15 research outputs found

    MOESM1 of Binding affinity of five PBPs to Ostrinia sex pheromones

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    Additional file 1: S1. The primers used for the PBPs expression. The lists of primers used for PBPs expression, and the digestion sites were underlined

    MOESM2 of Binding affinity of five PBPs to Ostrinia sex pheromones

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    Additional file 2: S2. The message of sex pheromones used in binding assay. The sex pheromones messages used in binding experiment, including the molecular weight, purity and company

    MOESM3 of Binding affinity of five PBPs to Ostrinia sex pheromones

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    Additional file 3: S3. The primers used for site-directed mutants. The lists of primers used for site-directed mutants, and the digestion sites were underlined

    MOESM4 of Binding affinity of five PBPs to Ostrinia sex pheromones

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    Additional file 4: S4. The sequences of the wild type OfurPBP3 and the mutants. The nucleotide sequences of wild type OfurPBP3 and the mutants (OfurPBP3-m1, OfurPBP3-m2, OfurPBP3-m3 and OfurPBP3-m4)

    Additional file 1 of Chemoautotrophic production of gaseous hydrocarbons, bioplastics and osmolytes by a novel Halomonas species

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    Additional file 1: Figure S1. Plasmid map for propane production in Halomonas. Figure S2. Tolerance of Halomonas isolates for salinity, pH and butyric acid. Figure S3. Growth of H. rowanensis in mineral-based media using polluted water with and without exogenous carbon sources. Figure S4. Superimposition of AlphaFold predicted structures of reverse TCA cycle proteins and the closest DALI homology match. Figure S5. Sulfur oxidation systems for energy generation. Figure S6. Ectoine production by Halomonas rowanensis in the thiosulfate minimal medium with a range of salinity. Table S1. Partial 16S rDNA sequence analysis of ‘Old Biot’ brine spring isolates. Table S2. Extended PHB assay data for Figs. 2C and . Table S3. Putative carbon fixation cycle genes identified within the genome of H. rowanensis by protein sequence homology and AlphaFold structural homology. Table S4. Putative sulfur metabolism genes identified within the genome of H. rowanensis by protein sequence homology and AlphaFold structural homology

    Development of an Inosine Hyperproducer from Bacillus licheniformis by Systems Metabolic Engineering

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    Inosine is widely used in food, chemical, and medicine. This study developed Bacillus licheniformis into an inosine hyperproducer through systems metabolic engineering. First, purine metabolism was activated by deleting inhibitors PurR and YabJ and overexpressing the pur operon. Then, the 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate (PRPP) supply was increased by optimizing the glucose transport system and pentose phosphate pathway, increasing the inosine titer by 97% and decreasing the titers of byproducts by 36%. Next, to prevent the degradation of inosine, genes deoD and pupG coding purine nucleoside phosphorylase were deleted, accumulating 0.91 g/L inosine in the culture medium. Additionally, the downregulation of adenosine 5′-monophosphate (AMP) synthesis pathway increased the inosine titer by 409%. Importantly, enhancing the glycine and aspartate supply increased the inosine titer by 298%. Finally, the guanosine synthesis pathway was blocked, leading to strain IR-8–2 producing 27.41 g/L inosine with a 0.46 g inosine/g glucose yield and a 0.38 g/(L·h) productivity in a shake flask

    Analysis of Genome-Wide Copy Number Variations in Chinese Indigenous and Western Pig Breeds by 60 K SNP Genotyping Arrays

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    <div><p>Copy number variations (CNVs) represent a substantial source of structural variants in mammals and contribute to both normal phenotypic variability and disease susceptibility. Although low-resolution CNV maps are produced in many domestic animals, and several reports have been published about the CNVs of porcine genome, the differences between Chinese and western pigs still remain to be elucidated. In this study, we used Porcine SNP60 BeadChip and PennCNV algorithm to perform a genome-wide CNV detection in 302 individuals from six Chinese indigenous breeds (Tongcheng, Laiwu, Luchuan, Bama, Wuzhishan and Ningxiang pigs), three western breeds (Yorkshire, Landrace and Duroc) and one hybrid (Tongcheng×Duroc). A total of 348 CNV Regions (CNVRs) across genome were identified, covering 150.49 Mb of the pig genome or 6.14% of the autosomal genome sequence. In these CNVRs, 213 CNVRs were found to exist only in the six Chinese indigenous breeds, and 60 CNVRs only in the three western breeds. The characters of CNVs in four Chinese normal size breeds (Luchuan, Tongcheng and Laiwu pigs) and two minipig breeds (Bama and Wuzhishan pigs) were also analyzed in this study. Functional annotation suggested that these CNVRs possess a great variety of molecular function and may play important roles in phenotypic and production traits between Chinese and western breeds. Our results are important complementary to the CNV map in pig genome, which provide new information about the diversity of Chinese and western pig breeds, and facilitate further research on porcine genome CNVs.</p></div

    Genomic distribution of CNVRs in 18 pairs of autosomal chromosomes of pigs.

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    <p>The chromosomal locations of 348 CNVRs are indicated by lines. Y-axis values are chromosome names, and X-axis values are chromosome positions in Mb, which are proportional to the real size of swine genome sequence assembly (10.2). Round represents CNVRs identified only in Chinese indigenous breeds; triangle represents CNVRs identified only in western breeds; and quadrate represents those identified both in Chinese and western breeds.</p