117 research outputs found

    Economic Factors behind Social Entrepreneurship in Bangladesh

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    Bangladesh has pool of entrepreneurs whereas there are also new establishments; new employment opportunities and so are the income sources. For the better measurement of entrepreneurship characteristics, the growth and different indicators impact on entrepreneurship needs to be identified. Thus this paper tries to find out the key economic indicators of entrepreneurship in the context of Bangladesh. The research is based on secondary research; has used entrepreneurship as a dependent variable proxied by self-employment and seven independent variables—per capita income, unemployment rate, labor force, industrial structure change, capital, human capital and literacy rate. Two regression models have been used encompassing the stated variable data from year 2008 to 2018. In the first regression analysis it has been tried to identify whether the model can be constructed with the overall economic variables with the self employment. At second regression model it has been tried to find out whether there is the explain ability of the variables result in the regression analysis and what is the degree and pattern of the relationship. The research shows that literacy rate and human capital have aligned with the self employment. But all the other variables are not matched with the self employment and could not provide the support for self employment to thrive. And the linear regression analysis shows that per capita income, labor force and literacy rate play the most important role in case of nourishing self employment. Unemployment rate is found as contradictory with the findings in the context of Bangladesh


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh banyaknya guru yang hanya berperan sebagai pendidik yakni hanya mentransfer ilmu pengetahuan saja tanpa memberikan motivasi dalam rangka membentuk akhlak siswanya menjadi lebih baik. Sehingga sering dijumpai siswa yang malas dalam belajar, akhlak siswa yang kurang baik terhadap guru maupun sesama siswa dalam hal perkataan, perbuatan, dan tingkah laku. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan peran guru pendidikan agama Islam sebagai motivator dalam membentuk akhlak siswa dan menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi peran guru pendidikan agama Islam sebagai motivator dalam membentuk akhlak siswa di MTs An-Najahiyyah Kecamatan Kabat Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, dengan subjek penelitian adalah guru pendidikan agama islam, kepala sekolah, waka kesiswaan, dan siswa kelas VII B MTs An-Najahiyyah Kecamatan Kabat Kabupaten Banyuwangi dengan jumlah 27 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan menggunakan langkah-langkah analisis yang dilakukan dalam penelitian kualitatif menurut Miles dan Huberman yaitu tahap pengumpulan data (data collection), tahap reduksi data (data reduction), tahap penyajian data (data display), tahap penarikan kesimpulan (conclusions: drawing/verifying). Untuk meningkatkan keabsahan data penelitian kualitatif maka dilakukan proses credibility, transferability, dependabilitas dan konfirmability. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran guru pendidikan agama islam di MTs An-Najahiyyah sudah berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Terbukti dengan adanya peran guru sebagai motivator dapat menciptakan sekolah yang kondusif serta membentuk akhlak siswa. Dengan adanya program-program yang dilaksanakan di sekolah tersebut dapat mendorong atau merubah akhlak siswa. Di antaranya seperti program sholat berjamaah, membiasakan berperilaku sopan santun, menghargai dan menghormati orang lain, dan menjaga kebersihan atau jumat bersih. Dan adanya faktor yang mempengaruhi pembentukan akhlak siswa dari faktor internal meliputi kebiasaan dan keinginan atau kemauan keras serta faktor eksternal yaitu dari lingkungan sekolah yang dapat mempengaruhi dalam pembentukan akhlak siswa

    Effect of Mergers and Acquisitions on Market Concentration and Interest Spread

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    This study investigates the relationship of mergers & acquisitions with the interest spread of the banking industry in Pakistan. To assess whether the merger of Pakistani banks were a success or otherwise, profitability, liquidity ratios, and net interest spread are computed which are considered essential to judge the financial performance of any bank. Data is taken for the period of 1997-2010 and this data have been used to calculate the interest spread and market concentration. Market Concentration is calculated by using Herfindahl-Hirschman Index or HHI. Findings show that the profitability and net interest spread of two merged banks declines as a result of mergers. It is also revealed that Concentration of the banking industry shows a rising trend during 2008 and 2009 after mergers occurred during 2007 as a result of merger. However, it shows the level that almost approaches the threshold i.e. 1000. One or two more mergers can push up threshold level of HH index. It means that it is the right time for banking industry of Pakistan to be reviewed by any antitrust authority to maintain the optimum level of competition

    Immunophenotyping of chronic B-cell neoplasms: flow cytometry versus immunohistochemistry

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    Morphological differentiation between benign and malignant lymphoproliferative disorders (LPDs) can be challenging. Immunophenotyping (IPT) by either technique, flow cytometry or immunohistochemistry (IHC), is an important step in solving such difficulty. Thirty-five newly diagnosed patients with chronic B-cell neoplasms (11 chronic lymphocytic leukemia, 22 non Hodgkin lymphoma and 2 hairy cell leukemia) were included in this study with age range from 20 to 70 years. Monoclonal antibodies surface expression using lymphoproliferative disorders panel (CD45, CD19, CD5, CD10, CD11c, CD20, CD22, CD23, CD38, CD79b, FMC7, CD103, CD25, kappa and lambda light chains) by flow cytometry was done on bone marrow samples. CD20, CD5, CD23, Bcl-2, Bcl-6, kappa and lambda light chain immunostaining were performed on fixed bone marrow trephine biopsy specimen. The sensitivity of IHC was 81.8% in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and 100% in non Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) as regards CD20, 100% in both groups as regards CD5, 46% in CLL and 66.7% in NHL as regards CD23, 33.3% in CLL and 50% in NHL as regards kappa chain, 20% in CLL and 33.3% in NHL as regards lambda chain. We found that IHC and flow cytometry are equally effective in diagnosing CLL; however, IHC might be slightly more sensitive than flow cytometry in detecting bone marrow infiltration in NHL and hairy cell leukemia (HCL)

    Safety and Efficacy of Anifrolumab in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Systematic Review with Network Meta-analysis

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    Rancangan Perniagaan ETR 300 Syarikat 4-10-C Sdn Bhd / Mastura Abdul Aziz [et al.]

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    4-10-C Sdn Bhd adalah syarikat memproses bahan mentah untuk dijadikan plastik. Syarikat ini beroperasi di Kawasan perindustrian Gurun, Kedah. Syarikat ini beroperasi pada 1 Januari 2002. Syarikat ini memproses bahan mentah untuk dijadikan plastik. Di samping itu juga, syarikat ini merupakan pembekal kepada pengilang-pengilang yang mengeluarkan barangan plastik. Perusahaan plastik ini adalah sebagai satu bahan kepenggunaan yang direka khas bagi mempelbagaikan produk yang berasaskan plastik. Dan secara tidak langsung menjadi sumber pengganti kepada bahan asli seperti kayu, getah, besi dan sebagainya

    Journalism ethics in Malaysia entertainment industry / Nurul Ayuni Mohd Nuzulrudin…[et.al]

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    The title of this research paper is Journalism Ethics in Malaysia Entertainment Industry. This research paper is to find out the journalism ethics that have been practiced all this while by all the entertainment journalists and reporters in Malaysia. It shows how important journalism ethics is in writing a news. Journalism is a form of writing that tells people what already happened but they are not aware of it (Niles, 2015). While an entertainment journalists are the person who cover all the news and events within the industries of film, television, music, live events, video games, and others (Entertainment Journalist, 2016). The problem statement of this research paper is in the current situation of the entertainment industry nowadays there are defamation writing and false news being spread to the public. Next, the libel statement and also manipulated pictures in the news actually gives bad impact towards the victims or the celebrity because it actually affect their career and daily lives. Lastly, there are journalists who do not follow the rules and the ethics in writing the news. The main objectives of this research paper is to identify if there are a lot of defamation writing occurs in the entertainment industry, to determine does spreading of the false news affect the victims or the celebrities, to determine what causes the journalists tend to break the rules and the code of ethics of journalism, and to study does the code of ethics and rules play and important role in writing a news. In conclusion, defamation writing sometimes occurs because journalist’s want to create sensational stories, however the journalists should follow the rules and code of ethics to prevent unwanted problems from happening

    On the gauge and BRST invariance of the chiral QED with Faddeevian anomaly

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    Chiral Schwinger model with the Faddeevian anomaly is considered. It is found that imposing a chiral constraint this model can be expressed in terms of chiral boson. The model when expressed in terms of chiral boson remains anomalous and the Gauss law of which gives anomalous Poisson brackets between itself. In spite of that a systematic BRST quantization is possible. The Wess-Zumino term corresponding to this theory appears automatically during the process of quantization. A gauge invariant reformulation of this model is also constructed. Unlike the former one gauge invariance is done here without any extension of phase space. This gauge invariant version maps onto the vector Schwinger model.The gauge invariant version of the chiral Schwinger model for a=2a=2 has a massive field with identical mass however gauge invariant version obtained here does not map on to that.Comment: 11 pages latex, no figures, A little change in Title and abstrac

    Standardized bioassays: an improved method for studying Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense race 4 (FocR4) pathogen stress response in Musa acuminata cv. ‘Berangan’

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    To date, there is no standardized Fusarium bioassay protocol established owing partly to the wide variety of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) isolates and banana cultivars present. Thus, validation of the infection parameters is deemed essential prior to each bioassay experiment. In the current study, a simple standardized workflow was developed based on available assays for testing Fusarium wilt disease response in Musa acuminata using M. acuminata cv. ‘Berangan’ of tissue-culture origin as a model. The phenotypic assays were able to detect external disease symptoms less than one week post-inoculation, while the molecular approach using RT-qPCR identified differential expression of catalase (CAT), pathogenesis-related 10 (PR10), phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) and xylanase (XYL) genes as early as day 0. The transcript levels of PR10 and XYL fluctuated over 4 days of Foc Race 4 (FocR4 C1 HIR isolate) infection while the expression of CAT steadily increased over time. In contrast, PAL was highly upregulated at 2 days post-inoculation. These signature changes suggest that all genes tested might be involved in the early defense response of ‘Berangan’ plants against FocR4 infection. ‘Berangan’ cultivar was found to be highly susceptible to Foc Race 4 (C1 HIR isolate) with leaf symptoms index (LSI) and rhizome discoloration index (RDI) scores of 4.257 and 5.971, respectively. The procedure elaborated in this study can be used as a reference Foc bioassay for reproducible and comparable results possibly across cultivars and test isolates due to its simple steps aided by integration of phenotypic and molecular approach