65 research outputs found

    An RCS-Like Retinal Dystrophy Phenotype in Mer Knockout Mice

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    PURPOSE. To determine whether mice that are homozygous for a targeted disruption of the Mer receptor tyrosine kinase gene (merkd) manifest a retinal dystrophy phenotype similar to RCS rats, which carry a mutation in the orthologous gene Mertk. METHODS. Eyes of merkdand C57BL/6 wild-type (WT) mice were examined by light and electron microscopy, whole-eye rhodopsin measurement, and Ganzfeld electroretinography (ERG). RESULTS. The merkdmice showed rapid, progressive degeneration of the photoreceptors (PRs). Features of the phenotype common to metkdmice and RCS rats included the absence or near absence of phagosomes in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) at the peak of outer segment (OS) disc shedding, accumulation of debris and whorls of membranes at the RPE-OS interface, transient supernormal rhodopsin content and OS lengths, the presence of OS vacuoles beginning at early ages, and a relatively slow removal of pyknotic PR nuclei. Most PRs were missing, and OS debris was removed by approximately postnatal day (P)45. Scotopic ERG responses were lower than age-matched WT responses and declined with PR loss. Photopic responses were preserved better than scotopic responses, corresponding with preferential cone preservation as judged histologically. ERG amplitudes were usually unmeasurable beyond P40, although a small-amplitude scotopic threshold response (STR) could still be elicited at P253 in some mice when only scattered PR nuclei remained. CONCLUSIONS. Ablation of Mer function in merkdmice results in a retinal phenotype almost identical with that of RCS rats. The similarity in phenotypes between the two rodent models suggests that an RPE phagocytic defect is a feature of all types of retinal degeneration caused by loss of function of Mer tyrosine kinase, perhaps including mutations in human MERTK

    Molecular Mechanism Responsible for Fibronectin-controlled Alterations in Matrix Stiffness in Advanced Chronic Liver Fibrogenesis

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    Fibrosis is characterized by extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling and stiffening. However, the functional contribution of tissue stiffening to noncancer pathogenesis remains largely unknown. Fibronectin (Fn) is an ECM glycoprotein substantially expressed during tissue repair. Here we show in advanced chronic liver fibrogenesis using a mouse model lacking Fn that, unexpectedly, Fn-null livers lead to more extensive liver cirrhosis, which is accompanied by increased liver matrix stiffness and deteriorated hepatic functions. Furthermore, Fn-null livers exhibit more myofibroblast phenotypes and accumulate highly disorganized/diffuse collagenous ECM networks composed of thinner and significantly increased number of collagen fibrils during advanced chronic liver damage. Mechanistically, mutant livers show elevated local TGF-β activity and lysyl oxidase expressions. A significant amount of active lysyl oxidase is released in Fn-null hepatic stellate cells in response to TGF-β1 through canonical and noncanonical Smad such as PI3 kinase-mediated pathways. TGF-β1-induced collagen fibril stiffness in Fn-null hepatic stellate cells is significantly higher compared with wild-type cells. Inhibition of lysyl oxidase significantly reduces collagen fibril stiffness, and treatment of Fn recovers collagen fibril stiffness to wild-type levels. Thus, our findings indicate an indispensable role for Fn in chronic liver fibrosis/cirrhosis in negatively regulating TGF-β bioavailability, which in turn modulates ECM remodeling and stiffening and consequently preserves adult organ functions. Furthermore, this regulatory mechanism by Fn could be translated for a potential therapeutic target in a broader variety of chronic fibrotic diseases

    Tyro3 Modulates Mertk-Associated Retinal Degeneration.

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    Inherited photoreceptor degenerations (IPDs) are the most genetically heterogeneous of Mendelian diseases. Many IPDs exhibit substantial phenotypic variability, but the basis is usually unknown. Mutations in MERTK cause recessive IPD phenotypes associated with the RP38 locus. We have identified a murine genetic modifier of Mertk-associated photoreceptor degeneration, the C57BL/6 (B6) allele of which acts as a suppressor. Photoreceptors degenerate rapidly in Mertk-deficient animals homozygous for the 129P2/Ola (129) modifier allele, whereas animals heterozygous for B6 and 129 modifier alleles exhibit an unusual intermixing of degenerating and preserved retinal regions, with females more severely affected than males. Mertk-deficient mice homozygous for the B6 modifier allele display degeneration only in the far periphery, even at 8 months of age, and have improved retinal function compared to animals homozygous for the 129 allele. We genetically mapped the modifier to an approximately 2-megabase critical interval that includes Tyro3, a paralog of Mertk. Tyro3 expression in the outer retina varies with modifier genotype in a manner characteristic of a cis-acting expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL), with the B6 allele conferring an approximately three-fold higher expression level. Loss of Tyro3 function accelerates the pace of photoreceptor degeneration in Mertk knockout mice, and TYRO3 protein is more abundant in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) adjacent to preserved central retinal regions of Mertk knockout mice homozygous for the B6 modifier allele. Endogenous human TYRO3 protein co-localizes with nascent photoreceptor outer segment (POS) phagosomes in a primary RPE cell culture assay, and expression of murine Tyro3 in cultured cells stimulates phagocytic ingestion of POS. Our findings demonstrate that Tyro3 gene dosage modulates Mertk-associated retinal degeneration, provide strong evidence for a direct role for TYRO3 in RPE phagocytosis, and suggest that an eQTL can modify a recessive IPD

    In Vivo Visualization of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in the Retina Using the ERAI Reporter Mouse.

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    PurposeEndoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress activates inositol requiring enzyme 1 (IRE1), a key regulator of the unfolded protein response. The ER stress activated indicator (ERAI) transgenic mouse expresses a yellow fluorescent GFP variant (Venus) when IRE1 is activated by ER stress. We tested whether ERAI mice would allow for real-time longitudinal studies of ER stress in living mouse eyes.MethodsWe chemically and genetically induced ER stress, and qualitatively and quantitatively studied the Venus signal by fluorescence ophthalmoscopy. We determined retinal cell types that contribute to the signal by immunohistology, and we performed molecular and biochemical assays using whole retinal lysates to assess activity of the IRE1 pathway.ResultsWe found qualitative increase in vivo in fluorescence signal at sites of intravitreal tunicamycin injection in ERAI eyes, and quantitative increase in ERAI mice mated to RhoP23H mice expressing ER stress-inducing misfolded rhodopsin protein. As expected, we found that increased Venus signal arose primarily from photoreceptors in RhoP23H/+;ERAI mice. We found increased Xbp1S and XBP1s transcriptional target mRNA levels in RhoP23H/+;ERAI retinas compared to Rho+/+;ERAI retinas, and that Venus signal increased in ERAI retinas as a function of age.ConclusionsFluorescence ophthalmoscopy of ERAI mice enables in vivo visualization of retinas undergoing ER stress. ER stress activated indicator mice enable identification of individual retinal cells undergoing ER stress by immunohistochemistry. ER stress activated indicator mice show higher Venus signal at older ages, likely arising from amplification of basal retinal ER stress levels by GFP's inherent stability