55 research outputs found


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    Uncertainty Orientation: A Theory of Self-Regulation Within and Across Cultures as Related to Cognition

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    Erich Fromm once said “the quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition to impel man to unfold his powers.” For some, this quote is unmistakably true, impelling them to great discoveries of nature and the mind. For others, uncertainty is the very essence of confusion and ambiguity, offering nothing more than reason to retreat to more predictable and certain times. In this chapter, we explore the theory of uncertainty orientation as related to cognition and cognitive processes, including research that was conducted in Canada, Japan, and China. First, we discuss the characteristic uncertainty selfregulation styles that distinguish uncertainty-oriented individuals from certainty-oriented individuals. Next, we discuss the uncertainty orientation framework which integrates one’s uncertainty self-regulation style, the uncertainty present in the situation, and one’s characteristic motivations (e.g., achievement motivations) to predict performance outcomes in the related motivation domain. After discussing these basic tenants of our framework, we examine some of the cross-cultural research that has directly tested the predictions of the theory of uncertainty orientation. Concluding, we contrast our conceptualization of culture with how culture is commonly conceived in cross-cultural research

    First-Year Experience Program at a Newly Founded Nursing School : Effect of Learning through Discussion (LTD) Method

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    本研究では,開学1ヶ月半後の新設看護学校で実施したLTD 授業モデルに依拠した二日間の集中講義の効果を検討する。本授業は初年次教育科目であり,高等教育機関に相応しい学びの場づくりと,学びに対する姿勢および学び方について指導することが目的であった。対象者は新設校第一期生42名であった。授業効果は,授業の事前,事後,および遅延(2.5ヶ月後)の3時点で測定した協同認識尺度・ディスカッション= スキル尺度・思考動機尺度・コミュニケーション不安尺度の変化を分析し,授業日ごとに記入を求めた授業記録紙の自由記述を手がかりに考察した。分析の結果,全ての尺度において,授業の事前から事後にかけて改善が認められ,新設「看護学科」であっても,集中講義による協同学習の導入が初年次の学びの場づくりに有効であることが明らかになった。また,効果的な授業の実践においては協同学習を活用できる教員の指導力の必要性が示唆された。The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of intensive LTD method for two-day session at a newly established nursing school. This first-year experience is a program designed to help students prepare for the transition from high school to college. The target group of this research is forty-two freshers. Measures of effectiveness have been evaluated three times: before, after, and 2.5 months later of the class. The survey rating scales are Cooperative Perception Scale, Discussion Skill Scale, Thinking Motivation Scale, and Communication Anxiety Scale. As a reference, students’ reflection sheets are clue to our analysis. As a result, all the measures of effectiveness are significant. Therefore, even at a newly founded nursing school, cooperative learning is an effective educational approach which aims to organize classroom activities into academic experiences. Further studies are needed in order to enhance teacher professional development