82 research outputs found

    On the record of the red cornet fish Fistularia petimba (Syngnathiformes, Fistularidea) in Jask Port, the Oman Sea

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    According to the data recorded from Cadiz area located in the Mediterraneans (Cardenas. et al.,1997) the red cornet fish Fistularia petimba Lacepede,1803 is a large fish typically found along soft bottom coastal areas and usually at a depth of over 10m (Banon and Sande, 2008). Fistularia commersonii is often misidentified as Fistularia petimba Lacepede (Randall, 1992). Cornet fish distribute in the tropical waters of the Atlantic and Indo pacific. The north eastern limit of distribution is recognized in the Atlantic from Cape Blanc and Cape Verde Islands to Angola (Fritzsche, 1990). Besides, the geographic distribution ranges from tropical waters of the Atlantic to the Indian and pacific oceans (Banon and Sande, 2007). Two other variant species records were noted from northward of this area in Cadiz, on the Mediterraneans (Cardenas et al., 1997) and along to the Azores Islands (Azevedo et al., 2004). According to Fritzsche 1976, Fistularia L. comprises four species: F.corneta Gillbert and Starks, 1904, F.petimba Lacepede, 1803, F.taba Caria L., 1758 and F.commersonii RÜppel, 1835. Species identification was based on the absence of both elongated bony plates embedded in the skin along the midline of the back anterior to dorsal fin posterior lateral line and ossifications ending in a sharp spine immaculate red or orange (typical of F.petimba). No elongated bony plates along the midline of the back, posterior lateral line ossification without a spin, rows of blue spots on the back, sides and snout typically, were observed in Fistularia commersonii (Pais et al., 2007). The genus Fistularia Linnaeus, 1758 contain four species of which only two, Fistularia tabacaria and F.petimba, are distributed in the eastern Atlantic

    The first record of southern ocean sunfish, Mola ramsayi from northern Oman Sea, Iran

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    This report provides the first record of the Mola ramsayi from the northern Oman Sea, Iranian waters. The order Tetradontiformes contain the Molidae family that is a diverse marine fish group and contains eight families, 64 genera, and 320 species. Ocean sunfish or molas belong to the family Molidae. These species are epipelagic in nature. The molid species are characterized in having a distinctive laterally compressed shape, two fused teeth in jaws, no spines in dorsal and anal fins, no caudal peduncle; caudal fin lost; posterior and end of body reduced to a leathery flap or pseudo-caudal (clavus). ... In the present study, we record M. ramsayi for the first time from the northern Oman Sea, Iranian waters; and it is the fourth record for this species from the northern hemisphere and the third for the Oman Sea as the study area

    The impact of captivity on fertilization, cortisol and glucose levels in plasma in kutum broodstock

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    Gravid wild kutum broodstock, Rutilus frisii kutum, on their upstream migration to Valiabad River (northern Iran) were kept in captivity to allow them to ovulate (captive ripe). Then the impact of captivity on some reproductive and physiological parameters (i.e., plasma cortisol and glucose levels, fertilization percentage, gonadosomatic index and fecundity) were assessed and results were compared with those obtained from naturally ovulated broodstock (ripe). Plasma cortisol level was not significantly different between gravid and captive ripe broodstock but was significantly higher (P<0.05) than that in ripe group. Glucose level was significantly higher (P<0.05) in captive ripe compared to that in ripe or gravid groups. Mean gonadosomatic index, fecundity, and fertilization rate did not affect as a result of stress by captivity. Inverse relationship between plasma cortisol levels and fertilization rate was observed

    Oil spill modeling of diesel and gasoline with GNOME around Rajaee Port of Bandar Abbas, Iran

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    Rajaee port in Bandar Abbas is one of the important-oil transport hubs in Persian Gulf and any oil spill incidents can result in pollution, which impact on human habitats and the marine environment. Oil spill trajectory modeling is a tool which applied to increase the knowledge about oil spill fate. The GNOME model is a physical model which indicates the oil spill movements on sea water and potential risk areas. The model inputs include GIS data, time of spill release, release duration, spill chemistry and physical characteristics of wind and current data. Two scenarios for 10 and 200 bbl of diesel and gasoline spills are run on the model. Both the general Persian Gulf circulation which is from the south west and the local wind direction cause to move the oil spills toward the Bandar Abbas coast and Qeshm Island that pollutant these areas. Both regions are very valuable economic and environmental zones. They have known as risk places due to the oil spills that release from Rajaee Port in this study. The model results can assist organizations in preparing their emergency management systems for responses in the potential risk areas

    Identification of Pleuronectiformes species in the Persian Gulf (Khuzestan province) using morphometrics and meristics characteristics

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    This study was carried out to identify the different species of Pleuronectiformes order in the Khuzestan province waters (Persian Gulf) from March 2003 to June 2005. A Total of 671 specimens were collected by bottom trawl or from 7 main landings. The sampling period was seasonal. 36 main morphometric and meristic characteristics were measured. The results showed that 6 families of Soleidae, Cynoglossidae, Paralichtidae, Bothidae, Psettodidae and Citharidae are found in the studied area consist of 25 species of: Brachirus orentalis, Solea elongata, Monochirus lutenus, Parachirus marmoratus (family Soleidae); Cynoglossus ard, C. bilineatus, C. Puncticeps, C. durbanensis, C. lachneri (family Cynoglossidae); Pseudorombus annulatus, P. elevatus, P. arsius, P. malayanus, P. navaleusis, Paralichthodes algoensis, Poecilopstei javanicus (family Paralichtidae); Arnoglossus aspilos, A. arabicus, Engwrosopon grandisquama, Laeopes guentheri, L. natalensis, L. pectoralis, Psettina brevirictis (family Bothidae); Psettodes erumei (family Psettodidae) and Citharoides macrolepis (family Citharidae)

    Fishing pattern, maximum constant yield (MCY) and recruitment pattern of Thunnus tonggol in Hormuzgan province

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    Thunnus tonggol is one of the most important large pelagic fish species in Hormuzgan province waters. Nominal catch of T. tonggol in 2010 was 32405 tones comprising 65% of total catch of large pelagic fishes. For sustainable exploitation of the resources of this fish, we need to identify its fishing pattern, maximum constant yield and recruitment pattern. Hence, length and weight data were collected randomly from 6 major artisanal fish-landing sites Hassineh, Kong, Bandar Abbas, Salakh, Sirik and Jask in Hormuzgan province, starting in April 2010 over one year. Growth parameters L∞ and K were estimated at 112.23cm 0.3 and (1/year), respectively. Hence, the natural mortality was calculated at 0.43 (1/year) and the maximum constant yield was computed at 11880 tones. Length-weight power relationship, W= aFLb , was W= 3×10-05FL2.82 that showed T. tonggol have isometric growth. Fishing pattern indicated that almost 85% of the catch was under the size at first maturity. Maximum recruitment pattern was in November with average fork length being 27cm. For optimum exploitation of T. tonggol stocks, we suggest two approaches including fishing ban in the maximum recruitment time and gear (Drift gillnet) modification

    Oil spill modeling of diesel and gasoline with GNOME around Rajaee Port of Bandar Abbas, Iran.

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    Rajaee port in Bandar Abbas is one of the important-oil transport hubs in Persian Gulf and any oil spill incidents can result in pollution, which impact on human habitats and the marine environment. Oil spill trajectory modeling is a tool which applied to increase the knowledge about oil spill fate. The GNOME model is a physical model which indicates the oil spill movements on sea water and potential risk areas. The model inputs include GIS data, time of spill release, release duration, spill chemistry and physical characteristics of wind and current data. Two scenarios for 10 and 200 bbl of diesel and gasoline spills are run on the model. Both the general Persian Gulf circulation which is from the south west and the local wind direction cause to move the oil spills toward the Bandar Abbas coast and Qeshm Island that pollutant these areas. Both regions are very valuable economic and environmental zones. They have known as risk places due to the oil spills that release from Rajaee Port in this study. The model results can assist organizations in preparing their emergency management systems for responses in the potential risk areas

    Investigation on the species diversity of Pleuronectiformes order in the Iranian coastline water of Persian Gulf

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    In Iranian Coastline water of Persian Gulf we researched about flat fishes and revision their Scientitic names, Investigated diversity species (Pleuronectiformes) around three provinces such as khouzestan, Bushehr and Hormozgen. The aim focuse on introducting major family and Species Identification for this Purpose 1311 Specimens collected. Then 36 investigation Parameters includes 18 Morphometric, 11 meristic, 7 distribution has been measured in Excel. The descriptive statistic in spss software would be able us to graph dendrograms by Clustering methods, then Design a standerd table and comparised all the datas with it six major family has been found in Iranian Coasline which named: Soleidae, Bothidae Paralichtidae, Cynoglossidae, Psettodidae, Citharidae. Some of the scientific species names such as Pseudorombus arsius, P. annulatus, P. elevatus, P.malayanus, P. triocellatus from Bothidae family Join it to Paralichtidae family and Eurylossa orientalis change It's name from Soleidae family to Brachirus onentalis. Cynoglossus, bilineatus, C.Puncticepts, C.durbaensis, Clachneri, one of the most Important Point that viewed in our samples, founding a new species (C.Sp) Which we couldn't identify it with all the known keys, then sent it to international Scientific references for this porpose. (Family Cynoglossidae); Pseudorombus annulatus, P. elevatus P.arsius, P.malayanus, paralichtodes algoensis, Poecilopstei Javanicus (Family paralichthidae) Arnoglossus aspilos,A.arabicits, Engyprosopon grandisquama, L.pectoralis, Pseudorombus navalensis, Psettina brevirictis (family Bothidae); Psettodes erumei (Family Psettodidae); Citharoides macrolepis (Family Citharidae) in khouzestan Brachirus orientalis, Parachirus marmoratus, solea elongata, Zebrias synapturides (Family Soleidae) Cynoglossus bilineatus, C.puncticeps, C.arel, C.kopsii, C. Capenis (Family cynoglossida); Pseudorombus arsius, P. elevatus, P. malayanus, Poecilopstei javanicus (Family Paralichthidae); Laeops guentheri, Arnoglossus aspilos, Engyprosopon grandisquama (Family Bothidae); Psettodes erumei (Family psettodidae) in Bushehr. Brachirus orientalis, Parachirus marmoratus (Family Soleidae); Cynoglossus arel, C.bilineatus, C.Puncticeps, C. lachheri (Family cynoglossidae); Pseudorombus arisus, P. elevatus, P. malayanus, Poecilopestie j avanicus (Family parlichthidae); Arnoylossus aspilos, A. arabicus, Laeopes guentheri (Family Bothidae); Psettodes erumei (Family Psettodidae); Citharoides macrolepis (Family Citharidae) In Hormozgan. Khozestan has the maximus diversity speices (26 species) and the minimum is Hormozgan (15 Speices). 13 species of five family has never reported inpersian Gulf but we identify them in our studies for the first time. We abserved 29 Species of six family in our studies, comparision between are resualts with other researches shows that this use is the most compelet study in Iranian coastline water of Persian Gulf

    Fillet yield, proximate composition and mineral contents in Indian spiny halibut Psettodes erumei caught from the coastal waters of Bushehr (Persian Gulf)

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    The objective of this study was to assess fillet yield, proximate composition and mineral contents of the Indian spiny halibut (Psettodes erumei) during different seasons. Fish samples (female = 100 and male = 100) were caught from the coastal waters of Bushehr province and body weight and length were taken to predict fillet weight and yield. Large differences in the fillet yield were observed between seasons. The highest fillet yield (49.4%) was obtained in the samples collected in autumn while samples collected in spring had the lowest yield (42.1%). There was a linear relationship between fish length and fillet weight while no significant correlation was found between fillet yield and body measurements (weight and length). The fat content of Indian spiny halibut was < 1.2% throughout the sampling period. Based on the results, fish collected in all seasons except spring for fillets may lead to a higher production with no significant difference between two sexes