49 research outputs found

    Surpassing the classical limit of microwave photonic frequency fading effect by quantum microwave photonics

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    With energy-time entangled biphoton sources as the optical carrier and time-correlated single-photon detection for high-speed radio frequency (RF) signal recovery, the method of quantum microwave photonics (QMWP) has presented the unprecedented potential of nonlocal RF signal encoding and efficient RF signal distilling from the dispersion interference associated with ultrashort pulse carriers. In this letter, its capability in microwave signal processing and prospective superiority is further demonstrated. Both the QMWP RF phase shifting and transversal filtering functionality, which are the fundamental building blocks of microwave signal processing, are realized. Besides the perfect immunity to the dispersion-induced frequency fading effect associated with the broadband carrier in classical microwave photonics, a native two-dimensional parallel microwave signal processor is provided. These demonstrations fully prove the superiority of QMWP over classical MWP and open the door to new application fields of MWP involving encrypted processing

    Beyond Security: Achieving Fairness in Mailmen-Assisted Timed Data Delivery

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    Timed data delivery is a critical service for time-sensitive applications that allows a sender to deliver data to a recipient, but only be accessible at a specific future time. This service is typically accomplished by employing a set of mailmen to complete the delivery mission. While this approach is commonly used, it is vulnerable to attacks from realistic adversaries, such as a greedy sender (who accesses the delivery service without paying the service charge) and malicious mailmen (who release the data prematurely without being detected). Although some research works have been done to address these adversaries, most of them fail to achieve fairness. In this paper, we formally define the fairness requirement for mailmen-assisted timed data delivery and propose a practical scheme, dubbed DataUber, to achieve fairness. DataUber ensures that honest mailmen receive the service charge, lazy mailmen do not receive the service charge, and malicious mailmen are punished. Specifically, DataUber consists of two key techniques: 1) a new cryptographic primitive, i.e., Oblivious and Verifiable Threshold Secret Sharing (OVTSS), enabling a dealer to distribute a secret among multiple participants in a threshold and verifiable way without knowing any one of the shares, and 2) a smart-contract-based complaint mechanism, allowing anyone to become a reporter to complain about a mailman\u27s misbehavior to a smart contract and receive a reward. Furthermore, we formally prove the security of DataUber and demonstrate its practicality through a prototype implementation

    Transitional Zone Index and Intravesical Prostatic Protrusion in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Patients: Correlations according to Treatment Received and Other Clinical Data

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    Purpose: The aim of this research was to assess the value of the transitional zone index (TZI) and intravesical prostatic protrusion (IPP) from transrectal ultrasonography in evaluating the severity and progression of disease by analyzing the relationship between the 2 parameters and symptoms, clinical history, and urodynamics in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) patients undergoing different treatment. Materials and Methods: A total of 203 patients receiving medication and 162 patients who underwent transurethral resection of the prostate because of BPH were enrolled in this retrospective analysis. The clinical history and subjective and objective examination results of all patients were recorded and compared after being classified by TZI and IPP level. Linear regression was used to find correlations between IPP, TZI, and urodynamics. Results: The 2 parameters were found to differ significantly between patients receiving medication and patients undergoing surgical therapy (p<0.05). PSA, maximum flow rate (Qmax), detrusor pressure at Qmax (PdetQmax), and the bladder outlet obstruction index (BOOI) differed according to various TZI levels (p<0.05). In addition, the voiding symptom score, Qmax, and BOOI of subgroups with various IPP levels were also significantly different (p<0.05). Both TZI and IPP had significant effects on Qmax, BOOI, and PdetQmax (p<0.05) and the incidence of acute urinary retention (p=0.000). Conclusions: The results demonstrated that both TZI and IPP had favorable value for assessing severity and progression in patients with BPH. Further studies are needed to confirm whether the two parameters have predictive value in the efficacy of BPH treatment and could be considered as factors in the selection of therapy

    Graph pangenome captures missing heritability and empowers tomato breeding

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    Missing heritability in genome-wide association studies defines a major problem in genetic analyses of complex biological traits(1,2). The solution to this problem is to identify all causal genetic variants and to measure their individual contributions(3,4). Here we report a graph pangenome of tomato constructed by precisely cataloguing more than 19 million variants from 838 genomes, including 32 new reference-level genome assemblies. This graph pangenome was used forgenome-wide association study analyses and heritability estimation of 20,323 gene-expression and metabolite traits. The average estimated trait heritability is 0.41 compared with 0.33 when using the single linear reference genome. This 24% increase in estimated heritability is largely due to resolving incomplete linkage disequilibrium through the inclusion of additional causal structural variants identified using the graph pangenome. Moreover, by resolving allelic and locus heterogeneity, structural variants improve the power to identify genetic factors underlying agronomically important traits leading to, for example, the identification of two new genes potentially contributing to soluble solid content. The newly identified structural variants will facilitate genetic improvement of tomato through both marker-assisted selection and genomic selection. Our study advances the understanding of the heritability of complex traits and demonstrates the power of the graph pangenome in crop breeding

    A Glimpse of Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome from Comparative Genomics of S. suis 2 Chinese Isolates

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    BACKGROUND: Streptococcus suis serotype 2 (SS2) is an important zoonotic pathogen, causing more than 200 cases of severe human infection worldwide, with the hallmarks of meningitis, septicemia, arthritis, etc. Very recently, SS2 has been recognized as an etiological agent for streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS), which was originally associated with Streptococcus pyogenes (GAS) in Streptococci. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying STSS are poorly understood. METHODS AND FINDINGS: To elucidate the genetic determinants of STSS caused by SS2, whole genome sequencing of 3 different Chinese SS2 strains was undertaken. Comparative genomics accompanied by several lines of experiments, including experimental animal infection, PCR assay, and expression analysis, were utilized to further dissect a candidate pathogenicity island (PAI). Here we show, for the first time, a novel molecular insight into Chinese isolates of highly invasive SS2, which caused two large-scale human STSS outbreaks in China. A candidate PAI of ∌89 kb in length, which is designated 89K and specific for Chinese SS2 virulent isolates, was investigated at the genomic level. It shares the universal properties of PAIs such as distinct GC content, consistent with its pivotal role in STSS and high virulence. CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, this is the first PAI candidate from S. suis worldwide. Our finding thus sheds light on STSS triggered by SS2 at the genomic level, facilitates further understanding of its pathogenesis and points to directions of development on some effective strategies to combat highly pathogenic SS2 infections

    Einfluss der Verarbeitungstechnologie und Werkstoffzusammensetzung auf die Struktur-Eigenschafts-Beziehungen von thermoplastischen Nanoverbundwerkstoffen

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    Die Einarbeitung von nanoskaligen FĂŒllstoffen zur Steigerung von polymeren Eigenschaftsprofilen ist sehr viel versprechend und stĂ¶ĂŸt daher heutzutage sowohl in der Forschung als auch in der Industrie auf großes Interesse. Bedingt durch ausgeprĂ€gte OberflĂ€chen und hohe AnziehungskrĂ€fte, liegen Nanopartikel allerdings nicht singulĂ€r sondern als PartikelanhĂ€ufungen, so genannten Agglomeraten oder Aggregaten, vor. Zur Erzielung der gewĂŒnschten Materialverbesserungen gilt es, diese aufzuspalten und homogen in der polymeren Matrix zu verteilen. Bei thermoplastischen Kunststoffen ist die gleichlĂ€ufige Doppelschneckenextrusion eines der gĂ€ngigsten Verfahren zur Einarbeitung von Additiven und FĂŒllstoffen. Aus diesem Grund war es Ziel dieser Arbeit, mittels dieses Verfahrens verbesserte Verbundwerkstoffe mit Polyamid 66- und Polyetheretherketon-Matrix, durch Einarbeitung von nanoskaligem Titandioxid (15 und 300 nm), zu generieren. In einem ersten Schritt wurden die verfahrenstechnischen Parameter, wie Drehzahl und Durchsatz, sowie die ProzessfĂŒhrung und damit deren Einfluss auf die Materialeigenschaften beleuchtet. Der spezifische Energieeintrag ist ausschlaggebend zur Deagglomeration der Nanopartikel. Dieser zeigte leichte AbhĂ€ngigkeiten von der Drehzahl und dem Durchsatz und verursachte bei der Einarbeitung der Partikel keine wesentlichen Unterschiede in der Aufspaltung der Partikel sowie gar keine in den resultierenden mechanischen Eigenschaften. Die ProzessfĂŒhrung wurde unterteilt in Mehrfach- und Einfachextrusion. Die Herstellung eines hochgefĂŒllten Masterbatches, dessen mehrfaches Extrudieren und anschließendes VerdĂŒnnen, fĂŒhrte zu einer sehr guten Deagglomeration und stark verbesserten Materialeigenschaften. Mittels Simulation des Extrusionsprozesses konnte festgestellt werden, dass das Vorhandensein von ungeschmolzenem Granulat in der Verfahrenszone zu einer Schmelze/Nanopartikel/ Feststoffreibung fĂŒhrt, die die Ursache fĂŒr eine sehr gute Aufspaltung der Partikel zu sein scheint. Durch Modifikation des Extrusionsprozesses erreichte die Einfachextrusion annĂ€hernd den Grad an Deagglomeration bei Mehrfachextrusion, wobei die Materialien bei letzterem Verfahren die besten Eigenschaftsprofile aufwiesen. In einem zweiten Schritt wurde ein Vergleich der EinflĂŒsse von unterschiedlichen PartikelgrĂ¶ĂŸen und –gehalten auf die polymeren Matrizes vollzogen. Die 15 nm Partikel zeigten signifikant bessere mechanische Ergebnisse auf als die 300 nm Partikel, und die Wirkungsweise des 15 nm Partikels auf Polyetheretherketon war stĂ€rker als auf Polyamid 66. Es konnten Steigerungen in Steifigkeit, Festigkeit und ZĂ€higkeit erzielt werden. Rasterelektronenmikroskopische Aufnahmen bestĂ€tigten diese Ergebnisse. Eine Berechnung der Plan-Selbstkosten von einem Kilogramm PEEK-Nanoverbundwerkstoff im Vergleich zu einem Kilogramm unverstĂ€rktem PEEK verdeutlichte, dass ein Material kreiert wurde, welches deutlich verbesserte Eigenschaften bei gleichem Preis aufweist. Zusammenfassend konnte in dieser Arbeit ein tieferes VerstĂ€ndnis des Extrusionsvorganges zur Herstellung von kostengĂŒnstigen und verbesserten Thermoplasten durch das Einbringen von Nanopartikeln gewonnen werden

    Buiding a Visual Tracking System for Home-Based Rehabilitation

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    Visual tracking of human movement has attracted increasing attention recently because of its wide spectrum of applications, including athletic and clinical performance analysis, human-computer interface, surveillance, motion capture for games and animation. There are two main techniques in the visual tracking of the human movement community: marker-based tracking and marker-free tracking. This paper presents a visual tracking system, which exploits both marker-based and marker-free methods, to support the home-based rehabilitation program. It provides a useful and complete tracking system to help the patients' who sustain a stroke to recover and improve their mobility at a home environment

    Water–Air Interface Greenhouse Gas Emissions (CO2, CH4, and N2O) Emissions Were Amplified by Continuous Dams in an Urban River in Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, China

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    Continuous dams may lead to great variation in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from rivers, which contribute more uncertainty to regional carbon balance. This study is among the first to determine water–air interface GHGs (CO2, CH4, and N2O) in a river with continuous dams in plateau city. Combined static-chamber gas and meteorological chromatography were utilized to monitor the GHGs emission flux at the water–air interface within four continuous dams in the Huoshaogou River in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, China. A variation coefficient (VC) and amplification coefficient (AC) were designed to detect the influence of continuous dams on GHG emissions. Results indicate that (1) cascade dams presented an amplifying effect on GHGs emissions from the water-air interface. The VCs of three types of GHGs are 3.7–6.7 times higher than those of the undammed area. The ACs of three types of GHGs are 2.7–4.1 times larger than environmental factors; (2) the average GHG emission fluxes in some dams are higher than that of the first dam, indicating that an amplifying effect may have been accumulated by some continuous dams; (3) EC, pH, Twater, Tair and TDS are found to be principle influencing factors of GHG emission and light intensity, Twater, TOC (plant), TN (sediment) and TOC (sediment) are found to be associated with accumulative changes in GHG emission