269 research outputs found

    Investigation Of Potential Weathered Ree-Bearing Granitoid Crust From Dinding District Of Western Tin Belt, Peninsular Malaysia

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    This research interpreted a green and sustainable exploration strategy of ion-adsorption type REE clay potential deposits with minimum or free radioactive issues in some prone districts of western Peninsula Malaysia. An intensive characterizationstudy was conducted on two sets of samples from Dinding district located within the western part of Malaysian tin granite belt. Understanding REEs characterization andgeochemical behaviour among weathered crusts of granitoids as well as their leachability were the main objectives of this study. The study was conducted based on the field and microscopic investigations, XRD, FTIR Spectroscopy, SEM-EDX, XRF, ICP-MS, CEC determination and batch leaching of clay hosted REEs. Petrographical study and geochemical analysis showed granitoids in Lumut (LU) and Telok Murok (TM) sites were ilmenite-series, mainly peraluminous, S-type which were classified into syeno-granite and monzo-granite, respectively with k-feldspar, quartz, plagioclase and mica group as major minerals. Apatite, monazite, zircon, allanite, titanite and ilmenite were accessory minerals in LU site whilst, TM site was indicated by zircon, apatite and allanite. XRD analysis showed the presence of kaolin and smectite rich clay groups, whilst phlogopite was common mica in parent granites. In both sites, depletion of REE+Y (REY) content in horizon A was considerably apparent, whilst REY enriched in horizon B and/or C. The maximum content of REY could be as high as 3500 ppm in horizon B2 and /or C analyzed by ICP-MS. Total REE content (TRE) of the weathered crust is relatively elevated compared to the parent rocks (3 to 7 times), in horizon B and C of both sites. The chondrite normalized diagrams showed a downward tendency of positive to negative Ce anomaly with LREE enrichment in both sites. However, the mass balance of REE mineral components between each horizon in both sites are different. In batch leaching experiments, TRE extraction levels of ~70% ~ 90% for both sites were achieved with relatively lower extraction of 50-80% for HREEs

    Health Information Exchange: Growth and Patient Privacy

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    Health Information Exchanges (HIE) provide the electronic movement of health-related information among organizations according to nationally recognized standards. The goal of health information exchange is to facilitate access to and retrieval of clinical data to provide safer, timelier, efficient, effective, equitable, patient-centered care. HIEs are becoming integral parts of the national healthcare reform efforts, chiefly owing to their potential impact on cost reduction and quality enhancement in healthcare services. However, the potential of a HIE platform can only be realized when its multiple constituent users actively participate in using its variety of services. In this research, Yaraghi models HIE systems as multisided platforms that incorporate self-service technologies whose value to the users depends on both user-specific and network-specific factors. Yaraghi also will discuss patient privacy on HIE systems and show the effect of the emotional and environmental factors on the patients’ decision to disclose their medical information on HIE systems

    Effect of fentanyl and epinephrine, alone or together with and without lidocaine on the sensory and motor block duration and hemodynamic variations in spinal anesthesia

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    چکیده: زمینه و هدف: بی هوشی نخاعی به دلیل راحتی تکنیک و نیاز به میزان کم داروی بیحسی موضعی و عوارض نسبتاًً کمتر در مقایسه با بیهوشی عمومی در بین متخصصین بیهوشی از مقبولیت زیادی برخوردار است. لیدوکائین بطور وسیعی در این روش بکار می رود و مسلماً افزایش طول مدت بی دردی آن در طی عمل جراحی می تواند بر مقبولیت این روش بیفزاید. امروزه اپی نفرین و فنتانیل به طور وسیعی جهت بهبود کیفیت بلوک و افزایش زمان بلوک بی هوشی نخاعی استفاده می شوند و از آنجا که مقایسه ای بین این دو دارو صورت نگرفته است، مطالعه حاضر با هدف بررسی مدت زمان بلوک حسی و حرکتی ناشی از تزریق این دو دارو با هم و به تنهایی به همراه لیدوکائین انجام گرفت. روش بررسی: این مطالعه به صورت کارآزمائی بالینی دو سویه کور انجام شده است. سه گروه 20 نفری از بیماران کاندید عمل جراحی قسمت تحتانی شکم به طور تصادفی انتخاب و تحت بی هوشی نخاعی به ترتیب با مخلوط 50 میلی گرم لیدوکائین+2/0 میلی گرم اپی نفرین (گروه اول)، 50 میلی گرم لیدوکائین+20 میکروگرم فنتانیل+2/0 میلی گرم اپی نفرین (گروه دوم) و 50 میلی گرم لیدوکائین+20 میکروگرم فنتانیل (گروه سوم) قرار گرفتند. سپس بیماران از نظرطول مدت بلوک حسی و حرکتی و تغییرات همودینامیک مورد بررسی قرار گرفته و با استفاده از آزمون های آماری کای دو و ANOVA مقایسه گردیدند. یافته ها: توزیع فراوانی از نظرجنس و میانگین سنی در هر سه گروه یکسان بود (05/0p>). میانگین طول مدت بلوک حسی در گروه اول 02/19±25/130 دقیقه، در گروه دوم 7/32±133 دقیقه و در گروه سوم 58/14±116 دقیقه بود که تفاوت معنی دار آماری بین سه گروه وجود نداشت. میانگین طول مدت بلوک حرکتی در گروه اول 63/14±95/120 دقیقه و در گروه دوم 74/25±75/118 دقیقه و در گروه سوم 23/18±107 دقیقه بود که تفاوت معنی دار آماری بین سه گروه وجود نداشت و همچنین تغییرات همودینامیک در هر سه گروه اختلاف معنی داری با هم نداشتند. نتیجه گیری: نتایج این مطالعه نشان داد که افزودن ترکیب داروئی 20 میکروگرم فنتانیل و 2/0 میلی گرم اپی نفرین به داروی بی حسی موضعی لیدوکائین طول مدت بلوک حسی و حرکتی و تغییرات همودینامیک را نسبت به هر یک از دو داروی فوق به تنهائی تغییر نمی دهد و در نتیجه نیازی به استفاده هم زمان از دو دارو نیست. لذا مطالعات تکمیلی با دوزهای متفاوتی از داروهای فوق پیشنهاد می گردد

    Haemolymph Components of Infected & None Infected Lymnaea snails with Xiphidiocercariae

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    Background: In this study the haemolymph components of infected and none infected Lymnaea gedrosiana with xiphidiocercaria larvae was compared.Methods: Five hundred Fifty Lymnaea snails were collected from Ilam and Mazandaran prov­inces, Iran, during 2008-2009. The snails were transported to the lab at Tehran University of Medi­cal Sciences and their cercarial sheddings were studied. Haemolmyphs of snails were ex­tracted and cells were counted using haemocytometer and cell-surface carbohydrate were recog­nized by conjugated lectin (Lentil). Haemolymph protein concentrations were measured by Brad­ford protein assay method and soluble protein compositions were determined on sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE).Result: From the 550 examined Lymnaea snails for cercariae, 27 snails were infected with xiphidiocer­cariae. Mean of haemolymph cells (haemocyte) number were obtained 93480±2.43 (cells/ml) for none infected snails (25 snail) and 124560±2800 (cells/ml) for infected snails (25 snail). Mannose carbohydrate was recognized on haemocyte of none infected and infected snails. Mean of protein concentration of haemolymph plasma was obtained as 1354 ± 160 μg/ml (1.4 mg/ml) for none infected snails (25 snails) and 1802±138 μg/ml (1.8 mg/ml) for infected snail (25 snails). Comparing to none infected snails, the SDS-PAGE results of haemolymph plasma of infected snails, showed an extra protein band (70 kDa). The results showed a significant differ­ence between the amounts and the kinds of proteins in haemolymph of infected and none infected snails.Conclusion: This information might be useful to understand of parasite detection, adhesion, engulf­ment and antigen agglutination by snail

    Doctors’ Orders or Patients’ Preferences? Examining the Role of Physicians in Patients’ Privacy Decisions on Health Information Exchange Platforms

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    Health information exchange (HIE) platforms could increase the efficiency of health care services by enabling providers to instantly access the medical records of their patients. However, these benefits cannot be realized unless patients disclose their information on HIE platforms. We examine actual privacy decisions made by patients on an HIE platform, study the influence of physicians’ recommendations on patients’ decisions, and explore the process through which this effect takes place. By analyzing a unique data set consisting of the privacy decisions of 12,444 patients, we show that contrary to common belief, patients do not simply follow physician recommendations, but rather carefully consider the risks and benefits of providing consent. We show that competition among medical providers does not hinder patient participation in HIEs, but that providers’ decisions to ask for consent are primarily driven by the potential benefits of HIE for themselves and their patients

    From Facebook to the Streets: Russian Troll Ads and Black Lives Matter Protests

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    Online trolling is typically studied in the IS literature as an uncoordinated, anarchic activity. Coordinated, strategic online trolling is not well understood despite its prevalence on social media. To shed light on this prevailing activity, the present study examines the proposition that coordinated online trolling is timed to leverage macro societal unrest. In testing this proposition, we analyzes the dynamics of the Russian State’s coordinated trolling campaign against the United States beginning in 2015. Using the May 2018 release of all Russian Troll Facebook advertisements, this study constructs a topic model of the content of these ads. The relationship between ad topics and the frequency of Black Lives Matter protests is examined. We argue that the frequency of Black Lives Matter protests proxies for civil unrest and divisiveness in the United States. The study finds that Russian ads related to police brutality were issued to coincide with periods of higher unrest. This work also finds that during periods of relative calm (evidenced by lower frequency of protests) Russian ads were relatively innocuous

    Comparison of sedative effect of midazolam and propofol in patients with renal failure

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    چکیده: زمینه و هدف: دیالیز صفاقی روشی از دیالیز است که بیشتر در اطفال کاربرد دارد. برای کارگذاری کاتتر دیالیز صفاقی به آرام بخشی (Sedation) نیاز است که معمولاً با دو داروی میدازولام و فنتانیل انجام می شود. ولی در بعضی از مطالعات از پروپوفول نیز در بیماران کلیوی در بخش مراقبت های ویژه استفاده شده است. با توجه به این که مطالعه ای در مورد مقایسه اثر سداتیو میدازولام با پروپوفول در جراحی کارگذاری کاتتر دیالیز صفاقی انجام نشده است، این مطالعه با هدف بررسی مقایسه ای اثر آرامبخشی میدازولام با پروپوفول به همراه فنتانیل در بیماران با نارسائی کلیه که نیاز به کارگذاری کاتتر دیالیز صفاقی دارند، انجام شده است. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه کارآزمایی بالینی تعداد 44 بیمار با رنج سنی 65-18 سال، وضعیت فیزیکی کلاس سه و چهار (ASA III, IV) که دارای نارسایی کلیه بوده و کاندیدای کارگذاری کاتتر دیالیز صفاقی بودند به طور تصادفی به دو گروه 22 نفره تقسیم شدند. به گروه اول پروپوفول (50 میکروگرم در کیلوگرم وزن بیمار) به همراه فنتانیل و به گروه دوم میدازولام (50 میکروگرم در کیلوگرم وزن بیمار) به همراه فنتانیل تزریق گردیده، سپس میزان اشیاع اکسیژن، ضربان قلب، فشارخون و سدیشن اسکور (با استفاده از اسکور Ramsay) قبل و بعد از مداخله مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. علائم بالینی مورد نیاز توسط محققین در پرسشنامه مخصوص جمع آوری و با استفاده از آزمون آماری من ویتنی وt-test بررسی شد. یافته ها: بر اساس نتایج، پروپوفول نسبت به میدازولام آرامبخشی بیشتر و بهتری را ایجاد کرد (001/0

    Differential diagnosis of benign ovarian cysts using tumor markers in serum and cyst fluid

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    Background: Differentiating the type of benign ovarian cyst can result in better care. Aims: To measure CA-125, CA 19-9, Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) and Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) in serum and cyst fluid of patients with benign ovarian cysts and whether these biomarkers can be used to identify the type of the cyst. Methods and materials: Patients with benign ovarian cysts undergoing laparoscopic cystectomy were included. Cyst types were determined histologically. Levels of CA 125, CA 19-9, CEA and AFP were measured in serum and cyst fluid. Results: 98 cysts (25 functional, 12 endometrioma, 15 dermoid, 28 mucinous cystadenoma, 18 serous cystadenoma) were evaluated. There was a significant difference in levels of CA 125 and CA 19-9 in serum and CA-125, CA 19-9 and CEA in cyst fluid. For diagnostic purposes, a value of ≥35 IU/mL for serum CA 125 predicted endometriomas with a sensitivity of 91.7% and a specificity of 91.9%. A value of ≤22.5 IU/mL for cyst fluid CA 19-9, predicted functional cysts with a of sensitivity of 92% and specificity of 95.2%. A value of ≥100 ng/mL for cyst fluid CEA, predicted mucinous cysts with a sensitivity of 96.4% and specificity of 96.7%. Conclusion: Levels of CA-125, CA 19-9 and CEA in serum and cyst fluid of patients with benign ovarian cysts can be used as a diagnostic tool in patient evaluation with acceptable sensitivity and specificity. This finding can be used in conjunction with other methods such as ultrasound, especially in cases that are harder to diagnose

    Glasgow Coma Scale and Its Components on Admission: Are They Valuable Prognostic Tools in Acute Mixed Drug Poisoning?

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    Introduction. The verbal, eye, and motor components of Glasgow coma scale (GCS) may be influenced by poisoned patients' behavior in an attempted suicide. So, the values of admission GCS and its components for outcomes prediction in mixed drugs poisoning were investigated. Materials and Methods. A followup study data was performed on patients with mixed drugs poisoning. Outcomes were recorded as without complications and with complications. Discrimination was evaluated by calculating the area under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUC). Results. There was a significant difference between the mean value of each component of GCS as well as the total GCS between patients with and without complication. Discrimination was best for GCS (AUC: 0.933 ± 0.020) and verbal (0.932 ± 0.021), followed by motor (0.911 ± 0.025), then eye (0.89 ± 0.028). Conclusions. Admission GCS and its components seem to be valuable in outcome prediction of patients with mixed drug poisoning