28 research outputs found


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    Informasi merupakan sumber daya yang dapat dikelola dan sangat berarti dalam proses pengambilan keputusan baik untuk saat ini maupun untuk memprediksi masa mendatang. Informasi yang kurang akurat menyebabkan prediksi masa mendatang menjadi kurang tepat. Pada domain Supply Chain Management (SCM) terdapat beberapa ketidakpastian antara lain adalah ketidak pastian permintaan, ketidak pastian pasokan, ketidak pastian lead time pengiriman, dan ketidak pastian harga dan kualitas bahan baku. Pada penelitian ini dikembangkan sistem perencanaan dan penjadwalan aktivitas distribusi dengan menggunakan metode Distribution Requirement Planning (DRP). Model sistem distribusi dibangun dengan kajian pada SCM agar sistem dapat digunakan untuk mengatur hubungan antara supplier, distributor dan konsumen. Pengembangan sistem dilakukan dengan membangun DRP dengan menggunakan metode double exponential smoothing. Penelitian ini diujicobakan dengan menggunakan data peusahaan “Polowijo Gosari” yang merupakan industri manufaktur dan memproduksi berbagai pupuk dolomit. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa perencanaan pendistribusian produk super dolomit dan dolomit untuk tiap distributor cabang dan nilai rata-rata permintaan tingkat persediaan untuk memesan bahan baku ke supplier sebesar 12.123.374 Kg untuk super dolomit dan 10.705.520 Kg untuk dolomit. Ketepatan model peramalan double exponential smoothing cukup baik, ditunjukan dengan hasil grafik yang bersifat linier yang menunujukkan bahwa ramalan tidak jauh dari pemesanan 12 bulan (data aktual) dan memberikan hasil tingkat kesalahan (MAPE) yang cukup kecil, yaitu rata-rata kurang dari 15%

    Implementasi Metode Backpropagation Neural Network (BNN) dalam Sistem Klasifikasi Ketepatan Waktu Kelulusan Mahasiswa (Studi Kasus: Program Studi Sistem Informasi Universitas Jember)

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    Program Studi Sistem Informasi adalah salah satu program studi di Universitas Jember yang berdiri sejak tahun 2009. Sampai saat ini sudah cukup banyak mahasiswa yang telah menyandang gelar sarjana, khususnya angkatan 2009-2013 , namun tidak banyak yang berhasil menyelesaikan studinya tepat waktu sehingga berdampak pada penilaian akreditasi dari program studi tersebut. Mahasiswa memiliki beban pembelajaran sekurang-kurangnya 144 SKS dengan masa studi selama 4- 5 tahun untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, terdapat berbagai cara untuk mengklasifikasi ketepatan waktu kelulusan mahasiswa, salah satunya dengan metode jaringan syaraf tiruan Backpropagation. Data yang digunakan yaitu data lulusan mahasiswa Program Studi Sistem Informasi Universitas Jember angkatan tahun 2011-2013. Atribut yang digunakan untuk klasifikasi berjumlah 9 atribut, yaitu nilai Indeks Prestasi (IP) semester 1 sampai 6, jumlah SKS yang ditempuh, semester saat terakhir kali memprogram matakuliah Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) dan Praktik Kerja Lapang (PKL). Kelas yang digunakan untuk klasifikasi yaitu ketepatan waktu lulus mahasiswa tersebut. Penentuan ketepatan waktunya yaitu jika masa studi kurang dari sama dengan 60 bulan, maka mahasiswa tersebut lulus tepat waktu dan jika lebih dari 60 bulan maka tidak tepat waktu. Penerapan metode klasifikasi ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan learning rate 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, dan 0.9 dengan batas iterasi masing-masing 1.000, 2.000, dan 3.000 iterasi. Nilai akurasi tertinggi yaitu sebesar 98,82% pada iterasi ke-2000 dan 3000, masing-masing dengan learning rate = 0,7 dan 0,9 untuk iterasi ke-2000 dan learning rate = 0,5, 0,7 dan 0,9 untuk iterasi ke-3000. Hasil tersebut didapat dari jumlah data benar sebanyak 167 data dari 169 data secara keseluruhan. Kata Kunci: Data Mining, Klasifikasi, Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan, Metode Backpropagation Neural Network

    The Design of E-Commerce System in the Shrimp Paste Industry using the Method of Structured Analysis and Design Technique (SADT) to Increase Marketing

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    The E-Commerce system in the shrimp paste industry is designed to increase the marketing and branding of Payangan shrimp paste. The shrimp paste produced by KUB (Kelompok Usaha Bersama—Business Group) and Poklahsar (Kelompok Pengolah Pemasaran—Marketing Processing Group) consisting of a number of joint household industries is yet to meet the sales number set. Shrimp paste has several variants, such as the processed one, the raw one and one in the form of powder which constitute the result of the development of maritime research group of Universitas Jember. The target market of the product is both national and international, especially for the powder shrimp paste which is the recent innovation of the maritime research group. It is considered to be a possibility to increase the sales figures and to decrease the marketing costs by optimizing the use of the internet. In order to do so, a system should be design using Structured Analysis and Design Technique (SADT) to build an e-commerce application. It is expected that the E-Commerce application can increase the sales of the shrimp paste and reach a wider number of consumers

    The Design of E-Commerce System in the Shrimp Paste Industry using the Method of Structured Analysis and Design Technique (SADT) to Increase Marketing

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    The E-Commerce system in the shrimp paste industry is designed to increase the marketing and branding of Payangan shrimp paste. The shrimp paste produced by KUB (Kelompok Usaha Bersama—Business Group) and Poklahsar (Kelompok Pengolah Pemasaran—Marketing Processing Group) consisting of a number of joint household industries is yet to meet the sales number set. Shrimp paste has several variants, such as the processed one, the raw one and one in the form of powder which constitute the result of the development of maritime research group of Universitas Jember. The target market of the product is both national and international, especially for the powder shrimp paste which is the recent innovation of the maritime research group. It is considered to be a possibility to increase the sales figures and to decrease the marketing costs by optimizing the use of the internet. In order to do so, a system should be design using Structured Analysis and Design Technique (SADT) to build an e-commerce application. It is expected that the E-Commerce application can increase the sales of the shrimp paste and reach a wider number of consumers

    Implementation of Winnowing Algorithm Based K-Gram to Identify Plagiarism on File Text-Based Document

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    Plagiarism occurs when the students have tasks and pursued by the deadline. Plagiarism is considered as the fastest way to accomplish the tasks. This reason makes the author tried to build a plagiarism detection system with Winnowing algorithm as document similarity search algorithm. The documents that being tested are Indonesian journals with extension .doc, .docx, and/or .txt. Similarity calculation process through two stages, the first is the process of making a document fingerprint using Winnowing algorithm and the second is using Jaccard coefficient similarity. In order to develop this system, the author used iterative waterfall model approach. The main objective of this project is to determine the level of plagiarism. It is expected to prevent plagiarism either intentionally or unintentionally before our journal published by displaying the percentage of similarity in the journals that we make

    Inventory Support System for Retail Shop

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    Nowadays having a traditional way recording inventory were very troublesome. Inventory stock is very important when someone run a retail business. If they are not managing inventory well, they will be experiencing losses as if they supply too much, it will risk damaging the stocks and may spending too much storage costs, and vice versa, if the supplies are not sufficient then the customer needs cannot be fulfilled and they will lose profits. Therefore, demand for next period should be estimated, so that customer demand can still be met and they are not bearing the cost of having too many stocks. Shop XYZ is a retail business that sells household daily needs, and they don’t know exact number of items in the warehouse. With these problems, this research aims to create procedures and how to forecast reorder quantity of each selected items

    Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis of Avatar 2 Movie Reviews on IMDb Using Support Vector Machine

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    In the digital age, IMDb plays a crucial role in influencing audience movie choices. However, IMDb's movie ratings lack detailed information about specific aspects of films considered important in the industry's evaluation of audience responses. To address this gap, we conducted aspect-based sentiment analysis on 3198 reviews of Avatar 2. We focused on narrative and cinematic elements in the movie reviews, such as character, conflict, location, time, mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing, and sound. After data collection, we labeled the aspects and sentiments, and through TF-IDF weighting and SMOTE balancing, we performed sentiment classification. The Support Vector Machine model with SMOTE proved most effective, highlighting crucial features often discussed by audiences in both positive and negative sentiments. This analysis provides valuable insights for the film industry, aiding in better movie production, marketing, and a deeper understanding of audience preferences. Our research demonstrates the significance of aspect-based sentiment analysis in guiding future film-making endeavors

    Gold Green: A Survival Strategy of Farmers in Kayumas Village, Situbondo Regency

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    Kayumas Village was a unique village to study. The uniqueness could be traced through an evidence on 19 April 1883 when the Dutch investor HHvan Kol and his colleague JCEgter van Wissekerke were interested in leasing 504 bau of vacant land in Kajoemaas plateau to the Dutch colonial government for 75 years to establish the company "Cultuur Maatschappij Kajoemaas", whereas the location of Kajoemaas region was isolated and difficult to reach. The land was apparently planted with Arabica coffee because of the geographical location of the area was more than 760-1550 meters above sea level, and succeeded in producing Arabica Coffee exported to Europe. When Indonesia gained its independence, the company was nationalized and changed its position by PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XII (PTPN XII) by changing the name to be "Kayumas Arabica Coffee Processing". This Arabica coffee processing factory later inspired the farmers of Kayumas Village to cultivate their lands. This study was dissected using a political economy theory as combined with the historical method. The theory of Political Economy was used to trace the emergence of the critical thinking of Kayumas Village farmers to grow and crop Arabica coffee as the same as the PTPN XII. Meanwhile, the historical method was used to track the strategies used by farmers to survive. This study has resulted and proven that the majority of farmers in Kayumas Village chose to plant Arabica coffee as a strategy to survive along with PTPN XII. It was also proven that the coffee farmers in Kayumas village were more prosperous than farmers in other villages

    Conceptual Design of Inventory Analysis Software to Support the Life Cycle Assessment in Palm Oil Production

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    Life cycle assessment is a quantitative method to analyze the environmental impact that consists of four main activities: goal and scope definition, life cycle inventory, life cycle impact assessment, and interpretation. The application of the life cycle in palm oil industry are very important and already conducted by many researchers. However, the most difficult task in life cycle assessment are the life cycle inventory. In this research, this study proposed the software to support the life cycle inventory in palm oil production. The result of the study was the conceptual design of the life cycle inventory software