15 research outputs found

    Grid-tied distributed generation with energy storage to advance renewables in the residential sector: tariff analysis with energy sharing innovations; Part I.

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    Abstract This paper analyzes a case study on electrical power control and energy management of a 60 apartments' residential building with solar generation and energy storage in Santiago, Chile. This constitutes both, a challenge and an opportunity, which have not yet been fully addressed by the Chilean regulatory framework, under the perspective of renewable energy sources' integration with the local electric utility, ENEL. Under this scenario, a set of strategies for the coordination and control of the electricity supply versus demand is tested and adapted for the specific needs of the customers and the infrastructure of the network. The microgrid operates in full coordination with the grid to maximize green energy supply vs demand and systems capacity, whereby the different energy consumers and their consumption profiles play a crucial role as "active loads", as they are able to respond and adapt to the needs of the grid-tie microgrid while enjoying economic benefits. Simulations results are presented under different tariff options, systems capacity and energy storage alternatives, so as to compare the proposed strategies with the actual case. Results show the advantage of the proposed electric tariffs and energy management strategies for the integration of distributed generation systems in the context of the smart grid transformation by ENEL in Chile

    Energy homeostasis management strategy for building rooftop nanogrids, considering the thermal model and a HVAC unit installed

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    This paper presents a case study on power control and energy management for a 60 apartments’ residential building with solar generation and energy storage tied to the grid in Santiago, Chile. A new energy management algorithm based on energy homeostasis is designed for a small electro thermal generation system (nanogrid), with smart metering. The test bed employs supervisory control with energy management that regulates the temperature inside a large room by the action of an HVAC (Heating/Ventilating/Air Conditioning) unit. The main objective of supervisory control is to allow temperature comfort for residents while evaluating the decrease in energy cost. The study considers a room with rooftop grid-tie nanogrid with a photovoltaic and wind turbine generation plant, working in parallel. It also has an external weather station that allows predictive analysis and control of the temperature inside the abode. The electrical system can be disconnected from the local network, working independently (islanding) and with voltage regulation executed by the photovoltaic generation system. Additionally, the system has a battery bank that allows the energy management by means of the supervisory control system. Under this scenario, a set of coordination and supervisory control strategies, adapted for the needs defined in the energy management program and considering the infrastructure conditions of the network and the abode, are applied with the aim of efficiently managing the supply and consumption of energy, considering Electricity Distribution Net Billing Laws 20.571 and 21.118 in Chile (https://www.bcn.cl/historiadelaley/historia-de-la-ley/vista-expandida/7596/), the electricity tariffs established by the distribution company and the option of incorporating an energy storage system and temperature control inside the room. The results show the advantage of the proposed tariffs and the overall energy homeostasis management strategy for the integration of distributed power generation and distribution within the smart grid transformation agenda in Chile

    Design and simulation of an energy homeostaticity system for electric and thermal power management in a building with smart microgrid

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    Nowadays, microgrids are gaining importance in electric power generation and distribution environments due to their flexibility, versatility, scalability and the possibility of supplying ancillary services when connected to the grid. They allow for the customization of electric supply for very different types of consumers. Therefore, a new control model for power and energy management based on homeostaticity of electric power systems (EPS) is presented, which has been already analyzed and approved by ENEL Chile in its developmental stage. ENEL, the largest electric utility in the country, is interested in incorporating smart microgrids in the electricity distribution market, as part of a worldwide policy. Such microgrids are to be installed in buildings serviced by ENEL. To demonstrate the model’s utility, a Simulink model of a real microgrid is used, which is comprised of PV generation, energy storage, an air conditioning (AC) equipment and thermal storage of the building upon which the microgrid is installed. The behavior of every element is simulated, including the dynamic thermal model of the building in order to optimize energy management and power supply versus consumption. The behavior of the whole system is analyzed under different environmental profiles and energy consumption patterns using the proposed homeostaticity system.Ministry of Education RTI2018-094917-B-I00Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico, Tecnológico y de Innovación Tecnológica FPU16-03522,3170399,FP

    Homeostaticity of energy systems: How to engineer grid flexibility and why should electric utilities care

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    Today’s power generation and distribution industry is being faced with a number of issues, from violent weather phenomena to earthquakes, fires and landslides; including acts of arson, terrorism and vandalism, all of which pose serious concerns for the sustainability of the distribution and supply of electricity. Electric utilities like ENEL are cognizant of this fact and know they must take action. Moreover, they are required by law to be prepared and act proactively to prevent service disruption, by responding to such challenges rapidly and effectively so as to preserve stability and continuity of operation. Homeostaticity of energy systems seeks just that: to bring about a rapid, effective and efficient state of equilibrium between energy supply and expenditure at all times, whatever the circumstances, to preserve stability of systems operation. The paper presents a prescriptive energy homeostaticity model being considered by ENEL as a means to further the incorporation of renewables in the electricity generation and distribution industry. The aim is to enhance control and energy management systems in distributed generation installations tied to the grid for urban and rural communities, in order to complement and diversify their electric power distribution services. The theoretical groundwork underlying the subject as well as other relevant contextual factors are also discussed and simulation results are presented under different tariff scenarios, and energy storage alternatives, in order to compare the proposed model with the actual case. Energy storage (ES) is found to be of paramount importance in the overall analysis of the results as it enhances and reinforces thriftiness on energy consumption

    Alternativas de desarrollo agropecuario con proyección sostenible para el distrito de riego del Zulia y su zona de influencia

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    La asociación de usuarios del Distrito de Adecuación de Tierras de Gran Escala del Río Zulia (ASOZULIA) Norte de Santander, con un área de influencia de 45.536 hectáreas, está interesada en la planificación productiva de su territorio. Dentro de sus actividades agropecuarias se encuentran el arroz (12.000 a 17.000 ha), la palma de aceite (1.534 ha), cítricos (limón, naranja; 346 ha), caña de azúcar (100 ha) y la ganadería. Su principal sistema de producción durante más de 50 años es el cultivo de arroz, sistema que presenta reducción de la productividad (7 a 3 tha), degradación del suelo y problemas de plagas y enfermedades, debido entre otros al uso continuo del fangueo como sistema de preparación de suelos. Adicionalmente, a pesar de tener el distrito de riego del río Zulia una concesión de 13,5 m3.s1, en épocas de verano la oferta hidrica es mucho menor como, por ejemplo, la correspondiente a los meses de febrero a marzo de 2016, con un caudal en la bocatoma del distrito de 10,8 m3s'y una captación real del distrito de solo 6 m.s' Asimismo, la construcción del nuevo acueducto para el área metropolitana de la ciudad de Cúcuta tomará 2,95 m3s del caudal antes de la bocatoma que provee agua al distrito, lo que disminuirá aún más la disponibilidad de agua para riego en esa región. Por lo anterior, se requiere la recuperación de los suelos para el establecimiento de nuevos sistemas productivos que demanden un menor consumo de agua y sean una alternativa viable para los productores.Acelga-Remolacha de hoja, Beta vulgaris var. Cicl

    Evaluation of hydrocarbon degrading bacteria diversity isolated from soils of Otún and La Vieja river basins

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    Se evaluó el efecto del uso del suelo, sobre la densidad y diversidad de bacterias degradadoras de hidrocarburos (HC). Se seleccionaron los usos: bosque, pastizal y cafetal en la cuenca del río La Vieja (Valle del Cauca y Quindío), y bosque, cebollar y plantación forestal en la cuenca del río Otún (Risaralda) y se realizaron dos eventos de muestreo. La densidad se evaluó mediante la técnica de NMP en medio Bushnell-Hass, suplementado con diesel y usando XTT como indicador de actividad. Las bacterias fueron recuperadas en agar nutritivo y se verificó la capacidad degradadora de cada aislado mediante cultivos consecutivos en agar Bushnell-Hass en atmosfera saturada de diesel. La identificación taxonómica de los aislados, se realizó por secuenciación de amplificados de la región V3 del gen rDNA 16S. No se observaron diferencias significativas en la diversidad entre los usos de suelo y entre eventos de muestreo, aunque se observó la tendencia a que pastizal y cebollar fueran más diversos y equitativos. El análisis de dendrogramas y la secuenciación, mostraron que el uso intensivo del suelo, conlleva cambios en la composición de los gremios de degradadores de HC, que podrían ser indicativos de cada tipo de uso y época climática. La capacidad degradadora de hidrocarburos, se relacionó con la diversidad pero no con la densidad de organismos degradadores de hidrocarburos, y puede estar relacionada con la historia de uso del suelo y la vegetación. Se reportan especies de bacterias degradadoras de HC que antes no habían sido asociadas con esta función. / Abstract. Soil management effect over hydrocarbon (HC) degrading bacteria density, diversity and degrading was evaluated. Three soil management were selected: native forest, permanent grassland and coffee plantation at La vieja river basin (Valle del cauca and Quindío)and native forest, onion plantation, and pine plantation at Otún river basin (Risaralda); two simple events were made. Bacterial density was evaluated by MPN technique using Bushnell-Hass media supplemented with diesel oil and using XTT tetrazolium salt as activity indicator. Bacteria isolates were recuperated in nutrient agar and degrading capability was verified through consecutive passages in Bushnell-Hassagar in diesel saturated atmosphere. Taxonomic identification of species was made by direct sequenciation of PCR rDNA 16S V3 region. No significant differences were observed between soil management and simple events, althoughgrassland and pnion platation tend to present higher levels of density, and to be more diverse and equitative. Dendrogram and sequenciation analysis showed taht could be considered indicators of some soil managements and simple event. Hydrocarbon degrading capability was related with diversity but on with density of hydrocarbon degrading bacteria and could be related with soil managements. Seventeen bacterial species never before associated with HC degrading ability are reported.Maestría Ciencias MicrobiologíaMaestrí

    Láseres fraccionales en el tratamiento de cicatrices de acné y postquirúrgicas: revisión sistemática de la literatura

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    Resumen\ud \ud \ud \ud Introducción: el tratamiento de cicatrices de acné y post-quirúrgicas con láseres fraccionales abre una frontera en el manejo de una patología con una alta incidencia alrededor del mundo y sobre la cual no existe un tratamiento gold-standar. \ud Objetivo: determinar la efectividad de los láseres fraccionales en el manejo de cicatrices post acné y postquirúrgicas y al determinar los eventos adversos más comunes asociados al uso de esta tecnología.\ud Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática (Cochrane, Pub Med, Science Direct, Ovid, Hinari, Interscience y Lilacs,) de ensayos clínicos controlados publicados hasta diciembre de 2009. Se seleccionaron cuatro ensayos clínicos controlados aleatorizados con base en su calidad metodológica y se extrajeron los siguientes datos: tamaño de la muestra, parámetros, tipo de cicatrices, resultados, eventos adversos y grado de satisfacción. Igualmente se estudiaron una amplia variedad de revisiones en cuanto a la fisiopatología, morfología y severidad de las cicatrices y los métodos actuales de tratamiento.\ud Resultados: la tecnología fraccional es efectiva en el tratamiento de cicatrices de acné y post-quirúrgicas al lograr mejoría en textura, color y aspecto general, que osciló entre el 50 y 70% evidenciada en los estudios incluidos en la revisión (24, 25, 26, 27). La satisfacción de los pacientes superó el 60%. Se observó una baja incidencia de efectos adversos de carácter leve y transitorio, corta incapacidad y la principal de ellas fue la hiperpigmentación postinflamatoria.\ud Conclusión: la fototermólisis fraccional es efectiva y segura en el tratamiento de cicatrices de acné y post-quirúrgicas y presenta ventajas frente a otros sistemas (26, 27). Los métodos que combinan diferentes láseres aportan un mayor beneficio. \ud \ud Palabras clave: fototermólisis fraccional, láseres fraccionados, cicatrices post-acné, cicatrices postquirúrgicas, cicatrización.Summary \ud \ud \ud \ud Introduction: the treatment of acne scars and post-surgery to open a border fractional lasers in the management of a disease with a high incidence around the world and on which there is no gold-standard treatment. \ud Objective: To determine the effectiveness of fractional lasers in the management of post acne scars and post-surgery and in determining the most common adverse events associated with the use of this technology. \ud Materials and methods: A systematic (Cochrane, PubMed, Science Direct, Ovid, Hinari, Interscience and Lilacs) controlled clinical trials published through December 2009. We selected four randomized controlled clinical trials based on methodological quality and extracted the following data: sample size, parameters, types of scars, outcomes, adverse events and satisfaction. Also studied a wide variety of reviews about the pathophysiology, morphology and severity of the scars and the current methods of treatment. \ud Results: Fractional technology is effective in treating acne scars and post-surgery to achieve improvement in texture, color and general appearance, which ranged between 50 and 70% as evidenced in the studies included in the review (24, 25, 26, 27). The patient satisfaction exceeded 60%. There was a low incidence of adverse effects were mild and transient, short disability and the main one was postinflammatory hyperpigmentation. \ud Conclusion: Fractional photothermolysis is effective and safe in treating acne scars and post-surgical and has advantages over other systems (26, 27). The methods that combine different lasers provide the greatest benefit. \ud \ud Keywords: fractional photothermolysis, fractional lasers, post-acne scars, scars after surgery, scarring

    A literature review on an IoT-based intelligent smart energy management systems for PV power generation

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    Renewable energy is the most dependable and universally acknowledged way of meeting the world's expanding energy needs. In order to optimize solar energy generation, particular focus must be paid to both application and maintenance. IoT-based solar monitoring system proposals have been made in order to collect and analyze solar data, which will allow for performance prediction and reliable power output. Demand-side energy management's primary objective is to maximize the economical utilization of renewable resources without sacrificing overall energy efficiency. In areas where energy use is strongly reliant on the grid, an intelligent energy management system may effectively regulate energy usage. With cloud computing, the opportunities and problems driven out by growing energy grids may be successfully handled.This study examines the role that energy management systems play in both research and practical industrial practises, acknowledging both as stakeholders in this undertaking. The research investigation closely looks at a number of IoT-related topics in relation to solar energy production. In addition to providing guidance for upcoming academics in the field, it also lists possible future uses for IoT, inspiring them to further the field's present understanding and provide new ideas. Providing a thorough analysis of energy management in smart architecture is the purpose

    An Intelligent Supervising System for the Operation of an Underground Mine

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    This paper presents a conceptual model for an Intelligent System built to support the scheduling for an underground mine in order to supervise its operation. The system is composed by a Simulation Model linked to a Knowledge Based System designed by means of hierarchical, colored and temporal Petri Nets. Simulation Model allows simulating the operation of the production, reduction and transport levels in the mine. Knowledge Based System is activated by events produced in daily operations and yields the results of registered events and the actions taken to solve the problem, generating operation rules. The proposed model allows different types of mine operations and scenarios providing data for decision-making. The system helps to evaluate different policies for programming the activities in the mine thus seeking to enlarge the equipment productivity. The model also allows the feasibility assessment of the Daily Master Plan based on the input data of the simulation model