125 research outputs found

    Budget Feasible Mechanisms

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    We study a novel class of mechanism design problems in which the outcomes are constrained by the payments. This basic class of mechanism design problems captures many common economic situations, and yet it has not been studied, to our knowledge, in the past. We focus on the case of procurement auctions in which sellers have private costs, and the auctioneer aims to maximize a utility function on subsets of items, under the constraint that the sum of the payments provided by the mechanism does not exceed a given budget. Standard mechanism design ideas such as the VCG mechanism and its variants are not applicable here. We show that, for general functions, the budget constraint can render mechanisms arbitrarily bad in terms of the utility of the buyer. However, our main result shows that for the important class of submodular functions, a bounded approximation ratio is achievable. Better approximation results are obtained for subclasses of the submodular functions. We explore the space of budget feasible mechanisms in other domains and give a characterization under more restricted conditions

    Pricing tasks in online labor markets

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    In this paper we present a mechanism for determining nearoptimal prices for tasks in online labor markets, often used for crowdsourcing. In particular, the mechanisms are designed to handle the intricacies of markets like Mechanical Turk where workers arrive online and requesters have budget constraints. The mechanism is incentive compatible, budget feasible, and has competitive ratio performance and also performs well in practice. To demonstrate the mechanism’s practical effectiveness we conducted experiments on the Mechanical Turk platform.

    Adaptive Seeding in Social Networks

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    The algorithmic challenge of maximizing information diffusion through word-of-mouth processes in social networks has been heavily studied in the past decade. While there has been immense progress and an impressive arsenal of techniques has been developed, the algorithmic frameworks make idealized assumptions regarding access to the network that can often result in poor performance of state-of-the-art techniques. In this paper we introduce a new framework which we call Adaptive Seeding. The framework is a two-stage stochastic optimization model designed to leverage the potential that typically lies in neighboring nodes of arbitrary samples of social networks. Our main result is an algorithm which provides a constant factor approximation to the optimal adaptive policy for any influence function in the Triggering model

    Locally Adaptive Optimization: Adaptive Seeding for Monotone Submodular Functions

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    The Adaptive Seeding problem is an algorithmic challenge motivated by influence maximization in social networks: One seeks to select among certain accessible nodes in a network, and then select, adaptively, among neighbors of those nodes as they become accessible in order to maximize a global objective function. More generally, adaptive seeding is a stochastic optimization framework where the choices in the first stage affect the realizations in the second stage, over which we aim to optimize. Our main result is a (1−1/e)2(1-1/e)^2-approximation for the adaptive seeding problem for any monotone submodular function. While adaptive policies are often approximated via non-adaptive policies, our algorithm is based on a novel method we call \emph{locally-adaptive} policies. These policies combine a non-adaptive global structure, with local adaptive optimizations. This method enables the (1−1/e)2(1-1/e)^2-approximation for general monotone submodular functions and circumvents some of the impossibilities associated with non-adaptive policies. We also introduce a fundamental problem in submodular optimization that may be of independent interest: given a ground set of elements where every element appears with some small probability, find a set of expected size at most kk that has the highest expected value over the realization of the elements. We show a surprising result: there are classes of monotone submodular functions (including coverage) that can be approximated almost optimally as the probability vanishes. For general monotone submodular functions we show via a reduction from \textsc{Planted-Clique} that approximations for this problem are not likely to be obtainable. This optimization problem is an important tool for adaptive seeding via non-adaptive policies, and its hardness motivates the introduction of \emph{locally-adaptive} policies we use in the main result
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