867 research outputs found

    Asymmetric ac fluxon depinning in a Josephson junction array: A highly discrete limit

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    Directed motion and depinning of topological solitons in a strongly discrete damped and biharmonically ac-driven array of Josephson junctions is studied. The mechanism of the depinning transition is investigated in detail. We show that the depinning process takes place through chaotization of an initially standing fluxon periodic orbit. Detailed investigation of the Floquet multipliers of these orbits shows that depending on the depinning parameters (either the driving amplitude or the phase shift between harmonics) the chaotization process can take place either along the period-doubling scenario or due to the type-I intermittency.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Improving the thin-disk models of circumstellar disk evolution. The 2+1-dimensional model

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    Circumstellar disks of gas and dust are naturally formed from contracting pre-stellar molecular cores during the star formation process. To study various dynamical and chemical processes that take place in circumstellar disks prior to their dissipation and transition to debris disks, the appropriate numerical models capable of studying the long-term disk chemodynamical evolution are required. We present a new 2+1-dimensional numerical hydrodynamics model of circumstellar disk evolution, in which the thin-disk model is complemented with the procedure for calculating the vertical distributions of gas volume density and temperature in the disk. The reconstruction of the disk vertical structure is performed at every time step via the solution of the time-dependent radiative transfer equations coupled to the equation of the vertical hydrostatic equilibrium. We perform a detailed comparison between circumstellar disks produced with our previous 2D model and with the improved 2+1D approach. The structure and evolution of resulting disks, including the differences in temperatures, densities, disk masses and protostellar accretion rates, are discussed in detail. The new 2+1D model yields systematically colder disks, while the in-falling parental clouds are warmer. Both effects act to increase the strength of disk gravitational instability and, as a result, the number of gravitationally bound fragments that form in the disk via gravitational fragmentation as compared to the purely 2D thin-disk simulations with a simplified thermal balance calculation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Boundary spin Hall effect in a two-dimensional semiconductor system with Rashba spin-orbit coupling

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    We derive boundary conditions for the coupled spin-charge diffusion equations at a transmitting interface between two-dimensional electron systems with different strengths of the Rashba spin-orbit (SO) coupling α\alpha, and an electric field parallel to the interface. We consider the limit where the spin-diffusion length l_s is long compared to the electron mean free path l, and assume that α\alpha changes discontinuously on the scale of l_s. We find that the spin density is also discontinuous on the scale of l_s. In the case where the electron mobility is constant across the interface, this leads to the complete suppression of the expected spin injection from a region with α0\alpha\neq0 into a non-SO region with α=0\alpha=0.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Mean-field magnetization relaxation in conducting ferromagnets

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    Collective ferromagnetic motion in a conducting medium is damped by the transfer of the magnetic moment and energy to the itinerant carriers. We present a calculation of the corresponding magnetization relaxation as a linear-response problem for the carrier dynamics in the effective exchange field of the ferromagnet. In electron systems with little intrinsic spin-orbit interaction, a uniform magnetization motion can be formally eliminated by going into the rotating frame of reference for the spin dynamics. The ferromagnetic damping in this case grows linearly with the spin-flip rate when the latter is smaller than the exchange field and is inversely proportional to the spin-flip rate in the opposite limit. These two regimes are analogous to the "spin-pumping" and the "breathing Fermi-surface" damping mechanisms, respectively. In diluted ferromagnetic semiconductors, the hole-mediated magnetization can be efficiently relaxed to the itinerant-carrier degrees of freedom due to the strong spin-orbit interaction in the valence bands.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Surface solitons in two-dimensional chirped photonic lattices

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    We study surface modes in semi-infinite chirped two-dimensional photonic lattices in the frame- work of an effective discrete nonlinear model. We demonstrate that the lattice chirp can change dramatically the conditions for the mode localization near the surface, and we find numerically the families of surface modes, in linear lattices, and discrete surface solitons, in nonlinear lattices. We demonstrate that, in a sharp contrast to one-dimensional discrete surface solitons, in two-dimensional lattices the mode threshold power is lowered by the action of both the surface and lattice chirp. By manipulating with the lattice chirp, we can control the mode position and its localization.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Finite-size effects in tunneling between parallel quantum wires

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    We present theoretical calculations and experimental measurements which reveal finite-size effects in the tunneling between two parallel quantum wires, fabricated at the cleaved edge of a GaAs/AlGaAs bilayer heterostructure. Observed oscillations in the differential conductance, as a function of bias voltage and applied magnetic field, provide direct information on the shape of the confining potential. Superimposed modulations indicate the existence of two distinct excitation velocities, as expected from spin-charge separation.Comment: Accepted to Phys. Rev. Lett. 7/200