67 research outputs found

    Application of Atmospheric Millimeter Wave Plasma to Rocket Propulsion

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    報告番号: 甲23879 ; 学位授与年月日: 2008-03-24 ; 学位の種別: 課程博士 ; 学位の種類: 博士(科学) ; 学位記番号: 博創域第345号 ; 研究科・専攻: 新領域創成科学研究科先端エネルギー工学専


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    Concept Study of a Beamed Energy Propulsion Craft as Workhorse of a Future Space Transportation Architecture

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    This paper denes three dierent scenarios, describing the potential future commercial space transportation market. Based on the discussed scenarios boundary conditions for future space transportation systems are established. The paper gives a brief overview over dierent types of future launcher systems with Beamed Energy Propulsion (BEP) engines. It concentrates on thermal and plasma propulsion and analyses a launcher system in terms of performance in the individual scenarios. A cost estimation based on the results of an ascent trajectory analysis serves to evaluate the system's performance


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    University of Tokyo (東京大学

    Evaluation of plume characteristics of arc-heaters with various oxygen injection systems

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    Arc-heater plumes generated by various oxygen injection systems were investigated by laser absorption spectroscopy. Firstly, oxygen was directly injected into a high temperature cathode-jet region through a thoriated-tungsten hollow cathode. Although number density of atomic oxygen was increased, erosion of the cathode was too severe to maintain stable discharge. Then, zirconium was used as a cathode material to reduce cathode erosion by oxidation. As a result, stable discharge was maintained for three hours with pre-mixed argon-oxygen injection and number density of atomic oxygen was successfully increased

    A study of mode purity improvement in the ITER relevant transmission line

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    In JAEA, mode conversion by corrugated waveguide system which is ITER relevant TL system was studied. To evaluate the alignment method for TL assembly, the mode content of middle section of TL was measured while assembly of the TL test stand. Then 5% of LP01 mode purity degradation was found in the long straight section though it was just assembly of 2m straight WGs. Indeed, the mode conversion calculation showed that 5% of mode conversion may occur when the straight section causes 1.0 mm of periodic deflection. To minimize the deflection, the alignment method with adjustment of both position and angle of the WG piece utilizing the laser beam reflection was applied for the TL re-assembling. The mode purity in the same section was improved and mode purity degradation was less than 1%. Finally 93% of LP01 mode purity was achieved at the end of long TL. Next the effect of mode purity by high-power long-pulse operation in TL was studied. Since the TL components are heated during the high-power RF operation, the TL causes deformation due to thermal expansion and deformed TL section induces significant mode conversion loss. The 170GHz gyrotron provided high-power (400kW) and long pulse (500sec) into TL and the beam profile at TL end was measured both before and after the long pulse operation. The mode purity at TL end was 91% before the long pulse and it decreased to 84% after the pulse. The temperature distribution and displacement of TL components were also measured. The measured displacement shows that the vertical sections became S-bend structures and mode conversion loss was estimated. The estimated total mode conversion loss in deformed long TL system was 8%. The estimated value showed good agreement with measurement of mode purity

    Thrust Augmentation Using High Power Beam and Reed Valve Air-breathing System

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    A study of mode purity improvement in the ITER relevant transmission line

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    In JAEA, mode conversion by corrugated waveguide system which is ITER relevant TL system was studied. To evaluate the alignment method for TL assembly, the mode content of middle section of TL was measured while assembly of the TL test stand. Then 5% of LP01 mode purity degradation was found in the long straight section though it was just assembly of 2m straight WGs. Indeed, the mode conversion calculation showed that 5% of mode conversion may occur when the straight section causes 1.0 mm of periodic deflection. To minimize the deflection, the alignment method with adjustment of both position and angle of the WG piece utilizing the laser beam reflection was applied for the TL re-assembling. The mode purity in the same section was improved and mode purity degradation was less than 1%. Finally 93% of LP01 mode purity was achieved at the end of long TL. Next the effect of mode purity by high-power long-pulse operation in TL was studied. Since the TL components are heated during the high-power RF operation, the TL causes deformation due to thermal expansion and deformed TL section induces significant mode conversion loss. The 170GHz gyrotron provided high-power (400kW) and long pulse (500sec) into TL and the beam profile at TL end was measured both before and after the long pulse operation. The mode purity at TL end was 91% before the long pulse and it decreased to 84% after the pulse. The temperature distribution and displacement of TL components were also measured. The measured displacement shows that the vertical sections became S-bend structures and mode conversion loss was estimated. The estimated total mode conversion loss in deformed long TL system was 8%. The estimated value showed good agreement with measurement of mode purity