5 research outputs found

    Influence of carbon and graphene oxide nanoparticle on the adhesive properties of dentin bonding polymer: A SEM, EDX, FTIR study

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    Objective: This study was aimed at including 2.5 wt.% of carbon nanoparticles (CNPs) and graphene oxide NPs (GNPs) in a control adhesive (CA) and then investigate the effect of this inclusion on their mechanical properties and its adhesion to root dentin. Materials and methods: Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX) mapping were conducted to investigate the structural features and elemental distribution of CNPs and GNPs, respectively. These NPs were further characterized by Raman spectroscopy. The adhesives were characterized by evaluating their push-out bond strength (PBS), rheological properties, degree of conversion (DC) investigation, and failure type analysis. Results: The SEM micrographs revealed that the CNPs were irregular and hexagonal, whereas the GNPs were flake-shaped. EDX analysis showed that carbon (C), oxygen (O), and zirconia (Zr) were found in the CNPs, while the GNPs were composed of C and O. The Raman spectra for CNPs and GNPs revealed their characteristic bands (CNPs-D band: 1334 cm −1 , GNPs-D band: 1341 cm −1 , CNPs-G band: 1650 cm −1 , and GNPs-G band: 1607 cm −1 ). The testing verified that the highest bond strength to root dentin were detected for GNP-reinforced adhesive (33.20 ± 3.55 MPa), trailed closely by CNP-reinforced adhesive (30.48 ± 3.10 MPa), while, the CA displayed lowest values (25.11 ± 3.60 MPa). The inter-group comparisons of the NP-reinforced adhesives with the CA revealed statistically significant results ( p  < 0.01). Failures of adhesive nature were most common in within the adhesives and root dentin. The rheological assessment results demonstrated a reduced viscosity for all the adhesives observed at advanced angular frequencies. All the adhesives verified suitable dentin interaction shown by hybrid layer and appropriate resin tag development. A reduced DC was perceived for both NP-reinforced adhesives, compared to the CA. Conclusion: The present study’s findings have demonstrated that 2.5% GNP adhesive revealed the highest, suitable root dentin interaction, and acceptable rheological properties. Nevertheless, a reduced DC was observed (matched with the CA). Prospective studies probing the influence of diverse concentrations of filler NPs on the adhesive’s mechanical properties to root dentin are recommended

    Dentin Bond Integrity of Hydroxyapatite Containing Resin Adhesive Enhanced with Graphene Oxide Nano-Particles—An SEM, EDX, Micro-Raman, and Microtensile Bond Strength Study

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    The aim was to synthesize and characterize an adhesive incorporating HA and GO nanoparticles. Techniques including scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), micro-tensile bond strength (&mu;TBS), and micro-Raman spectroscopy were employed to investigate bond durability, presence of nanoparticles inside adhesive, and dentin interaction. Control experimental adhesive (CEA) was synthesized with 5 wt% HA. GO particles were fabricated and added to CEA at 0.5 wt% (HA-GO-0.5%) and 2 wt% GO (HA-GO-2%). Teeth were prepared to produce bonded specimens using the three adhesive bonding agents for assessment of &mu;TBS, with and without thermocycling (TC). The adhesives were applied twice on the dentin with a micro-brush followed by air thinning and photo-polymerization. The HA and GO nanoparticles demonstrated uniform dispersion inside adhesive. Resin tags with varying depths were observed on SEM micrographs. The EDX mapping revealed the presence of carbon (C), calcium (Ca), and phosphorus (P) in the two GO adhesives. For both TC and NTC samples, HA-GO-2% had higher &mu;TBS and durability, followed by HA-GO-0.5%. The representative micro-Raman spectra demonstrated D and G bands for nano-GO particles containing adhesives. HA-GO-2% group demonstrated uniform diffusion in adhesive, higher &mu;TBS, adequate durability, and comparable resin tag development to controls

    Assessment of the Physical Properties of an Experimental Adhesive Dentin Bonding Agent with Carbon Nanoparticles

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    The present study was aimed at reinforcing the control adhesive (CA) with two concentrations (2.5% & 5%) of carbon nanoparticles (CNPs) and evaluating the impact of these additions on the adhesive’s properties. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-Ray (EDX) spectroscopy were utilized to examine the morphological characteristics and elemental mapping of the filler CNPs. To investigate the adhesive’s properties, rheological assessment, shear bond strength (SBS) testing, analysis of the adhesive–dentin interface, degree of conversion (DC) analysis, and failure mode investigations were carried out. The SEM micrographs of CNPs verified roughly hexagonal-shaped cylindrical particles. The EDX plotting established the presence of carbon (C), oxygen (O), and zirconia (Zr). Upon rheological assessment, a gradual reduction in the viscosity was observed for all the adhesives at higher angular frequencies. The SBS testing revealed the highest values for 2.5% CNP adhesive group (25.15 ± 3.08 MPa) followed by 5% CNP adhesive group (24.25 ± 3.05 MPa). Adhesive type interfacial failures were most commonly found in this study. The 5% CNP containing adhesive revealed thicker resin tags and a uniform hybrid layer without any gaps (compared with 2.5% CNP adhesive and CA). The reinforcement of the CA with 2.5% and 5% CNPs augmented the adhesive’s bond strength. Nevertheless, a diminished viscosity (at higher angular frequencies) and reduced DC were observed for the two CNP reinforced adhesives. CNP reinforced dentin adhesives are effective in enhancing the adhesive bond integrity of resin to dentin

    Assessment of the Physical Properties of an Experimental Adhesive Dentin Bonding Agent with Carbon Nanoparticles

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    The present study was aimed at reinforcing the control adhesive (CA) with two concentrations (2.5% &amp; 5%) of carbon nanoparticles (CNPs) and evaluating the impact of these additions on the adhesive&rsquo;s properties. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-Ray (EDX) spectroscopy were utilized to examine the morphological characteristics and elemental mapping of the filler CNPs. To investigate the adhesive&rsquo;s properties, rheological assessment, shear bond strength (SBS) testing, analysis of the adhesive&ndash;dentin interface, degree of conversion (DC) analysis, and failure mode investigations were carried out. The SEM micrographs of CNPs verified roughly hexagonal-shaped cylindrical particles. The EDX plotting established the presence of carbon (C), oxygen (O), and zirconia (Zr). Upon rheological assessment, a gradual reduction in the viscosity was observed for all the adhesives at higher angular frequencies. The SBS testing revealed the highest values for 2.5% CNP adhesive group (25.15 &plusmn; 3.08 MPa) followed by 5% CNP adhesive group (24.25 &plusmn; 3.05 MPa). Adhesive type interfacial failures were most commonly found in this study. The 5% CNP containing adhesive revealed thicker resin tags and a uniform hybrid layer without any gaps (compared with 2.5% CNP adhesive and CA). The reinforcement of the CA with 2.5% and 5% CNPs augmented the adhesive&rsquo;s bond strength. Nevertheless, a diminished viscosity (at higher angular frequencies) and reduced DC were observed for the two CNP reinforced adhesives. CNP reinforced dentin adhesives are effective in enhancing the adhesive bond integrity of resin to dentin