19 research outputs found

    Promoting influenza vaccine for children

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    This autumn influenza vaccine will again be offered to all 2- and 3-year-olds in general practice. In addition, all children in clinical risk groups aged 6 months and above should be offered the vaccine. Children in primary school years from reception class to year 4 will also be offered the vaccine as part of the on-going extension of influenza vaccination to healthy children. Since the start of the paediatric programme, transmission of influenza has reduced across all age groups in those parts of the country vaccinating all children of primary school age. Children under 5 years of age have the highest rate of hospital admissions for influenza. However, many parents do not think that influenza is a serious illness and it is the vaccine they are most likely to decline. Health professionals are the most trusted source of advice and information about vaccination, so staff in general practice have a crucial role to play in recommending this vaccine to parents. Health professionals are the most trusted source of advice and information about vaccination, so practice nurses have a crucial role to play in recommending the influenza vaccine to parents and increasing uptake </jats:p

    Early impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and physical distancing measures on routine childhood vaccinations in England, January to April 2020.

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    Using electronic health records, we assessed the early impact of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on routine childhood vaccination in England by 26 April 2020. Measles-mumps-rubella vaccination counts fell from February 2020, and in the 3 weeks after introduction of physical distancing measures were 19.8% lower (95% confidence interval: -20.7 to -18.9) than the same period in 2019, before improving in mid-April. A gradual decline in hexavalent vaccination counts throughout 2020 was not accentuated by physical distancing

    Optimising informed consent in school-based adolescent vaccination programmes in England: A multiple methods analysis.

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    The process of obtaining informed consent for school-based adolescent immunisation provides an opportunity to engage families. However, the fact that parental consent needs to be obtained remotely adds complexity to the process and can have a detrimental effect on vaccine uptake. We conducted a multiple methods analysis to examine the practice of obtaining informed consent in adolescent immunisation programmes. This involved a thematic analysis of consent related data from 39 interviews with immunisation managers and providers collected as part of a 2017 service evaluation of the English adolescent girls' HPV vaccine programme and a descriptive statistical analysis of data from questions related to consent included in a 2017 survey of parents' and adolescents' attitudes to adolescent vaccination. The findings indicated that the non-return of consent forms was a significant logistical challenge for immunisation teams, and some were piloting opt-out consent mechanisms, increasing the proportion of adolescents consenting for their own immunisations, and introducing electronic consent. Communicating vaccine related information to parents and schools and managing uncertainties about obtaining adolescent self-consent for vaccination were the main practical challenges encountered. Survey data showed that parents and adolescents generally agreed on vaccine decisions although only 32% of parents discussed vaccination with their teenager. Parental awareness about the option for adolescents to self-consent for vaccination was limited and adolescents favoured leaving the decision-making to parents. From the interviews and variability of consent forms it was evident that health professionals were not always clear about the best way to manage the consent process. Some were also unfamiliar with self-consent processes and lacked confidence in assessing for 'Gillick competency'. Developing pathways and related interventions to improve the logistics and practice of consent in school-based adolescent immunisation programmes could help improve uptake

    Overcoming barriers in HPV vaccination and screening programs

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    The Human Papillomavirus Prevention and Control Board brought together experts to discuss optimizing HPV vaccination and screening programs. Board members reviewed the safety profile of licensed HPV vaccines based on clinical and post-marketing data, reaching a consensus that current safety data is reassuring. Successful vaccination programs used well-coordinated communication campaigns, integrating (social) media to spread awareness. Communication of evidence supporting vaccine effectiveness had beneficial effects on the perception of the vaccine. However, anti-vaccination campaigns have threatened existing programs in many countries. Measurement and monitoring of HPV vaccine confidence over time could help understand the nature and scale of waning confidence, define issues and intervene appropriately using context-specific evidence-based strategies. Finally, a broad group of stakeholders, such as teachers, health care providers and the media should also be provided with accurate information and training to help support prevention efforts through enhanced understanding of the risks and benefits of vaccination. Similarly, while cervical cancer screening through population-based programs is highly effective, barriers to screening exist: awareness in countries with population-based screening programs, access for vulnerable populations, and access and affordability in low-and middle-income countries. Integration of primary and secondary prevention has the potential to accelerate the decrease in cervical cancer incidence

    Early impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing measures on routine childhood vaccinations in England, January to April 2020.

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    Electronic health records were used to assess the early impact of COVID-19 on routine childhood vaccination in England to 26 April 2020. MMR vaccination counts fell from February 2020, and in the three weeks after introduction of social distancing measures were 19.8% lower (95% CI −20.7 to −18.9%) than the same period in 2019, before improving in mid-April. A gradual decline in hexavalent vaccination counts throughout 2020 was not accentuated on introduction of social distancing

    The role of healthcare providers in HPV vaccination programs - A meeting report

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    The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Prevention and Control Board convened a meeting in Bucharest, Romania (May 2018), to discuss the role of healthcare providers (HCPs) in prevention programs, with a focus on HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening. International and local experts discussed the role that HCPs can play to increase the uptake of HPV vaccine and screening. Experts recommended: 1) increasing HCP norms of getting vaccinated; 2) training providers to make effective recommendations; 3) making culturally appropriate materials available, in local languages; and 4) centralizing and coordinating education and information material, to direct both HCPs and the general public to the best material available

    Vaccination in pregnancy: Attitudes of nurses, midwives and health visitors in England.

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine amongst healthcare professionals in England; knowledge of vaccinations in pregnancy, their perceived roles in these programmes and whether they recommend scheduled vaccines to pregnant women. DESIGN: Cross sectional survey (online questionnaire) Setting: Healthcare workers in contact with pregnant women in England. PARTICIPANTS: The survey analysis included 3441 healthcare workers who had been surveyed during May to August 2015. The participants were midwives, practice nurses and health visitors, working in England who were members of the Royal College of Midwives, Royal College of Nursing and the Institute of Health Visiting. RESULTS: We found that knowledge of vaccination in pregnancy was high in all professional groups. Seventy three percent of all respondents would recommend the influenza vaccine and 74% would recommend the pertussis vaccine to pregnant women. They were more likely to recommend vaccination in pregnancy if they would personally have the influenza and pertussis vaccines themselves and/or if they had the influenza vaccine as a healthcare worker. Practice nurses were significantly more likely to recommend the pertussis and influenza vaccines to pregnant women than midwives and health visitors. Health professionals who had received immunisation training were more confident in giving advice to pregnant women. CONCLUSION: Immunisation training is essential if healthcare workers are to be informed and confident in effectively delivering the maternal immunisation programme and thus improving uptake of vaccines in pregnancy. These findings are important in tailoring educational programmes and addressing the training needs of different healthcare professional groups

    Identification and characterization of an affimer affinity reagent for the detection of the cAMP sensor, EPAC1

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    An exchange protein directly activated by cAMP 1 (EPAC1) is an intracellular sensor for cAMP that is involved in a wide variety of cellular and physiological processes in health and disease. However, reagents are lacking to study its association with intracellular cAMP nanodomains. Here, we use non-antibody Affimer protein scaffolds to develop isoform-selective protein binders of EPAC1. Phage-display screens were carried out against purified, biotinylated human recombinant EPAC1ΔDEP protein (amino acids 149–811), which identified five potential EPAC1-selective Affimer binders. Dot blots and indirect ELISA assays were next used to identify Affimer 780A as the top EPAC1 binder. Mutagenesis studies further revealed a potential interaction site for 780A within the EPAC1 cyclic nucleotide binding domain (CNBD). In addition, 780A was shown to co-precipitate EPAC1 from transfected cells and co-localize with both wild-type EPAC1 and a mis-targeting mutant of EPAC1(K212R), predominantly in perinuclear and cytosolic regions of cells, respectively. As a novel EPAC1-selective binder, 780A therefore has the potential to be used in future studies to further understand compartmentalization of the cAMP-EPAC1 signaling system

    Familial Factors that Influence the Effectiveness of Multisystemic Treatment (MST) with Serious Youth Offenders in New Zealand

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    Families (N=139) participating in the Reducing Youth Offending Programmes (RYOP) in Auckland and Christchurch, New Zealand completed questionnaires exploring a range of family factors that influence youth offending behaviour. The aim of this research was two fold; firstly to investigate the Therapist Adherence Measures (TAM) and assess whether the same six subscales, which have been found in previous research, were also obtained in the New Zealand data, and whether TAM results predicted recidivism. The second goal was to investigate if other measures of family functioning (FRC and YBS) and therapist alliance (WAI-S) could provide additional information to the TAM with regards to recidivism. Results indicate that the RYOP TAM's produced different subscale results to the six subscales in earlier MST studies and as such a three-factor subscale model was proposed. The other measures (FRC, YBS and WAI-S) investigated added little information beyond the TAM concerning recidivism

    Changing attitudes to childhood immunisation in English parents

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