テストを2013年の4月と7月に実施し,分析に必要なデータは,5月から6月にかけて実践されたマット運動の授業の指導場面において収集した。主な結果は,次の通りである。⑴児童のスクール・モラールを高めていたのは,D教諭だけであった。⑵D教諭は,体育授業の運動学習場面において,「共感を伴う肯定的フィードバック」「励まし」「分析的発問」を頻繁に行っていた。The purpose of this study was to clarify the effective teacher behaviors for boosting pupils’ school morale. This study examined teacher’s interaction behaviors in instruction of physical education class. The participants consisted of 6 teachers and 172 fourth graders of 2 elementary schools. School morale test were done in April and July, and the data of analysis was collected in instruction of mat exercises class performed from May to June in 2013. The main results were as follows. (1) Only a D teacher boosted pupils’ school morale. (2) D teacher done “Positive feedback with sympathy”, “Encouragement”, “Analytical Questions” frequently for skill leaning in physical education class

    The Structure of Standing and the Establishiment Clause

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    第一章 スタンディング認定の要件 第二章 スタンディングの背後にある要請 第三章 政教分離条項違反を争う納税者スタンディング――Hein判決以前 第四章 政教分離条項違反を争う納税者スタンディング――Hein判決とその周辺 おわり