262 research outputs found

    Analysis of Mathematics Curriculum Materials to Ascertain the Potential for Students to Develop Agency and Autonomy

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    Mathematics textbooks are commonly used around the world to teach mathematics during lessons. They provide mathematical tasks and theory to support student learning. Given the centrality of textbooks as a vehicle for mathematics teaching and learning, prior research has examined ways in which texts support students’ learning of a wide variety of mathematics knowledge and skills. Less examined, however, has been the potential role of textbooks in supporting development of agency and autonomy relation to mathematics learning. This dissertation examined the treatment of functions in two textbook series to identify ways that each positions students to develop distinct forms of agency and autonomy while solving mathematical tasks. To study how the two textbook series position students to develop agency and autonomy, I investigated and systematically categorized the types of mathematical tasks and the linguistic structures found in the texts. The mathematical task features were examined from a cognitive perspective drawing on analysis of tasks with different levels of cognitive demand. The linguistic analysis drew on Systemic Functional Linguistics. Data consisted of selected lessons on chapters on the topic of functions. The findings show that for the topic of functions, both textbook series provide students with opportunities to develop agency and autonomy that align with the instructional orientations each text supports. One textbook series supports a so-called reform-oriented approach to teaching and learning whereas the other supports a traditional-oriented approach. One textbook series also positioned students to develop greater varieties of agency and autonomy than the other. For example, for the topic of functions, this textbook series provides students with a broader range of tasks than the other textbook series. These include simpler tasks that develop disciplinary agency and more complex and challenging tasks that develop conceptual agency and intellectual autonomy. The findings contribute to an understanding of different ways textbook series with particular orientations make opportunities available for students to develop forms of agency and autonomy during classroom learning. The findings also contribute to methodology for analyzing textbooks based on the mathematical tasks and other supporting texts for a lesson.PHDEducational StudiesUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143905/1/yankson_1.pd

    Globalization and inter-local cooperation : the mediating roles of local contexts in the global North and South.

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    There is an area of scholarly interest which argues that globalization brings about the need for collaboration among local governmental units in order to address common challenges. According to Brenner and Swyngedouw, globalization also results in rescaling because it redefines spatial and political frameworks, and thus transfers powers to actors beneath and beyond the nation-state. Inter-local cooperation is a form of rescaling since it reconfigures territorial boundaries and results in either decentralization or centralization. This research explores the implications of globalization for inter-jurisdictional collaboration, as modified by local factors. It focuses on two city-regions in the Global North and South respectively (i.e. Chicago, Illinois and Accra, Ghana). Specific research questions are: (a) What is the nature of globalization in Chicago and Accra given their unique local contexts?; (b) How do local factors mediate the implications of globalization for regional cooperation in the two metropolitan areas?; (c) What are the ramifications of globalization for rescaling in the two city-regions, given their respective local contexts? The qualitative inquiry is exploratory in nature and relies on secondary data, discourse analysis, and interviews. It finds that because of their different levels of strategic importance in the global economy, Chicago serves as a headquarter location for multinational corporations, while Accra plays host to subsidiaries or local branches of such corporate entities. As a result of Chicago’s strong private sector and history of civic engagement, globalization has resulted in a fluid, voluntary, and informal approach to regionalism characterized by resistance to annexation and political fragmentation. In the case of Accra, governmental institutional restructuring associated with the global era has created an administrative, directed, and formal approach to regionalism, associated with territorial expansion and centralized bureaucracy. The research shows existing works by scholars such as Brenner and Swyngedouw do not sufficiently account for the mediating roles of local contexts, particularly in the Global South, when analyzing the implications of globalization for regionalism

    Industry-based Ministry: A Pilot Project at the New Dimension S.D.A. Church

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    Problem The Seventh-day Adventist Church, from my pastoral observation here at the New Dimension Seventh-day Adventist congregation in Brooklyn, has not been as successful in retaining the unskilled and uneducated urban poor as other ministries (for example, the Nation of Islam). We preach evangelistic messages to change the lifestyles of the poor and in the process we either lose them or leave them on government assistance because we have no viable economic program to sustain them in our faith. Purpose The purpose of this project was to develop and implement a model of industry- based ministry by which members could be empowered to be economically viable so they would not have to depend on others for their livelihood. Method I examined various examples of Industry-based Ministries (IBM) in the urban setting, identifying their impact on the community in which they serve and the transformation of the people and their living conditions. I interviewed more than 10 ministers, attended more than eight seminars, surveyed internet materials, and utilized other presentations on the subject. I also reviewed the biblical and philosophical theology that undergirds such ministries for the poor. Results There were positive changes at the New Dimension Church as a result of implementing (IBM) even on the small scale. (IBM) was voted in 2005 and implemented in 2006. Between 2006 and 2007 the church grew from 227 to 295 members, reaching 381 by 2009. There was a tremendous change in the baptismal rate. Not only were members retained, the church’s membership increased by 154. There was also a positive change in stewardship faithfulness. There was a steady financial growth in the church, averaging $300,000 per year from 2005 onward. (See table 3.) There was also a quality of life change as members applied their new skills and principles to open their own businesses and enhance their employments opportunities. The Adventurer Club began to take T-shirt contracts from various churches to design T-shirts for them. As a result they raised some money for T-shirt production in the process. There was a change in the overall confidence of members. Church attendance grew, member participation soared, membership reached an all-time high and tithe increased. There have been qualitative changes at the New Dimension since (IBM) was implemented. Finally, it became evident from the research that Adventist mission to the city and eschatology call for the implementation of Industry-based Ministry for at least two reasons. Alonzo Baker, an Adventist professor, reflects the first reason when he wrote: “Believers in the Second Coming should vigorously apply the ‘first aid’ of social betterment while waiting for the full recovery that only the ‘Great Physician’ can bring upon his return.” The second reason is to prepare God’s people for the crisis ahead before the enemy takes advantage of economic conditions to pressure them to forsake the Lord

    Boundedness and stability in nonlinear delay difference equations employing fixed point theory

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    In this paper we study stability and boundedness of the nonlinear difference equation x(t+1)=a(t)x(t)+c(t)Δx(t−g(t))+q(x(t),x(t−g(t))). In particular we study equi-boundedness of solutions and the stability of the zero solution of this equation. Fixed point theorems are used in the analysis

    Youth Entrepreneurship in Auto Spare Parts Sales and Repair Service in Accra, Ghana

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    Unemployment is a major development challenge of Ghana and that of other countries in the global south. In Ghana, this situation has been worsened by rapid urbanization experienced by the country in recent decades but without substantial expansion of job opportunities despite the general success of the economic liberalization policies pursued by Ghana since the middle of the 1980s. The youth are the hardest hit by the unemployment challenge and yet the cities continue to be a major attraction for migrants, especially the youth in search of employment there. Most of the youth end up operating within the informal economy either working for others or setting up and operating their own enterprises. Much of the work of the youth is entrepreneurial in nature and entrepreneurship is seen, all over the world, as panacea for addressing youth unemployment and for economic development. The widely shared view is that encouraging and facilitating business start up by young  people provide them with the opportunity to enter the labour market through self-employment. Yet this has been downplayed in Africa partly due to the fact that specific research into the field of youth entrepreneurship in the African context is limited or non-existent. In Ghana, though the youth unemployment challenge has featured prominently in various government and non-governmental policies and programmes, their implementation has not had the desired impact. The formulation of policies and programmes to facilitate youth entrepreneurship has not been informed by   research findings in view of the limited knowledge generated by research about youth entrepreneurship. This study was meant to contribute to filling that knowledge gap regarding youth entrepreneurship in Ghana in order to aid in the formulation of appropriate policies and programmes for enhancing youth entrepreneurship in the country. It is also to contribute to the literature on youth entrepreneurship in Ghana through a case study approach. A feature of the urban informal economy in developing countries is the spontaneously developed industrial/business clusters of mostly micro, small and medium scale enterprises (MSMEs) in manufacturing, repair services and commercial activities, including sale of vehicle spare parts and accessories. The study reported in this paper was an exploratory one borne out of the need to explore the nature of youth entrepreneurship in the various subsectors of the urban informal economy, the type of businesses and how the youth run their businesses, how their businesses have fared, the challenges encountered, their business plans and how they perceive the future of their businesses. It was towards addressing these and other issues that the study was targeted at youth entrepreneurship in the auto-repair and the sale of spare parts. Field work was undertaken in three of the well known informal business clusters in the city of Accra, each specialized in specific aspect of the automobile industry- repairs, sale of spare parts and sale of scrap vehicle parts. Using a stratified random sampling technique, 427 respondents were covered in a questionnaire survey. Three focus group discussions (FGDs) were organised, one in each of the clusters, of master craftsmen and union leaders as well as key informant interviews and in-depth interviews of two apprentices were also undertaken. The results of the analysis of the data show that there are positive signs for youth entrepreneurship in the auto sector of the urban economy and these positive signs ought to be enhanced and translated into action for supporting youth entrepreneurship by addressing the challenges confronting operators in the sector. It is also recommended that further studies need to be carried out on each of the areas of key challenges identified in this paper for the formulation and implementation of appropriate policies and programmes to support youth entrepreneurship in the auto and related economic sectors of Ghana. Keywords: youth, unemployment, entrepreneurship, informal economy, auto repair and spare part

    Kasem Proverbs as Digital Paintings

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    This study highlights the role of Visual Art in the preservation of oral culture. Apart from oral transmission of culture, existing literature indicates the constant use of text as the ultimate method used to document, preserve and pass on Kasem proverbs over the years. The goal of the paper was to record and preserve selected Kasem proverbs and taboos by going through digital painting processes. Each painting is titled with their respective proverb theme and has objects peculiar to people from the North of Ghana, where Navrongo is located and this is to indicate the origin of the painted proverbs. Backed by the Nelson’s semantic theory, which says that pictures are perceptually more distinct from one another than word, thus ensuring their chances of retrieval, the outcomes of this study provide readers and viewers of the artworks, the possibility of retention and recall of the proverbs by perceiving digital artworks of some Kasem proverbs. Keywords: Navrongo, Kasem Proverbs, Digital Paintings DOI: 10.7176/ADS/103-2 Publication date: January 31st 202

    The Role of Agriculture in the Economic Empowerment of Women in the Ejisu Juaben Municipality in the Ashanti Region of Ghana

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    Agriculture has been the main pillar of Ejisu Juaben Municipality’s development contributing to the development of industry and all other sectors of its economy. Women are the most important actors in food chain beginning from production, marketing and intra household distribution of food as well as other post harvest activities. Women therefore remain the centre-piece of food security in the Municipality. This notwithstanding, women in agriculture in the Municipality has limited access to resources than their male counterparts. These are in the areas of access to credit, agricultural extension services, land, market among others. The Study found out that all these limit the women’s ability to increase their productivity and hence income. The Study therefore concludes that there is the need to reconsider issues of land tenure system, access to and control over productive resources such as credit and extension services. As these factors combine to either enhance and/or restrain their economic empowerment, the Study proposes that addressing such challenges will in the short to medium and long term improve upon their household, municipal and national food security. Keywords: Agriculture, Empowerment, Women Empowerment, Women’s Economic Empowerment, Women in Agricultur

    Inequalities and sufficient conditions for exponential stability and instability for nonlinear Volterra difference equations with variable delay

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    Inequalities and sufficient conditions that lead to exponential stability of the zero solution of the variable delay nonlinear Volterra difference equation (Formula Presented) are obtained. Lyapunov functionals are constructed and employed in obtaining the main results. A criterion for the instability of the zero solution is also provided. The results generalizes some results in the literature
