65 research outputs found


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    Dunia saat ini terasa semakin maju dan berkembang. Semakin kita menikmati hidup, semakin juga kita dapat merasakan berkembangnya kemajuan berinteraksi antar sesama manusia. Dengan semakin majunya dunia, maka secara tidak langsung, teknologi komunikasipun terikut ambil peran/bagian dalam kepentingan dan kelangsungan hidup manusia. Berbagai cara, solusi, ide, ataupun karya-karya seseorang telah dimunculkan dan diciptakan. Salah satunya adalah dengan SMS(Short Massage Service) yang berupa suatu bentuk layanan dari fitur handphone/ ponsel serta operator jaringan yang berfungsi untuk bertukar informasi kepada sesama penggunanya. SMS bukanlah hal yang baru. Setiap orang di dunia yang terbiasa dengan penggunaan handphone/ponsel akan sangat mengenal dengan layanan SMS ini.Namun bukan berarti layanan ini mempunyai tingkat keamanan yang baik untuk bertukar informasi kepada sesama pengguna ponsel. Tidak adanya pengamanan dari sistem SMS itu menjadi suatu hambatan tersendiri, baik dari ponsel maupun layanan operator jaringannya. Berbagai metode enkprisi telah diciptakan untuk digunakan sebagai pelindung isi dari pesan singkat tersebut dengan menggunakan kode rahasia. Setelah dienkripsikan, pesan singkat tersebut dapat dikompresikan sehingga ukuran bit-nya menjadi lebih kecil dan mampu menghemat memori ponsel ataupun memori kartu ponselnya. Maka dengan ini, penulis melakukan perbandingan antara metode HASH MD5, Huffman dan RC6 yang akan diterapkan pada sistem SMS lalu dicari manakah dari ketiga metode tersebut yang paling baik sesuai dengan indikatornya. Selain itu, penulis juga akan menyimpulkan hasil perbandingan tersebut dan menganalisa bahwa metode Huffman lebih baik dari pada yang lainya


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kubis bunga (Brassica oleraceae var Botrytis L. subvar PM 126 F1)akibat pemberian takaran pupuk kandang kotoran ayam di polybag pada dataran rendah. Penelitian ini dilaksanakanndi areal wilayah Desa Purwosari Kecamatan Sembawa Kabupaten Banyuasin, yang dimulai dari bulan Maret 2017 sampai Mei 2017. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan metode percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri dari 6 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan dalam penelitian ini adalah P0 = tanpa pemberian pupuk kandang kotoran ayam (kontrol), P1 = 10 ton pupuk kandang kotoran ayam ha-1(33,3 g polybag), P2 = 15 ton pupuk kandang kotoran ayam ha-1. (50 g polybag-1), P3 = 20 ton pupuk kandang kotoran ayam ha-1. (66,6 g polybag-1), P4 = 25 ton pupuk kandang kotoran ayam ha-1. (83,3 g polybag-1), P5 = 30 ton pupuk kandang kotoran ayam ha-1 (100 g polybag ). Peubah yang diamati yaitu jumlah daun (helai), tinggi tanaman (cm), diameter pangkal batang (cm), hari muncul bunga (hari setelah tanam), diameter bunga (cm), bobot bunga segar pertanaman (g), bobot berangkasan segar pertanaman (g), bobot segar bunga ha-1 (kg). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilaksanakan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian pupuk kandang kotoran ayam dapat berpengaruh baik terhadap hasil tanaman kubis bunga, Pemberian pupuk kandang kotoran ayam sebanyak 100 g polybag-1(P5) menghasilkan bobot segar bunga rata-rata tanaman-1, bobot segar berangkasan rata-rata tanaman-1, dan diameter bunganya rata-rata terberat dan terbesar yakni 104,05 g, 201,48 g, dan 13,88 cm. Potensi hasil bobot segar bunga rata-rata ha-1 sebesar 6.502,81 kg pada pemberian pupuk kandang kotoran ayam sebanyak 100 g polybag-1 (P5)


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    With limited autologous and donor bone graft availability, there is an increasing need for alternative graft substitutes. We have previously shown that chondrogenically priming mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) pellets for 28 d in vitro will reproducibly result in endochondral bone formation after in vivo implantation. However, pellet priming time for clinical applications is quite extensive. A micropellet (\xce\xbcpellet)-fibrin construct was developed and coupled, with a shorter priming period, determined by an in vitro time course experiment. In vitro data showed expression of chondrogenic genes and matrix production after 7 d of chondrogenic priming, indicating that briefer priming could possibly be used to induce bone formation in vivo. 7 and 28 d primed pellet, pellet-fibrin and \xce\xbcpellet-fibrin constructs were cultured for in vitro analysis and implanted subcutaneously for 8 weeks into nude mice. \xce\xbcpellet-fibrin constructs, cultured in vitro for 7 or 28 d, produced comparable bone to standard pellets in vivo. MSC-mediated bone formation was achieved following only 7 d of in vitro priming. Bone formation in vivo appeared to be influenced by overall matrix production pre-implantation. Given this short priming time and the injectable nature of the \xce\xbcpellet-fibrin constructs, this approach might be further developed as an injectable bone substitute, leading to a minimally-invasive treatment option, which would allow for tailored filling of bone defects

    Contrast-enhanced micro-CT imaging in murine carotid arteries : a new protocol for computing wall shear stress

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    Background: Wall shear stress (WSS) is involved in the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis. The correlation between WSS and atherosclerosis can be investigated over time using a WSS-manipulated atherosclerotic mouse model. To determine WSS in vivo, detailed 3D geometry of the vessel network is required. However, a protocol to reconstruct 3D murine vasculature using this animal model is lacking. In this project, we evaluated the adequacy of eXIA 160, a small animal contrast agent, for assessing murine vascular network on micro-CT. Also, a protocol was established for vessel geometry segmentation and WSS analysis. Methods: A tapering cast was placed around the right common carotid artery (RCCA) of ApoE(-/-) mice (n = 8). Contrast-enhanced micro-CT was performed using eXIA 160. An innovative local threshold-based segmentation procedure was implemented to reconstruct 3D geometry of the RCCA. The reconstructed RCCA was compared to the vessel geometry using a global threshold-based segmentation method. Computational fluid dynamics was applied to compute the velocity field and WSS distribution along the RCCA. Results: eXIA 160-enhanced micro-CT allowed clear visualization and assessment of the RCCA in all eight animals. No adverse biological effects were observed from the use of eXIA 160. Segmentation using local threshold values generated more accurate RCCA geometry than the global threshold-based approach. Mouse-specific velocity data and the RCCA geometry generated 3D WSS maps with high resolution, enabling quantitative analysis of WSS. In all animals, we observed low WSS upstream of the cast. Downstream of the cast, asymmetric WSS patterns were revealed with variation in size and location between animals. Conclusions: eXIA 160 provided good contrast to reconstruct 3D vessel geometry and determine WSS patterns in the RCCA of the atherosclerotic mouse model. We established a novel local threshold-based segmentation protocol for RCCA reconstruction and WSS computation. The observed differences between animals indicate the necessity to use mouse-specific data for WSS analysis. For our future work, our protocol makes it possible to study in vivo WSS longitudinally over a growing plaque

    In Vivo Quantitative Assessment of Myocardial Structure, Function, Perfusion and Viability Using Cardiac Micro-computed Tomography

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    The use of Micro-Computed Tomography (MicroCT) for in vivo studies of small animals as models of human disease has risen tremendously due to the fact that MicroCT provides quantitative high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) anatomical data non-destructively and longitudinally. Most importantly, with the development of a novel preclinical iodinated contrast agent called eXIA160, functional and metabolic assessment of the heart became possible. However, prior to the advent of commercial MicroCT scanners equipped with X-ray flat-panel detector technology and easy-to-use cardio-respiratory gating, preclinical studies of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in small animals required a MicroCT technologist with advanced skills, and thus were impractical for widespread implementation. The goal of this work is to provide a practical guide to the use of the high-speed Quantum FX MicroCT system for comprehensive determination of myocardial global and regional function along with assessment of myocardial perfusion, metabolism and viability in healthy mice and in a cardiac ischemia mouse model induced by permanent occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD)

    Optical Imaging of Tumor Response to Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment and Irradiation in an Orthotopic Mouse Model of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Purpose: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is used in the treatment of radiation-induced tissue injury but its effect on (residual) tumor tissue is indistinct and therefore investigated in this study. Procedures: Orthotopic FaDu tumors were established in mice, and the response of the (irradiated) tumors to HBOT was monitored by bioluminescence imaging. Near infrared fluorescence imaging using AngioSense750 and Hypoxisense680 was applied to detect tumor vascular permeability and hypoxia. Results: HBOT treatment resulted in accelerated growth of non-irradiated tumors, but mouse survival was improved. Tumor vascular leakiness and hypoxia were enhanced after HBOT, whereas histological characteristics, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition markers, and metastatic incidence were not influenced. Conclusions: Squamous cell carcinoma responds to HBOT with respect to tumor growth, vascular permeability, and hypoxia, which may have implications for its use in cancer patients. The ability to longitudinally analyze tumor characteristics highlights the versatility and potential of optical imaging methods in oncological research

    Temporal and spatial changes in wall shear stress during atherosclerotic plaque progression in mice

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    Wall shear stress (WSS) is involved in atherosclerotic plaque initiation, yet its role in plaque progression remains unclear. We aimed to study (i) the temporal and spatial changes in WSS over a growing plaque and (ii) the correlation between WSS and plaque composition, using animal-specific data in an atherosclerotic mouse model. Tapered casts were placed around the right common carotid arteries (RCCA) of ApoE−/− mice. At 5, 7 and 9 weeks after cast placement, RCCA geometry was reconstructed using contrast-enhanced micro-CT. Lumen narrowing was observed in all mice, indicating the progression of a lumen intruding plaque. Next, we determined the flow rate in the RCCA of each mouse using Doppler Ultrasound and computed WSS at all time points. Over time, as the plaque developed and further intruded into the lumen, absolute WSS significantly decreased. Finally at week 9, plaque composition was histologically characterized. The proximal part of the plaque was small and eccentric, exposed to relatively lower WSS. Close to the cast a larger and concentric plaque was present, exposed to relatively higher WSS. Lower WSS was significantly correlated to the accumulation of macrophages in the eccentric plaque. When pooling data of all animals, correlation between WSS and plaque composition was weak and no longer statistically significant. In conclusion, our data showed that in our mouse model absolute WSS strikingly decreased during disease progression, which was significantly correlated to plaque area and macrophage content. Besides, our study demonstrates the necessity to analyse individual animals and plaques when studying correlations between WSS and plaque composition

    Chondrogenically Primed Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Persist and Undergo Early Stages of Endochondral Ossification in an Immunocompetent Xenogeneic Model

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    Tissue engineering approaches using progenitor cells such as mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) represent a promising strategy to regenerate bone. Previous work has demonstrated the potential of chondrogenically primed human MSCs to recapitulate the process of endochondral ossification and form mature bone in vivo, using immunodeficient xenogeneic models. To further the translation of such MSC-based approaches, additional investigation is required to understand the impact of interactions between human MSC constructs and host immune cells upon the success of MSC-mediated bone formation. Although human MSCs are considered hypoimmunogenic, the potential of chondrogenically primed human MSCs to induce immunogenic responses in vivo, as well as the efficacy of MSC-mediated ectopic bone formation in the presence of fully competent immune system, requires further elucidation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the capacity of chondrogenically primed human MSC constructs to persist and undergo the process of endochondral ossification in an immune competent xenogeneic model. Chondrogenically differentiated human MSC pellets were subcutaneously implanted to wild-type BALB/c mice and retrieved at 2 and 12 weeks post-implantation. The percentages of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells, B cells, and classical/non-classical monocyte subsets were not altered in the peripheral blood of mice that received chondrogenic MSC constructs compared to sham-operated controls at 2 weeks post-surgery. However, MSC-implanted mice had significantly higher levels of serum total IgG compared to sham-operated mice at this timepoint. Flow cytometric analysis of retrieved MSC constructs identified the presence of T cells and macrophages at 2 and 12 weeks post-implantation, with low levels of immune cell infiltration to implanted MSC constructs detected by CD45 and CD3 immunohistochemical staining. Despite the presence of immune cells in the tissue, MSC constructs persisted in vivo and were not degraded/resorbed. Furthermore, constructs became mineralised, with longitudinal micro-computed tomography imaging revealing an increase in mineralised tissue volume from 4 weeks post-implantation until the experimental endpoint at 12 weeks. These findings indicate that chondrogenically differentiated human MSC pellets can persist and undergo early stages of endochondral ossification following subcutaneous implantation in an immunocompetent xenogeneic model. This scaffold-free model may be further extrapolated to provide mechanistic insight to osteoimmunological processes regulating bone regeneration and homeostasis

    Contrast-enhanced micro-CT imaging in murine carotid arteries: A new protocol for computing wall shear stress

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    Background: Wall shear stress (WSS) is involved in the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis. The correlation between WSS and atherosclerosis can be investigated over time using a WSS-manipulated atheroscleroti
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