26 research outputs found

    Precipitation of Aluminium Nitride during Recrystallization of α-Iron

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    Mizoribine を用いたヒト腎移植の経験

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    In addition to steroids and azathioprine, mizoribine was administered to 17 renal transplant recipients. In 9 of the 17, 16 acute rejections occurred. Seven of these 9 recovered without deterioration of graft function, but one lost the function. Mizoribine, which has been elucidated to produce a chronic rejection preventing effect fully when administered concurrently with steroids and azathioprine, proved to give a satisfactory immunosuppressive effect in a dose of 1 mg/kg/day when used simaltaneously with steroids and azathioprine

    腎移植臨床例における T.G 陽性細胞の変動 : 合併症との関連性を中心に

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    The changes in lymphocyte subpopulations in renal transplant recipients were determined. Prior to immunosuppressive therapy, the subpopulation levels in the recipients were similar to those of healthy adults, but after administration of therapy, the T-cell ratio (%T) decreased, while the IgG-Fc receptor-bearing T-cell ratio (%T.G) increased. However, review of these changes in individual cases showed that among those with the same degree of decrease in %T, the %T.G increased only slightly in some, but markedly in others, thus, indicating that there was not necessarily an inverse correlation between the decrease in %T and increase in %T.G. Further, it is noted that when %T.G was markedly increased, the patient was susceptible to bacterial infection


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    The authors have experienced a very rare case of obstructive jaundice resulting from direct compression of the region of the porta hepatis by an abdominal aneurysm developing below the renal artery, whose life was saved by an operation performed just before rupture of the aneurysm occurred. The case is reported

    腎移植後患者の急性拒絶反応に合併した DIC

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    A kidney transplant recipient with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) accompanied by acute rejection was described. The principal symptome of the patient was massive gross hematuria. She showed thrombocytopenia, marked decrease of fibrinogen and elevation of fibrinogen degradation products (FDP) level. The patient was treated by continuous intravenous heparin infusion (total dose was 85, 800 units), and it was very effective. The symtoms due to DIC were improved on the 9th day after the beginning of heparin therapy

    Tissue-specific and stress-enhancing expression of the TR promoter for mannopine synthase in transgenic medicinal plants

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    Transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), licorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisher) and foxglove (Digitalis purpurea L.) were obtained with binary vector systems based on a disarmed Agrobacterium tumefaciens and on a virulent A. rhizogenes. The chimeric neomycin phosphotransferase II (NPT-II) gene (kan) and the beta-glucuronidase (GUS) gene (uidA) were under the control of the TR1' and 2' promoters, respectively, on a binary vector, pGSGlucl. Tissue-specific expression of the chimeric TR2'-uidA gene was studied using regenerants of N. tabacum from transformed callus and hairy roots, and also using the transformed roots of G. uralensis and D. purpurea. In all these transformed tissues, the phloem and surrounding tissues were stained with 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-D-glucuronide, showing the specific expression of uidA. The enzymatic assays of NPT-II and GUS indicated that the expression of both TR1'-kan and TR2'-uidA were coordinately enhanced by wounding and by the addition of plant growth regulators. These results indicate that the gene expression by the dual TR promoters is regulated in the several plant species studied in a tissue-specific manner and enhanced by physiological stresses

    腎移植における Ureteroneocystostomy の問題点 : Intravesical UreteroneocystostomyとExtravesical Ureteroneocystostomy の比較

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    The authors have made extensive studies of ureteroneocystostomies, that are intravesical and extravesical methods, and postoperative urological complications on 58 cases of living related renal transplants and 12 cases of cadaveric renal transplants at the Second Department of Surgery, Hiroshima University School of Medicine. Among the 21 cases in whom intravesical ureteroneocystostomy was employed, there was one case of urinary fistula. Among the 49 cases in whom extravesical ureteroneocystostomy was employed, two case of postoperative bleeding, a case of stenosis of the ureter and a case of urinary fistula of the anastomosis were observed. There was one case of graft loss in each method, but no case died. The incidence of complications is low on both methods. But extravesical ureteroneocystostomy does not require a large incision of the vesical wall and is advantageous in having a possibility to conduct the submucosal tunnel visually and a easy doing of anastomosis between the ureter and the vesical mucosa. Then, the procedure of our modified extravesical ureteroneocytostomy was reported