2,246 research outputs found

    Supergravity and Large N Noncommutative Field Theories

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    We consider systems of Dp branes in the presence of a nonzero B field. We study the corresponding supergravity solutions in the limit where the branes worldvolume theories decouple from gravity. These provide dual descriptions of large N noncommutative field theories. We analyse the phase structure of the theories and the validity of the different description. We provide evidence that in the presence of a nonzero B field the worldvolume theory of D6 branes decouples from gravity. We analyse the systems of M5 branes and NS5 branes in the presence of a nonzero C field and nonzero RR fields, respectively. Finally, we study the Wilson loops (surfaces) using the dual descriptions.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures, Latex; typos corrected, ref. adde

    The credit risk-contingency system of an Asian development bank

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    This article offers a new method for the evaluation of financial institutions, one that combines socioeconomic survey data with appropriate accounting standards. A government-operated development bank in Thailand is found to be offering a risk-contingency or insurance system while being regulated as a more standard, loan-generating bank. Farmer clients experiencing adverse shocks receive indemnities that improve their well-being. With proper provisioning and accounts, that welfare gain could be weighed against premia or government subsidies.Financial crises - Asia ; Financial institutions - Thailand ; Thailand

    Empirical analysis of vegetation dynamics and the possibility of a catastrophic desertification transition

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    The process of desertification in the semi-arid climatic zone is considered by many as a catastrophic regime shift, since the positive feedback of vegetation density on growth rates yields a system that admits alternative steady states. Some support to this idea comes from the analysis of static patterns, where peaks of the vegetation density histogram were associated with these alternative states. Here we present a large-scale empirical study of vegetation dynamics, aimed at identifying and quantifying directly the effects of positive feedback. To do that, we have analyzed vegetation density across  2.5×106 km2~2.5 \times 10^6 \ \rm{km}^2 of the African Sahel region, with spatial resolution of 30×3030 \times 30 meters, using three consecutive snapshots. The results are mixed. The local vegetation density (measured at a single pixel) moves towards the average of the corresponding rainfall line, indicating a purely negative feedback. On the other hand, the chance of spatial clusters (of many "green" pixels) to expand in the next census is growing with their size, suggesting some positive feedback. We show that these apparently contradicting results emerge naturally in a model with positive feedback and strong demographic stochasticity, a model that allows for a catastrophic shift only in a certain range of parameters. Static patterns, like the double peak in the histogram of vegetation density, are shown to vary between censuses, with no apparent correlation with the actual dynamical features

    Non-Equipartition of Energy, Masses of Nova Ejecta, and Type Ia Supernovae

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    The total masses ejected during classical nova eruptions are needed to answer two questions with broad astrophysical implications: Can accreting white dwarfs be pushed towards the Chandrasekhar mass limit to yield type Ia supernovae? Are Ultra-luminous red variables a new kind of astrophysical phenomenon, or merely extreme classical novae? We review the methods used to determine nova ejecta masses. Except for the unique case of BT Mon (nova 1939), all nova ejecta mass determinations depend on untested assumptions and multi-parameter modeling. The remarkably simple assumption of equipartition between kinetic and radiated energy (E_kin and E_rad, respectively) in nova ejecta has been invoked as a way around this conundrum for the ultra-luminous red variable in M31. The deduced mass is far larger than that produced by any classical nova model. Our nova eruption simulations show that radiation and kinetic energy in nova ejecta are very far from being in energy equipartition, with variations of four orders of magnitude in the ratio E_kin/E_rad being commonplace. The assumption of equipartition must not be used to deduce nova ejecta masses; any such "determinations" can be overestimates by a factor of up to 10,000. We data-mined our extensive series of nova simulations to search for correlations that could yield nova ejecta masses. Remarkably, the mass ejected during a nova eruption is dependent only on (and is directly proportional to) E_rad. If we measure the distance to an erupting nova and its bolometric light curve then E_rad and hence the mass ejected can be directly measured.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, awaiting publication in ApJ

    WISeREP - An Interactive Supernova Data Repository

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    We have entered an era of massive data sets in astronomy. In particular, the number of supernova (SN) discoveries and classifications has substantially increased over the years from few tens to thousands per year. It is no longer the case that observations of a few prototypical events encapsulate most spectroscopic information about SNe, motivating the development of modern tools to collect, archive, organize and distribute spectra in general, and SN spectra in particular. For this reason we have developed the Weizmann Interactive Supernova data REPository - WISeREP - an SQL-based database (DB) with an interactive web-based graphical interface. The system serves as an archive of high quality SN spectra, including both historical (legacy) data as well as data that is accumulated by ongoing modern programs. The archive provides information about objects, their spectra, and related meta-data. Utilizing interactive plots, we provide a graphical interface to visualize data, perform line identification of the major relevant species, determine object redshifts, classify SNe and measure expansion velocities. Guest users may view and download spectra or other data that have been placed in the public domain. Registered users may also view and download data that are proprietary to specific programs with which they are associated. The DB currently holds >8000 spectra, of which >5000 are public; the latter include published spectra from the Palomar Transient Factory, all of the SUSPECT archive, the Caltech-Core-Collapse Program, the CfA SN spectra archive and published spectra from the UC Berkeley SNDB repository. It offers an efficient and convenient way to archive data and share it with colleagues, and we expect that data stored in this way will be easy to access, increasing its visibility, usefulness and scientific impact.Comment: To be published in PASP. WISeREP: http://www.weizmann.ac.il/astrophysics/wiserep

    High-Resolution Measurements of Intersystem Bands of Carbon Monoxide toward X Persei

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    In an echelle spectrum of X Per acquired with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph we have identified individual rotational lines of 11 triplet-singlet (intersystem) absorption bands of ^12CO. Four bands provide first detections for interstellar clouds. From a comparison with the zeta Oph sight line we find that X Per is obscured by a higher 12CO column density of 1.4 x 10^16 cm-2. Together with the high spectral resolution of 1.3 km s-1, this allows (i) an improved measurement of previously published f-values for seven bands, and (ii) an extraction of the first astrophysical oscillator strengths for d-X (8-0), (9-0), and (10-0), as well as for e-X (12-0). The ^13CO d-X (12-0) band, previously suspected to exist toward zeta Oph, is now readily resolved and modeled. Our derived intersystem f-values for ^12CO include a few mild (leq 34%) disagreements with recent predictions from a perturbation analysis calculated for the interstellar excitation temperature. Overall, the comparison confirms the superiority of employing multiple singlet levels in the calculations of mixing coefficients over previous single-level predictions.Comment: 11 pages (incl. 1 figure). Accepted by ApJ Letter

    Quantum critical origin of the superconducting dome in SrTiO3_3

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    We investigate the origin of superconductivity in doped SrTiO3_3 (STO) using a combination of density functional and strong coupling theories within the framework of quantum criticality. Our density functional calculations of the ferroelectric soft mode frequency as a function of doping reveal a crossover from quantum paraelectric to ferroelectric behavior at a doping level coincident with the experimentally observed top of the superconducting dome. Based on this finding, we explore a model in which the superconductivity in STO is enabled by its proximity to the ferroelectric quantum critical point and the soft mode fluctuations provide the pairing interaction on introduction of carriers. Within our model, the low doping limit of the superconducting dome is explained by the emergence of the Fermi surface, and the high doping limit by departure from the quantum critical regime. We predict that the highest critical temperature will increase and shift to lower carrier doping with increasing 18^{18}O isotope substitution, a scenario that is experimentally verifiable.Comment: 4 pages + supplemental, 3 + 2 figure

    Standoff Detection via Single-Beam Spectral Notch Filtered Pulses

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    We demonstrate single-beam coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS), for detecting and identifying traces of solids, including minute amounts of explosives, from a standoff distance (>50 m) using intense femtosecond pulses. Until now, single-beam CARS methods relied on pulse-shapers in order to obtain vibrational spectra. Here we present a simple and easy-to-implement detection scheme, using a commercially available notch filter, that does not require the use of a pulse-shaper.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure
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