509 research outputs found

    Pt-modified Ni aluminides, MCrAlY-base multilayer coatings and TBC systems fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering for the protection of Ni-base superalloys

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    Pt-modified Ni aluminides and MCrAlY coatings (where M=Ni and/or Co) are widely used on turbine blades and vanes for protection against oxidation and corrosion and as bond coatings in thermal barrier coating (TBC) systems. The present work shows the ability of a new fabrication technique, the Spark Plasma Sintering, to develop rapidly new coating compositions and microstructures. This technique allows combining powders and metallic foils on a superalloy substrate in order to obtain multilayered coatings in a single short experiment. Fabrication of MCrAlY overlays with local Pt and/or Al enrichment is shown, as well as fabrication of coatings made of ζ-PtAl2, Δ-PtAl, α-AlNiPt2, martensitic ÎČ- (Ni,Pt)Al or Pt-rich Îł/Îłâ€Č phases. The realization of a complete TBC system with a porous and adherent Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) layer on a Îł/Îłâ€Č low mass bond coating is also demonstrated. Difficulties of fabrication are reviewed and discussed, such as Y segregation, risks of carburization, local overheating, or difficulty to coat complex shape parts. Finally, some first results of cyclic oxidation are given

    Aging Independently of the Hormonal Status Changes Pain Responses in Young Postmenopausal Women

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    Both aging and hormonal status have an effect on pain perception. The goal of this study was to isolate as much as possible the effect of aging in postmenopausal women. Thirty-two women with regular menstrual cycles (RMW) and 18 postmenopausal women (PMW) underwent a 2-minute cold pressor test (CPT) to activate DNIC with a series of tonic heat pain stimulations with a contact thermode to assess ascending pain pathways. We found that this procedure induced much less pain during the first 15 seconds of stimulation the PMW group (P = 0.03), while the mean thermode pain ratings, pain tolerance, pain threshold, and DNIC analgesia were similar for both groups (P > 0.05). The absence of the peak pain in the PMW was probably due to reduced function of the myelinated Aή fibers that naturally occurs with age

    Sorption-assisted surface conjugation: a way to stabilize laccase enzyme

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    Enyzme immobilization on solid surfaces is one of the most relevant methods to improve enzyme activity and stability under harsh conditions over extended periods. A typically interesting application is the immobilization of laccases, multicopper enzymes oxidizing aromatic compounds, to solid surfaces in order to develop valuable tools for the elimination of micropollutants in wastewater. Laccase of the white-rot fungus Coriolopsis polyzona has been successfully immobilized on fumed silica nanoparticles using a novel method. It consists in the sorption of the enzyme to amino-modified silica nanoparticles and the subsequent covalent cross-linking using glutaraldehyde as a homobifunctional linker. The so-produced nanoparticulate material has been characterized by means of scanning electron microscopy and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface area analysis revealing modifications of the surface structure and area during the coupling procedure. Laccase immobilization on spherical nanoparticles produced according to the method of Stöber has been shown to be much less efficient than on fumed silica nanoparticles. Long-term stability assays revealed that the novel developed method allows a drastic stabilization of the enzyme. In real wastewater, 77% of the laccase activity remained on the nanoparticles over 1month, whereas the activity of free laccase dropped to 2.5%. The activity loss on the nanoparticles resulted from partial inactivation of the immobilized enzymes and additional release into the surrounding solution with subsequent fast inactivation of the free enzymes, since almost no activity was found in the supernatant

    25-nm diamond crystals hosting single NV color centers sorted by photon-correlation near-field microscopy

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    Diamond nanocrystals containing highly photoluminescent color centers are attractive non-classical and near-field light sources. For near-field applications the size of the nanocrystal is crucial since it defines the optical resolution. NV (Nitrogen-Vacancy) color centers are efficiently created by proton irradiation and annealing of a nanodiamond powder. Using near-field microscopy and photon statistics measurements, we show that nanodiamond with size down to 25 nm can hold a single NV color center with bright and stable photoluminescence

    Adaptation et personnalisation dans le web sémantique

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    International audienceAu travers d'Internet, un nombre potentiellement infini de services et de documents est accessible Ă  tous les usagers. La plupart des services et documents fournis actuellement sur Internet proposent une organisation, un contenu, un mode d'interaction et une prĂ©sentation uniques pour tous. Ceci peut ĂȘtre suffisant dans certains cas. Mais tous les utilisateurs ne sont pas intĂ©ressĂ©s par les mĂȘmes informations et n'ont pas les mĂȘmes attentes, connaissances, compĂ©tences, centres d'intĂ©rĂȘts, etc. Ils ne sont capables de comprendre ou d'accepter que des services et des documents dont l'organisation, le contenu, les modes d'interaction et la prĂ©sentation sont adaptĂ©s Ă  leurs besoins. Parmi les problĂšmes qui se posent on peut citer : l'accĂšs Ă  l'information pertinente, la navigation dans un grand espace de ressources et la comprĂ©hension d'une ressource complexe. L'adaptation/personnalisation dans le Web sĂ©mantique " peut s'appuyer sur les domaines suivants : les hypermĂ©dia adaptatifs, la modĂ©lisation utilisateur et les documents virtuels personnalisables. Les travaux actuels sur l'adaptation dans le Web sĂ©mantique peuvent ĂȘtre dĂ©composĂ©s en deux parties : l'une sur les hypermĂ©dias adaptatifs et l'autre sur les documents virtuels adaptatifs. Les futures recherches sur le Web SĂ©mantique pour l'adaptation /personnalisation peuvent s'articuler autour des cinq points suivants : la modĂ©lisation utilisateur et des utilisations, la protection de la vie privĂ©e, la recherche d'information, les services et documents adaptatifs, et l'ergonomie des services et des documents

    Préambule aux 5Úme JAD

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    Le numĂ©ro d’avril est traditionnellement celui qui est consacrĂ© aux JournĂ©es Alain Durey (JAD), journĂ©es qui se dĂ©roulent Ă  l’universitĂ© Paris Est CrĂ©teil (UPEC). Nous vous prĂ©sentons donc ces articles qui sont le produit des prĂ©sentations et des dĂ©bats qui se sont dĂ©roulĂ©s Ă  cette occasion. La thĂ©matique principale de ces 5e JAD fut la natation. Les travaux se sont dĂ©roulĂ©s sous le regard expert de Raymond Catteau qui nous avait fait le plaisir de rĂ©pondre Ă  notre invitation.Le premier artic..

    Rapid Oceanic Response to Tropical Cyclone Oli (2010) over the South Pacific

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    International audienceThe effect of Tropical Cyclone Oli (2010) on the ocean is investigated using a variety of measurements. In situ temperature measurements on the cyclone track are available via the Centre de Recherches Insulaires et Observatoire de l'Environnement (CRIOBE) array of probes. This reflects an extreme fluctuation of the temperature some 18 h after the cyclone, lasting only 12 h and exceeding 38C in amplitude. This study interprets this extreme fluctuation in terms of enhanced mixing associated with the time-dependent inertial currents due to the cyclonic winds. The authors show, using Lagrangian simulations, that this rapid event is compatible with the severe length-scale shortening observed in Lagrangian simulations

    The effect of conditioning stimulus intensity on conditioned pain modulation (CPM) hypoalgesia

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    Contexte: L’ampleur et la durĂ©e de la modulation de la douleur conditionnĂ©e (MDC) dĂ©pendent probablement de la nature et de l’intensitĂ© du stimulus de conditionnement. Objectifs: Le but de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait de mesurer l’effet de l’intensitĂ© du stimulus de conditionnement sur la durĂ©e de l’hypoalgĂ©sie par MDC. MĂ©thodes: Dans cette Ă©tude en simple aveugle, non randomisĂ©e, Ă  mesures rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©es, nous avons Ă©valuĂ© l’hypoalgĂ©sie par MDC chez 20 participants en bonne santĂ© Ă  la suite de tests au froid Ă  7 ° C et 12 ° C. Le stimulus du test, une stimulation thermique de 60 secondes, a Ă©tĂ© administrĂ© avant le test au froid et immĂ©diatement aprĂšs, puis Ă  nouveau Ă  des intervalles de cinq minutes jusqu’à ce que les scores de douleur des participants reviennent aux niveaux antĂ©rieurs au stimulus de conditionnement. Deux seuils d’hypoalgĂ©sie ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s pour Ă©tablir le retour au niveau antĂ©rieur au stimulus de conditionnement : Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de - 10 / 100 de la situation de dĂ©part et Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de - 20 / 100 de la situation de dĂ©part. RĂ©sultats: L’hypoalgĂ©sie par MDC, dĂ©finie comme une rĂ©duction des niveaux de douleur > 10 / 100, n’a pas durĂ© plus longtemps aprĂšs le test au froid plus intense de 7 ° C que le test au froid de 12 ° C (32 minutes comparativement Ă  20 minutes, respectivement ; P = 0,06) ; des rĂ©sultats similaires ont Ă©tĂ© obtenus lorsque l’hypoalgĂ©sie par MDC Ă©tait dĂ©finie comme une rĂ©duction des niveaux de douleur > 20 / 100 (16 minutes aprĂšs le test au froid Ă  7 ° C comparativement Ă  9 minutes aprĂšs le test au froid Ă  12 ° C ; P = 0,33). La durĂ©e de l’hypoalgĂ©sie par MDC Ă©tait significativement plus longue lorsque le seuil 10 / 100 Ă©tait utilisĂ© comparativement au seuil 20 / 100, quelle que soit la tempĂ©rature du test au froid (P = 0,008 pour le test au froid Ă  12 ° C ; P < 0,001 pour le test au froid Ă  7 ° C). Conclusions: Le stimulus de conditionnement plus intense n’a pas induit d’hypoalgĂ©sie par MDC de plus longue durĂ©e comparativement au stimulus de conditionnement moins intense. Le choix du seuil pour ce qui constitue une hypoalgĂ©sie par MDC a eu un effet significatif sur les rĂ©sultats.Abstract : Background: The magnitude and duration of conditioned pain modulation (CPM) likely depends on the nature and intensity of the conditioning stimulus (CS). Aims: The aim of this study was to measure the effect of CS intensity on the duration of CPM hypoalgesia. Methods: In this single-blind, nonrandomized, repeated measures study, we assessed CPM hypoalgesia in 20 healthy participants following cold pressor tests (CPT) at 7°C and 12°C. The test stimulus, a 60-s heat stimulation, was administered before the CPT and immediately after, and again at 5-min intervals until participants’ pain scores returned to pre-CS levels. Two hypoalgesia thresholds were used to establish return to pre-CS level: within −10/100 of baseline and within −20/100 of baseline. Results: CPM hypoalgesia, when defined as a reduction in pain levels >10/100, did not last longer following the more intense 7°C CPT compared to the 12°C CPT (32 min vs. 20 min, respectively; P = 0.06); similar results were obtained when CPM hypoalgesia was defined as a reduction in pain levels of >20/100 (16 min following the 7°C CPT vs. 9 min following the 12°C CPT; P = 0.33). The duration of CPM hypoalgesia was significantly longer when the 10/100 threshold was used compared to the 20/100 threshold, regardless of CPT temperature (P = 0.008 for the 12°C CPT; P < 0.001 for the 7°C CPT). Conclusions: The more intense CS did not induce CPM hypoalgesia of longer duration compared to the less intense CS. The choice of threshold for what constitutes CPM hypoalgesia did have a significant effect on the results
