11,976 research outputs found

    Limitation of the Press-Schechter Formalism

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    The Press-Schechter(PS) formalism for the mass function of the collapsed objects are reanalyzed. The factor of two in the Press-Schechter formalism is argued to be correct in the sharp kk-space filter even when we use the another approach proposed by Jedamzik(1994) in the cloud-in-cloud problem, which is different from the previous approach by Peacock & Heavens(1990) and Bond et al.(1991). The spatial correlation of the density fluctuations, however, had been neglected in the cloud-in-cloud problem. The effects of this spatial correlation is analyzed by using the Jedamzik formalism and it is found that this effect alter the PS mass function especially on larger mass scales. Furthermore the exact formula of deriving mass function is shown. We also find that the probability of the overlap of the collapsed objects can be neglected on very small mass scales while it might not be neglected on other mass scales.Comment: 23 pages, uuencoded compressed Postscrip

    On h h -transforms of one-dimensional diffusions stopped upon hitting zero

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    For a one-dimensional diffusion on an interval for which 0 is the regular-reflecting left boundary, three kinds of conditionings to avoid zero are studied. The limit processes are h h -transforms of the process stopped upon hitting zero, where h h 's are the ground state, the scale function, and the renormalized zero-resolvent. Several properties of the h h -transforms are investigated

    Allelopathic effect of the Cladonia verticillaris lichen extracts and fumarprotocetraric acid on the early growth of germinated seedlings in Allium cepa L.

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    The allelopathic activity of the different type of Cladonia verticillaris lichen extracts and fumarprotocetraric acid on the early growth of A. cepa (IPA 6) germinated seedlings depends on their chemical composition and concentration, respectively. It was observed that the length of the radicle was significantly stimulated by fumarprotocetraric acid at high concentrations and by the total extract of C. verticillaris thalli, which contained high level of fumarprotocetraric, acid confirmed by HPLC – technique. In addition, it was found, that the phosphate buffer extract, which contained high level of methy betha-orcinol carboxilate measured by HPLC, significantly reduced the length of the hypocotyls. Under our experimental conditions there was no influence of different type of extract and fumarprotocetraric acid on the seed germination ratio of A. cepa, in relation to control. From the study of HPLC it was found that fumarprotocetraric acid and methy betha-orcinol carboxilate were present in all extracts at different concentrations, according to the method of extraction

    Traditional Chinese medicine herbal mixture LQ arrests FUCCI-expressing HeLa cells in G₀/G₁ phase in 2D plastic, 2.5D Matrigel, and 3D Gelfoam culture visualized with FUCCI imaging.

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    We used the fluorescence ubiquitination-based cell cycle indicator (FUCCI) to monitor cell cycle arrest after treatment of FUCCI-expressing HeLa cells (FUCCI-HeLa) with a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) herbal mixture LQ, previously shown to have anti-tumor and anti-metastatic activity in mouse models. Paclitaxel was used as the positive control. In 2D monolayer culture, the untreated control had approximately 45% of the cells in S/G₂/M phase. In contrast, the LQ-treated cells (9 mg/ml) were mostly in the G₀/G₁ (>90%) after 72 hours. After treatment with paclitaxel (0.01 ÎŒm), for 72 hours, 95% of the cells were in S/G₂/M. In 2.5D Matrigel culture, the colonies in the untreated control group had 40% of the cells in S/G₂/M. LQ arrested the cells in G₀/G₁ after 72 hours. Paclitaxel arrested almost all the cells in S/G₂/M after 72 hours. In 3D Gelfoam culture, the untreated control culture had approximately 45% of cells in G₂/M. In contrast, the LQ-treated cells were mostly in G₀/G₁ phase (>80%) after 72 hours treatment. Paclitaxel resulted in 90% of the cells arrested in S/G₂/M after 72 hours. The present report suggests the non-toxic LQ has potential to maintain cancers in a quiescent state for long periods of time

    The Development of a Temperature Probe and Temperature Survey of the Interaction of an Oblique Shock Wave and a Turbulant Boundary Layer

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    The purpose of this investigation was to develop a miniature air temperature probe and to measure temperatures in the interaction region of an oblique shock wave and a turbulent boundary layer

    N=2 Boundary conditions for non-linear sigma models and Landau-Ginzburg models

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    We study N=2 nonlinear two dimensional sigma models with boundaries and their massive generalizations (the Landau-Ginzburg models). These models are defined over either Kahler or bihermitian target space manifolds. We determine the most general local N=2 superconformal boundary conditions (D-branes) for these sigma models. In the Kahler case we reproduce the known results in a systematic fashion including interesting results concerning the coisotropic A-type branes. We further analyse the N=2 superconformal boundary conditions for sigma models defined over a bihermitian manifold with torsion. We interpret the boundary conditions in terms of different types of submanifolds of the target space. We point out how the open sigma models correspond to new types of target space geometry. For the massive Landau-Ginzburg models (both Kahler and bihermitian) we discuss an important class of supersymmetric boundary conditions which admits a nice geometrical interpretation.Comment: 48 pages, latex, references and minor comments added, the version to appear in JHE

    Selective methioninase-induced trap of cancer cells in S/G2 phase visualized by FUCCI imaging confers chemosensitivity.

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    A major impediment to the response of tumors to chemotherapy is that the large majority of cancer cells within a tumor are quiescent in G0/G1, where cancer cells are resistant to chemotherapy. To attempt to solve this problem of quiescent cells in a tumor, cancer cells were treated with recombinant methioninase (rMETase), which selectively traps cancer cells in S/G2. The cell cycle phase of the cancer cells was visualized with the fluorescence ubiquitination-based cell cycle indicator cell cycle indicator (FUCCI). At the time of rMETase-induced S/G2-phase blockage, identified by the cancer cells' green fluorescence by FUCCI imaging, the cancer cells were administered S/G2-dependent chemotherapy drugs, which interact with DNA or block DNA synthesis such as doxorubicin, cisplatin, or 5-fluorouracil. Treatment of cancer cells with drugs only, without rMETase-induced S/G2 phase blockage, led to the majority of the cancer-cell population being blocked in G0/G1 phase, identified by the cancer cells becoming red fluorescent in the FUCCI system. The G0/G1 blocked cells were resistant to the chemotherapy. In contrast, trapping of cancer cells in S/G2 phase by rMETase treatment followed by FUCCI-imaging-guided chemotherapy was highly effective in killing the cancer cells
