288 research outputs found

    Anaphylaxis after jellyfish ingestion with no history of stings: a pediatric case report

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    Background Jellyfish stings are known to induce allergic skin reactions; however, case reports of anaphylaxis after jellyfish ingestion have been increasing, especially in Asian countries. Some cases of anaphylaxis after jellyfish ingestion have been reported in patients with a previous history of frequent jellyfish stings. Herein, we report a pediatric patient with anaphylaxis after jellyfish ingestion with no history of jellyfish stings. Case presentation A 14-year-old girl developed two episodes of anaphylaxis, and her diet diaries revealed that edible jellyfish was common to the meals in both the anaphylaxis events. A skin prick test using five types of edible jellyfish products revealed a positive reaction to some jellyfish, and anaphylaxis was observed after the ingestion of jellyfish in an oral food challenge test. She had no history of jellyfish stings or frequent swimming in the ocean. The basophil activation test showed positive results on stimulation with extracts from various types of edible jellyfish. We observed serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) reactivity to purified jellyfish collagen and jellyfish acid-soluble extracts. Moreover, immunoblotting analysis showed IgE reactivity to two bands at approximately 40 and 70 kDa using purified jellyfish collagen, which may be a causative antigen. Conclusions Edible salted jellyfish can be one of the causative foods of anaphylaxis. Clinicians should be aware of the possibility of anaphylactic reactions due to jellyfish ingestion even without a history of jellyfish stings

    Collective cell migration of Dictyostelium without cAMP oscillations at multicellular stages

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    In Dictyostelium discoideum, a model organism for the study of collective cell migration, extracellular cyclic adenosine 3’,5’-monophosphate (cAMP) acts as a diffusible chemical guidance cue for cell aggregation, which has been thought to be important in multicellular morphogenesis. Here we revealed that the dynamics of cAMP-mediated signaling showed a transition from propagating waves to steady state during cell development. Live-cell imaging of cytosolic cAMP levels revealed that their oscillation and propagation in cell populations were obvious for cell aggregation and mound formation stages, but they gradually disappeared when multicellular slugs started to migrate. A similar transition of signaling dynamics occurred with phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate signaling, which is upstream of the cAMP signal pathway. This transition was programmed with concomitant developmental progression. We propose a new model in which cAMP oscillation and propagation between cells, which are important at the unicellular stage, are unessential for collective cell migration at the multicellular stage

    Aquaporin-6 is expressed along the rat gastrointestinal tract and upregulated by feeding in the small intestine

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    Background: Several aquaporins (a family of integral membrane proteins) have been recently identified in the mammalian gastrointestinal tract, and their involvement in the movement of fluid and small solutes has been suggested. In this direction we investigated, in some regions of the rat gastrointestinal tract, the presence and localization of aquaporin-6, given its peculiar function as an ion selective channel. Results: RT-PCR and immunoblotting experiments showed that aquaporin-6 was expressed in all the investigated portions of the rat gastrointestinal tract. The RT-PCR experiments showed that aquaporin-6 transcript was highly expressed in small intestine and rectum, and less in stomach, caecum and colon. In addition, jejunal mRNA expression was specifically stimulated by feeding. Immunoblotting analysis showed a major band with a molecular weight of about 55 kDa corresponding to the aquaporin-6 protein dimer; this band was stronger in the stomach and large intestine than in the small intestine. Immunoblotting analysis of brush border membrane vesicle preparations showed an intense signal for aquaporin-6 protein. The results of in situ hybridization experiments demonstrate that aquaporin-6 transcript is present in the isthmus, neck and basal regions of the stomach lining, and throughout the crypt-villus axis in both small and large intestine. In the latter regions, immunohistochemistry revealed strong aquaporin-6 labelling in the apical membrane of the surface epithelial cells, while weak or no labelling was observed in the crypt cells. In the stomach, an intense staining was observed in mucous neck cells and lower signal in principal cells and some parietal cells. Conclusion: The results indicate that aquaporin-6 is distributed throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Aquaporin-6 localization at the apical pole of the superficial epithelial cells and its upregulation by feeding suggest that it may be involved in movements of water and anions through the epithelium of the villi