73 research outputs found

    Single-plant chambers to control humidity for pathological studies

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    The construction of a set of controlled-humidity chambers for single plants is described. Accurate control of relative humidity (r.h.) between 40% and 99% was achieved by mixing dry air with a saturated air stream using solenoid valves controlled by a programmable data logger. At values of r.h. >90%, mean values over periods greater than 1 min were constant to within Β±0-1% and spot measurements at 3 s intervals were within 0-3% of the mean value. The system responded to a step change of r.h. in about 6-10 min and diurnal changes of r.h. were reproduced, similar to those observed in nature. The stability of control made it possible to differentiate between the requirement of liquid water and very high humidity (98% r.h.) for conidial germination and subsequent infection of groundnut by Phaeoisariopsis personata, the cause of late leaf spot disease

    Asc1 Supports Cell-Wall Integrity Near Bud Sites by a Pkc1 Independent Mechanism

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    Background: The yeast ribosomal protein Asc1 is a WD-protein family member. Its mammalian ortholog, RACK1 was initially discovered as a receptor for activated protein C kinase (PKC) that functions to maintain the active conformation of PKC and to support its movement to target sites. In the budding yeast though, a connection between Asc1p and the PKC signaling pathway has never been reported. Methodology/Principal Findings: In the present study we found that asc1-deletion mutant (asc1D) presents some of the hallmarks of PKC signaling mutants. These include an increased sensitivity to staurosporine, a specific Pkc1p inhibitor, and susceptibility to cell-wall perturbing treatments such as hypotonic- and heat shock conditions and zymolase treatment. Microscopic analysis of asc1D cells revealed cell-wall invaginations near bud sites after exposure to hypotonic conditions, and the dynamic of cells ’ survival after this stress further supports the involvement of Asc1p in maintaining the cell-wall integrity during the mid-to late stages of bud formation. Genetic interactions between asc1 and pkc1 reveal synergistic sensitivities of a double-knock out mutant (asc1D/pkc1D) to cell-wall stress conditions, and high basal level of PKC signaling in asc1D. Furthermore, Asc1p has no effect on the cellular distribution or redistribution of Pkc1p at optimal or at cell-wall stress conditions. Conclusions/Significance: Taken together, our data support the idea that unlike its mammalian orthologs, Asc1p act

    On the Origin and Spread of the Scab Disease of Apple: Out of Central Asia

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    Background Venturia inaequalis is an ascomycete fungus responsible for apple scab, a disease that has invaded almost all apple growing regions worldwide, with the corresponding adverse effects on apple production. Monitoring and predicting the effectiveness of intervention strategies require knowledge of the origin, introduction pathways, and population biology of pathogen populations. Analysis of the variation of genetic markers using the inferential framework of population genetics offers the potential to retrieve this information. Methodology/Principal Findings Here, we present a population genetic analysis of microsatellite variation in 1,273 strains of V. inaequalis representing 28 orchard samples from seven regions in five continents. Analysis of molecular variance revealed that most of the variation (88%) was distributed within localities, which is consistent with extensive historical migrations of the fungus among and within regions. Despite this shallow population structure, clustering analyses partitioned the data set into separate groups corresponding roughly to geography, indicating that each region hosts a distinct population of the fungus. Comparison of the levels of variability among populations, along with coalescent analyses of migration models and estimates of genetic distances, was consistent with a scenario in which the fungus emerged in Central Asia, where apple was domesticated, before its introduction into Europe and, more recently, into other continents with the expansion of apple growing. Across the novel range, levels of variability pointed to multiple introductions and all populations displayed signatures of significant post-introduction increases in population size. Most populations exhibited high genotypic diversity and random association of alleles across loci, indicating recombination both in native and introduced areas. Conclusions/Significance Venturia inaequalis is a model of invasive phytopathogenic fungus that has now reached the ultimate stage of the invasion process with a broad geographic distribution and well-established populations displaying high genetic variability, regular sexual reproduction, and demographic expansion.Contexte Venturia inaequalis est un champignon ascomycete responsable de la tavelure du pommier, une maladie qui a envahi presque toutes les rΓ©gions du monde oΓΉ le pommier est cultivΓ© posant ainsi de graves problΓ¨mes en production. PrΓ©venir et enrayer efficacement la rΓ©ussite d’un tel succΓ¨s invasif nΓ©cessite des connaissances approfondies sur l’origine, les voies d’introduction, la biologie et la gΓ©nΓ©tique de ces populations invasives. En utilisant le potentiel d’infΓ©rence de la gΓ©nΓ©tique des populations, l’analyse de la variation de marqueurs gΓ©nΓ©tiques offre la possibilitΓ© d’accΓ©der Γ  ces informations. MΓ©thodologie et Principaux rΓ©sultats Ici nous prΓ©sentons l’analyse de donnΓ©es microsatellites obtenues pour 1273 souches de V. inaequalis provenant de 28 vergers prΓ©levΓ©es dans 7 rΓ©gions sur les 5 continents. L’analyse de la variance molΓ©culaire rΓ©vΓ¨le que 88% de la variation se retrouve dans les vergers Γ©chantillonnΓ©s, ce qui est compatible avec d’importantes migrations historiques du champignon entre et Γ  l’intΓ©rieur mΓͺme des rΓ©gions. MalgrΓ© cette trΓ¨s faible structuration des populations, les diffΓ©rentes analyses de clustering mettent en Γ©vidence un partage des populations en groupes sΓ©parΓ©s correspondant Γ  leur origine gΓ©ographique, montrant ainsi que chaque rΓ©gion hΓ©berge une population distincte du champignon. Ensemble, les rΓ©sultats obtenus sur la comparaison du niveau de variabilitΓ© entre populations, les analyses de coalescence et les modΓ¨les de migration testΓ©s plaident en faveur d’un scΓ©nario dans lequel le champignon aurait Γ©mergΓ© d’Asie Centrale, oΓΉ le pommier a Γ©tΓ© domestiquΓ©, avant d’Γͺtre introduit en Europe puis plus rΓ©cemment dans les autres continents suite Γ  l’expansion de la culture du pommier. Les niveaux de variabilitΓ© indiquent que ces territoires ont subi des introductions multiples et que les populations portent toutes des signatures rΓ©vΓ©lant de fortes expansions dΓ©mographiques aprΓ¨s leur introduction. Enfin, la forte diversitΓ© gΓ©notypique des populations et l’association alΓ©atoire des allΓ¨les entre loci suggΓ¨rent que le champignon prΓ©sente une reproduction sexuΓ©e rΓ©guliΓ¨re Γ  la fois dans les rΓ©gions oΓΉ il a Γ©tΓ© introduit et dans sa rΓ©gion native. Conclusion et PortΓ©e. Venturia inaequalis est un modΓ¨le de champignons phytopathogΓ¨ne invasif qui a maintenant atteint le stade ultime du processus invasif, c’est Γ  dire une trΓ¨s large distribution gΓ©ographique par des populations bien Γ©tablies montrant une grande diversitΓ© gΓ©nΓ©tique, une reproduction sexuΓ©e rΓ©guliΓ¨re et une histoire d’expansion dΓ©mographique

    When public action undermines public health: A critical examination of antifluoridationist literature

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    Background: The addition of the chemical fluorine to the water supply, called water fluoridation, reduces dental caries by making teeth more resistant to demineralisation and more likely to remineralise when initially decayed. This process has been implemented in more than 30 countries around the world, is cost-effective and has been shown to be efficacious in preventing decay across a person's lifespan. However, attempts to expand this major public health achievement in line with Australia's National Oral Health Plan 2004–2013 are almost universally met with considerable resistance from opponents of water fluoridation, who engage in coordinated campaigns to portray water fluoridation as ineffective and highly dangerous. Discussion: Water fluoridation opponents employ multiple techniques to try and undermine the scientifically established effectiveness of water fluoridation. The materials they use are often based on Internet resources or published books that present a highly misleading picture of water fluoridation. These materials are used to sway public and political opinion to the detriment of public health. Despite an extensive body of literature, both studies and results within studies are often selectively reported, giving a biased portrayal of water fluoridation effectiveness. Positive findings are downplayed or trivialised and the population implications of these findings misinterpreted. Ecological comparisons are sometimes used to support spurious conclusions. Opponents of water fluoridation frequently repeat that water fluoridation is associated with adverse health effects and studies are selectively picked from the extensive literature to convey only claimed adverse findings related to water fluoridation. Techniques such as "the big lie" and innuendo are used to associate water fluoridation with health and environmental disasters, without factual support. Half-truths are presented, fallacious statements reiterated, and attempts are made to bamboozle the public with a large list of claims and quotes often with little scientific basis. Ultimately, attempts are made to discredit and slander scientists and various health organisations that support water fluoridation. Summary: Water fluoridation is an important public health initiative that has been found to be safe and effective. Nonetheless, the implementation of water fluoridation is still regularly interrupted by a relatively small group of individuals who use misinformation and rhetoric to induce doubts in the minds of the public and government officials. It is important that public health officials are aware of these tactics so that they can better counter their negative effectJason M Armfiel

    Possible Dissemination of Pest Fungi by Thrips

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