37 research outputs found

    Intraprostatic Hydatid Cyst: An Unusual Presentation

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    A case of intraprostatic cyst is reported. The patient presented with a completely evacuated hydatid cyst of the prostate. The intraprostatic cystic cavity that was communicating with the urethra developed urinary stones. The patient had transurethral resection of the prostate, the stones in the cyst were pushed into the bladder and fragmented using a ballistic lithotripter. Pathological examination concluded to a prostatic hydatid cyst that had evacuated through the urethra and was complicated by stone formation within the residual cavity. Postoperative course was uneventful and follow-up did not show evidence of recurrence. This is the first case of hydatid cyst of the prostate to present as an intraprostatic stone pouch

    Fistule réno-colique compliquant une tuberculose rénale: à propos d´un cas

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    La tuberculose urogénitale reste peu évoquée et peu connue par les cliniciens. Les fistules réno-coliques sont parmi les formes compliquées de la tuberculose rénale survenant à un stade avancé de la maladie, mais qui sont rares. Elles intéressent en général le colon ascendant et descendant. Nous rapportons le cas clinique d´une patiente âgée de 58 ans qui s'est présentée aux urgences pour une pyélonéphrite aiguë gauche grave. La tomodensitométrie abdominale a objectivé une pyonéphrose gauche avec une fistule réno-colique gauche. Vu l´évolution clinico-biologique défavorable de la patiente malgré les mesures de réanimation et les traitements antibiotiques, une néphrectomie gauche a été pratiquée en urgence avec une déconnexion et un drainage dirigé de la fistule réno-colique. L'histologie a conclu à une tuberculose rénale. La patiente a été mise sous traitement anti-bacillaire selon le protocole 2ERHZ/4RH. Le traitement de cette forme de tuberculose doit être adéquat pour éviter toute possibilité de récidive dont la prise en charge serait alors plus compliquée

    Hydatid Cyst of the Adrenal Gland: A Clinical Study of Six Cases

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    Hydatid cyst of the adrenal gland (HCAG) is an exceptional occurrence. We report our experience of six cases of HCAG and discuss the diagnosis and treatment of this hydatid localization. We retrospectively reviewed and analyzed the clinical files of six patients admitted to our institution from January 1990 to December 2000 for HCAG. Patients varied in age from 24—59 years. They were five males and one female. One patient had a history of pulmonary hydatidosis treated surgically 10 years previously. Five patients presented with lumbar pain and one patient had bouts of hypertension, headache, and palpitation. Physical examination was normal except in one patient who was hypertensive. Preoperative diagnosis was highly suggested by ultrasonography. CT scan performed in all cases clearly showed the relationship of the cyst with adjacent organs. Serology tests were positive in two cases. One patient had elevated urine VMA and was operated on with the diagnosis of cystic phaeochromocytoma. All six patients were operated on and had either an adrenalectomy (two cases) or partial pericystectomy (four cases). In one case, partial pericystectomy was conducted through a retroperitoneal laparoscopic approach. The hydatid nature of the cyst was confirmed pathologically. All patients had a smooth postoperative course with no cystic recurrence on follow-up. The diagnosis of HCAG is based mainly on ultrasonography and CT scan. Surgery with either partial or total excision of the cyst, with or without preservation of the adrenal gland, is the treatment of choice

    Pancreatic pseudocyst mimicking a left kidney abscess: a case report

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    Abstract Background Pancreatic pseudocyst are fluid filled sacs that develop as a result of dissection of pancreatic enzyme tissue. While most commonly found near the pancreas, they can also rarely occur in other areas such as the perirenal region. Case presentation This study reports a new case of an infected perirenal pancreatic pseudocyst mimicking a left kidney abscess in a 46-year-old North African patient with history of recurrent acute pancreatitis, who presented with left lumbar region pain and fever. Computed tomography revealed a left perirenal collection that turned out to be an infected pancreatic pseudocyst, The diagnostic was first suspected based on the medical history of the patient and confirmed by biochemical examination detecting a high level of pancreatic enzymes in the computed tomography-guided percutaneous drainage fluid. The patient evolved well after early resuscitation, rapid and effective antibiotic therapy, and computed tomography-guided percutaneous drainage of renal collection. Conclusion Pancreatic pseudocyst is an uncommon disorder, which may present at a complicated stage and that must be considered in patients with a history of pancreatitis

    Bladder colloid carcinoma: A case report

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    Non-urothelial bladder cancers are rare. We report the case of a 72-year-old who consulted for terminal hematuria evolving for three months. Computed Tomography scan showed a tumor of the anterior wall of the bladder. The patient underwent a transurethral resection of the bladder tumor. The histological examination of the tumor showed a bladder colloid carcinoma. The extension evaluation showed pulmonary and bone metastases. The patient received chemotherapy

    Idiopathic renal infarction: A new case report

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    Acute renal infarction is a rare condition that should be considered in the diagnosis of nephretic colic, idiopathic renal infarction is extremely rare with only few cases in literatures. We report a case of a 43-years-old patient who consulted for flank pain. The diagnosis of idiopathic renal infraction was confirmed by CT scan and arteriography. The treatment was based on anticoagulation

    Ocular abscess: An extremely rare complication of transurethral resection of the prostate

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    Ocular abscess following transurethral resection of the prostate is an rare complication. We report the case of a male who developed an ocular abscess with purulent melting of the eye after undergoing TURP for benign prostatic hyperplasia. The patient successfully underwent the TURP procedure. However, he developed a right epididymitis and subsequently an ocular abscess on the same side. Treatment involved dual antibiotic therapy for the epididymitis, followed by incision of the ocular abscess and intravenous antibiotics. Multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli was identified in both ocular and postoperative urine cultures. This case highlights the rarity and potential serious complications following TURP

    Bladder endometriosis: A serious disease

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    Urinary tract endometriosis (UTE) is a very rare but serious form of infiltrating endometriosis because of the risk of urinary tract obstruction and loss of renal function. We report the case of A 42-year-old female patient admitted for intense right back pain with lower urinary tract disorders. An abdomino-pelvic ultrasound was done showing right uretero-hydronephrosis. Ureteroscopy showed an inflammatory-like stenosis of the right pelvic ureter. Given the young age of the patient, the poor quality of the right kidney, we opted for a right total nephro ureterectomy. The anatomopathological examination showed a bladder endometriosis

    Massive hydronephrosis due to obstruction by upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma with compression of the inferior vena cava

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    A 78-year-old woman presented with tachypnea, abdominal distension, bilateral lower limb edema, and hematuria. A contrast-enhanced CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis was performed, which revealed a significant left-sided hydronephrosis upstream of an upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma (UUT-UC). The patient underwent a left open nephroureterectomy, and approximately 10 L of fluid were evacuated. Follow-up examinations did not show any recurrence of abdominal swelling

    About a case of paratesticular myxoid liposarcoma

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    Paratesticular liposarcomas are relatively common sarcomas in the paratesticular region, however, the myxoid variant is considered very rare. Due to the infrequency of this malignant disease, no standard treatment would be available. Multiple treatments have reported in literature with different results. Herein, we presented a case of paratesticular myxoid liposarcoma in a 67-year-old man originating from the right paratesticular soft tissue. Keywords: Myxoid liposarcoma, Paratesticular, Scrotal mas