6 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous ribonuclear protein E2 (hnRNP E2) is associated with TDP-43-immunoreactive neurites in Semantic Dementia but not with other TDP-43 pathological subtypes of Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration

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    Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration (FTLD) encompasses certain related neurodegenerative disorders which alter personality and cognition. Heterogeneous ribonuclear proteins (hnRNPs) maintain RNA metabolism and changes in their function may underpin the pathogenesis of FTLD. Immunostaining for hnRNP E2 was performed on sections of frontal and temporal cortex with hippocampus from 80 patients with FTLD, stratified by pathology into FTLD-tau and FTLD-TDP type A, B and C subtypes, and by genetics into patients with C9orf72 expansions, MAPT or GRN mutations, or those with no known mutation, and on 10 healthy controls. Semi-quantitative analysis assessed hnRNP staining in frontal and temporal cortex, and in dentate gyrus (DG) of hippocampus, in the different pathology and genetic groups. We find that hnRNP E2 immunostaining detects the TDP-43 positive dystrophic neurites (DN) within frontal and temporal cortex, and the neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI) seen in DG granule cells, characteristic of patients with Semantic Dementia (SD) and type C TDP-43 pathology, but did not detect TDP-43 or tau inclusions in any of the other pathological or genetic variants of FTLD. Double immunofluorescence for hnRNP E2 and TDP-43 showed most TDP-43 immunopositive DN to contain hnRNP E2. Present findings indicate an association between TDP-43 and hnRNP E2 which might underlie the pathogenetic mechanism of this form of FTLD

    Pathological substrate of memory impairment in multiple system atrophy

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    AIMS AND METHODS: Synaptic dysfunction in Parkinson's disease is caused by propagation of pathogenic α-synuclein between neurons. Previously, in multiple system atrophy (MSA), pathologically characterised by ectopic deposition of abnormal α-synuclein predominantly in oligodendrocytes, we demonstrated that the occurrence of memory impairment was associated with the number of α-synuclein-positive neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCIs) in the hippocampus. Here, using a mouse model of adult-onset MSA and human cases (MSA, N = 25; Parkinson's disease, N = 3, Alzheimer's disease, N = 2; normal controls, N = 11), we aimed to investigate how abnormal α-synuclein in the hippocampus can lead to memory impairment. RESULTS: In the MSA model, inducible human α-synuclein was first expressed in oligodendrocytes, and subsequently accumulated in the cytoplasm of excitatory hippocampal neurons (NCI-like structures) and their presynaptic nerve terminals with the development of memory impairment. α-Synuclein oligomers increased simultaneously in the hippocampus of the MSA model. Hippocampal dendritic spines also decreased in number, followed by suppression of long-term potentiation. Consistent with these findings obtained in the MSA model, post-mortem analysis of human MSA brain tissues showed that cases of MSA with memory impairment developed more NCIs in excitatory hippocampal neurons along with α-synuclein oligomers than those without. CONCLUSIONS: our results provide new insights into the role of α-synuclein oligomers as a possible pathological cause of memory impairment in MSA

    TDP-43 extracted from frontotemporal lobar degeneration subject brains displays distinct aggregate assemblies and neurotoxic effects reflecting disease progression rates

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    Accumulation of abnormally phosphorylated TDP-43 (pTDP-43) is the main pathology in affected neurons of people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD). Morphological diversity and neuroanatomical distribution of pTDP-43 accumulations allowed classification of FTLD cases into at least four subtypes, which are correlated with clinical presentations and genetic causes. To understand the molecular basis of this heterogeneity, we developed SarkoSpin, a new method for biochemical isolation of pathological TDP-43. By combining SarkoSpin with mass spectrometry, we revealed proteins beyond TDP-43 that become abnormally insoluble in a disease subtype-specific manner. We show that pTDP-43 extracted from brain forms stable assemblies of distinct densities and morphologies that are associated with disease subtypes. Importantly, biochemically extracted pTDP-43 assemblies showed differential neurotoxicity and seeding that were correlated with disease duration of FTLD subjects. Our data are consistent with the notion that disease heterogeneity could originate from alternate pathological TDP-43 conformations, which are reminiscent of prion strains