22 research outputs found

    Bubbling 1/2 BPS Geometries and Penrose Limits

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    We discuss how to take a Penrose limit in bubbling 1/2 BPS geometries at the stage of a single function z(x_1,x_2,y). By starting from the z of the AdS_5 x S^5 we can directly derive that of the pp-wave via the Penrose limit. In that time the function z for the pp-wave with 1/R^2-corrections is obtained. We see that it surely reproduces the pp-wave with 1/R^2 terms. In addition we consider the Penrose limit in the configuration of the concentric rings.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX, v2:higher order corrections are added, typos corrected and references added, version to appear in PR

    Open Semiclassical Strings and Long Defect Operators in AdS/dCFT Correspondence

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    We consider defect composite operators in a defect superconformal field theory obtained by inserting an AdS_4 x S^2-brane in the AdS_5 x S^5 background. The one-loop dilatation operator for the scalar sector is represented by an integrable open spin chain. We give a description to construct coherent states for the open spin chain. Then, by evaluating the expectation value of the Hamiltonian with the coherent states in a long operator limit, a Landau-Lifshitz type of sigma model action is obtained. This action is also derived from the string action and hence we find a complete agreement in both SYM and string sides. We see that an SO(3)_H pulsating string solution is included in the action and its energy completely agrees with the result calculated in a different method. In addition, we argue that our procedure would be applicable to other AdS-brane cases.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX, minor corrections and references added. v3) some new results added. shortened and accepted version in PR

    Effective Actions of Matrix Models on Homogeneous Spaces

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    We evaluate the effective actions of supersymmetric matrix models on fuzzy S^2\times S^2 up to the two loop level. Remarkably it turns out to be a consistent solution of IIB matrix model. Based on the power counting and SUSY cancellation arguments, we can identify the 't Hooft coupling and large N scaling behavior of the effective actions to all orders. In the large N limit, the quantum corrections survive except in 2 dimensional limits. They are O(N) and O(N^{4\over 3}) for 4 and 6 dimensional spaces respectively. We argue that quantum effects single out 4 dimensionality among fuzzy homogeneous spaces.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figure, published version in Nucl. Phys.

    Quantum Corrections on Fuzzy Sphere

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    We investigate quantum corrections in non-commutative gauge theory on fuzzy sphere. We study translation invariant models which classically favor a single fuzzy sphere with U(1) gauge group. We evaluate the effective actions up to the two loop level. We find non-vanishing quantum corrections at each order even in supersymmetric models. In particular the two loop contribution favors U(n) gauge group over U(1) contrary to the tree action in a deformed IIB matrix model with a Myers term. We further observe close correspondences to 2 dimensional quantum gravity.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figure, published version in Nucl Phys.

    Embedding of theories with SU(2|4) symmetry into the plane wave matrix model

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    We study theories with SU(2|4) symmetry, which include the plane wave matrix model, 2+1 SYM on RxS^2 and N=4 SYM on RxS^3/Z_k. All these theories possess many vacua. From Lin-Maldacena's method which gives the gravity dual of each vacuum, it is predicted that the theory around each vacuum of 2+1 SYM on RxS^2 and N=4 SYM on RxS^3/Z_k is embedded in the plane wave matrix model. We show this directly on the gauge theory side. We clearly reveal relationships among the spherical harmonics on S^3, the monopole harmonics and the harmonics on fuzzy spheres. We extend the compactification (the T-duality) in matrix models a la Taylor to that on spheres.Comment: 56 pages, 6 figures, v2:a footnote and references added, section 5.2 improved, typos corrected, v3:typos corrected, v4: some equations are corrected, eq.(G.2) is added, conclusion is unchange

    N=4 SYM on R x S^3 and Theories with 16 Supercharges

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    We study N=4 SYM on R x S^3 and theories with 16 supercharges arising as its consistent truncations. These theories include the plane wave matrix model, N=4 SYM on R x S^2 and N=4 SYM on R x S^3/Z_k, and their gravity duals were studied by Lin and Maldacena. We make a harmonic expansion of the original N=4 SYM on R x S^3 and obtain each of the truncated theories by keeping a part of the Kaluza-Klein modes. This enables us to analyze all the theories in a unified way. We explicitly construct some nontrivial vacua of N=4 SYM on R x S^2. We perform 1-loop analysis of the original and truncated theories. In particular, we examine states regarded as the integrable SO(6) spin chain and a time-dependent BPS solution, which is considered to correspond to the AdS giant graviton in the original theory.Comment: 68 pages, 12 figures, v2,v3:typos corrected and comments added. To appear in JHE

    Complex Matrix Model and Fermion Phase Space for Bubbling AdS Geometries

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    We study a relation between droplet configurations in the bubbling AdS geometries and a complex matrix model that describes the dynamics of a class of chiral primary operators in dual N=4 super Yang Mills (SYM). We show rigorously that a singlet holomorphic sector of the complex matrix model is equivalent to a holomorphic part of two-dimensional free fermions, and establish an exact correspondence between the singlet holomorphic sector of the complex matrix model and one-dimensional free fermions. Based on this correspondence, we find a relation of the singlet holomorphic operators of the complex matrix model to the Wigner phase space distribution. By using this relation and the AdS/CFT duality, we give a further evidence that the droplets in the bubbling AdS geometries are identified with those in the phase space of the one-dimensional fermions. We also show that the above correspondence actually maps the operators of N=4 SYM corresponding to the (dual) giant gravitons to the droplet configurations proposed in the literature.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures, some clarification, typos corrected, published versio

    Stability of fuzzy S2Ă—S2S^2 \times S^2 geometry in IIB matrix model

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    We continue our study of the IIB matrix model on fuzzy S2Ă—S2S^2 \times S^2. Especially in this paper we focus on the case where the size of one of S2Ă—S2S^2\times S^2 is different from the other. By the power counting and SUSY cancellation arguments, we can identify the 't Hooft coupling and large NN scaling behavior of the effective action to all orders. We conclude that the most symmetric S2Ă—S2S^2 \times S^2 configuration where the both S2S^2s are of the same size is favored at the two loop level. In addition we develop a new approach to evaluate the amplitudes on fuzzy S2Ă—S2S^2 \times S^2.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, latex, published version in Nucl. Phys.

    Integrability and Higher Loops in AdS/dCFT Correspondence

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    We further study the correspondence between open semiclassical strings and long defect operators which is discussed in our previous work [hep-th/0410139]. We give an interpretation of the spontaneous symmetry breaking of SO(6)-> SO(3)_H x SO(3)_V from the viewpoint of the Riemann surface by following the argument of Minahan. Then we use the concrete form of the resolvent for a single cut solution and compute the anomalous dimension of operators dual to an open pulsating string at three-loop level. In the string side we obtain the energy of the open pulsating string solution by semiclassical analysis. Both results agree at two-loop level but we find a three-loop discrepancy.Comment: v1: 11 pages, 2 figures; v2: minor corrections, references added, published versio

    Open Spinning Strings and AdS/dCFT Duality

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    We consider open spinning string solutions on an AdS_4 x S^2-brane (D5-brane) in the bulk AdS_5 x S^5 background. By taking account of the breaking of SO(6)_R to SO(3)_H x SO(3)_V due to the presence of the AdS-brane, the open rotating string ansatz is discussed. We construct the elliptic folded/circular open string solutions in the SU(2) and the SL(2) sectors, so that they satisfy the appropriate boundary conditions. On the other hand, in the SU(2) sector of the gauge theory, we compute the matrix of anomalous dimension of the defect operator, which turns out to be the Hamiltonian of an open integrable spin chain. Then we consider the coordinate Bethe ansatz with arbitrary number of impurities, and compare the boundary condition of the Bethe wavefunction with that of the corresponding open string solution. We also discuss the Bethe ansatz for the open SL(2) spin chain with several supports from the string theory side. Then, in both SU(2) and SL(2) sectors, we analyze the Bethe equations in the thermodynamic limit and formulate the `doubling trick' on the Riemann surface associated with the gauge theory.Comment: 1+50 pages, 7 figures, JHEP style, references adde