19 research outputs found

    A fast reduced order method for linear parabolic inverse source problems

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    In this paper, we propose a novel, computationally efficient reduced order method to solve linear parabolic inverse source problems. Our approach provides accurate numerical solutions without relying on specific training data. The forward solution is constructed using a Krylov sequence, while the source term is recovered via the conjugate gradient (CG) method. Under a weak regularity assumption on the solution of the parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs), we establish convergence of the forward solution and provide a rigorous error estimate for our method. Numerical results demonstrate that our approach offers substantial computational savings compared to the traditional finite element method (FEM) and retains equivalent accuracy.Comment: This is a placeholder. Unfinished Section 4 and Section

    Family as Social Support in Adolescent’s Adjustment

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    本研究目的是父母的社會支持於協助青少年適應時扮演的角色。本研究回顧適應與壓力因應模式相關文獻,將青少年的適應整理為個人適應與社會適應兩個部份。其中個人適應包括:讀書功能、自我功能,以及身心症狀,而社會適應包括同儕關係與師生關係。其次從行為回饋的角度出發,參考家庭功能的模式,提出假設:父母的社會支持「情感方面的瞭解」、「行為方面的瞭解」、「從溝通獲得的瞭解」,以及「情感方面的回饋與協助」、「行為方面的回饋與協助」、「溝通方面的回饋」等六個部份的互動對青少年的適應提供協助。本研究以「學生生活適應量表」篩選出適應良好以及適應不佳的青少年,並邀請青少年家長接受訪問,以蒐集父母的社會支持狀況。研究結果支持研究假設,在適應良好的青少年家庭中,透過親子互動提供較多的「瞭解」,並且提供較多的「回饋與協助」。另外,結果同時發現在適應不佳的青少年家庭中,「瞭解」則多於「回饋」。根據此現象研究者推測沒有轉換成回饋或協助的瞭解對青少年來說可能是另外一種壓力。在適應良好的學生家庭中,三種互動也較適應不佳的學生來的好,與研究假設相符。本研究結果亦發現父母觀點的親子互動與青少年觀點親子互動有不同型態的相關方式:在適應良好組中,父母觀點與青少年觀點為負相關;而適應不佳組中,父母觀點與青少年觀點為正相關。研究者認為可從壓力因應模式中進一步探索父母觀點與青少年觀點的不同,並且作為未來研究方向。The purpose of this study was to figure out the role of parents in assisting and maintaining adolescent’s adjustment. Following the viewpoints of behavioral approach, parents can assist and maintain adolescent’s adjustment through “Understanding ” and “Assistance/ Reinforcement”. Adolescent adjustment status was assessed via “School Adjustment Scale”, which included social aspect adjustment (Teacher- Student Relationship, and Peer Relationship) and personal aspect adjustment (Self Functions, Study functions, and Psychosomatic Symptoms). This Scale was used to categorize adolescents into “maladjusted group” and “well adjusted group”. “Parenting Attitude Scale- Adolescent version” was used to collect parent-child interaction data from adolescents’ perspectives. Home- visiting- semistructured interview procedure was designed to collect parent-child interaction data from parents’ perspectives. Data collected from the semistructured interview were analyzed by Parents’ Social Support Rating Scale, including “affective understanding”, “behavioral understanding”, “communicational understanding”, “affective assistance/ reinforcement”, “behavioral assistance/ reinforcement”, and “communicational assistance/ reinforcement” . The results showed that well adjusted adolescent’s parents offered more understanding and assistance/ reinforcement through affective, behavioral, communicational interactions. The results also showed that there were less assistance/ reinforcement than understanding in maladjusted adolescents’ families. It was proposed that assistance/ reinforcement was more powerful in assisting and maintaining adolescent’s school adjustment. And if the “Understanding” of adolescent didn’t follow by “Assistance/ Reinforcement”, it could become another stressor to the adolescent. There were different parent-child correlated patterns in maladjusted and well adjusted adolescents: maladjusted adolescents’ perceptions were positively correlated with parents’ perceptions, but well adjusted adolescents’ view was negatively correlated with parents’ perceptions. Stress Coping Model might offer an explanation for that. Further studies were needed to test this interpretation.目次 第一章 緒論………………………………………………… 1 第一節 青少年適應…………………………………………… 1 第二節 從家庭理論談父母對青少年的社會支持…………… 14 第三節 研究理念、目的與研究假設………………………… 26 第二章 研究方法…………………………………………… 30 第一節 研究樣本……………………………………………… 30 第二節 研究工具…………………………………………… 31 第三節 研究流程……………………………………………… 36 第三章 研究結果……………………………………………… 38 第一節 父母的社會支持評估表之描述統計………………… 38 第二節 適應分組於父母的社會支持評估表之差異比較…… 41 第三節 社會支持評估表與父母管教態度量表之間的相關… 43 第四章 綜合討論…………………………………………… 46 第一節 父母的社會支持評估表之有效性…………………… 46 第二節 父母的社會支持於適應分組上的差異……………… 48 第三節 在親子互動上的父母觀點與青少年觀點…………… 49 第五章 研究之應用可能性、研究限制與未來研究方向… 51 第一節 研究之應用可能性…………………………………… 51 第二節 研究限制……………………………………………… 51 第三節 未來研究方向………………………………………… 52 參考文獻……………………………………………………………… 54 附錄 附錄一 初步「父母的社會支持評估表」…………………… 58 附錄二 「父母的社會支持評估表」………………………… 60 附錄三 半結構式的訪談架構內容…………………………… 63 附錄四 訪問同意書…………………………………………… 65 附錄五 「學生生活適應量表」……………………………… 6

    Raman spectral statistical classification of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and nasopharyngeal normal cell lines based on support vector classification

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    Abstract. Raman spectroscopy (RS) has been used in the discrimination of normal and tumor cells for years. It is very important to validate an existing classification model using different algorithms. In this work, two algorithms of support vector classification (SVC) are utilized to validate our previous work about a LDA classification model of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) cell lines C666-1, CNE2 and nasopharyngeal normal cell line NP69. All of these two SVC algorithms use the same data set as the previous LDA model and, achieve great sensitivity and specificity. The final results show that our previous LDA classification model could be supported by different SVC algorithms and this demonstrates our classification model is reliable and may be helpful to the realization of RS to be one of diagnostic techniques of NPC

    Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Human Work Efficiency in a High-Temperature Thermal-Radiation Environment

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    Work efficiency is not only related to objective cognitive performance, but it is also closely related to subjective psychological feelings. The existing research mostly focuses on the human safety tolerance limit from the physiological perspective, and there are few studies on work efficiency. In order to evaluate the work efficiency of humans in a high-temperature thermal-radiation environment, this paper proposes a method of personnel work efficiencies evaluation based on the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. In this method, the objective cognitive ability and subjective questionnaire data of human subjects in a thermal-radiation environment were obtained by building a high-temperature thermal-radiation platform, and the ergonomic status score (ESS) was calculated to determine the work efficiency evaluation grade. The results of this study indicate that subjective job satisfaction has a strong influence on work efficiencies. The safe WBGT temperature threshold that can be borne by personnel in a high-temperature thermal-radiation environment is lower than that in a single high-temperature environment. The ergonomic status score decreased significantly with the increase of radiation temperature. When the radiation temperature is 300 °C (WBGT temperature ≥ 33.2 °C), the work should be stopped immediately to ensure the safety and health of personnel. The research results can provide a reference for labor protection in high-temperature working environments

    Analysis of protein from nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell line CNE2 irradiated by X-ray using Raman spectroscopy

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    Abstract. Our work aims to explore Raman spectroscopy (RS) to study the effects of total protein of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) cell line CNE2 treated by different doses of X-ray irradiation. The total protein is extracted from the cell line after irradiation with no incubation (0 h) and with incubation for 72 h, respectively. Both paired-samples t test and support vector machine (SVM) are employed for statistical analysis of Raman spectrum. The results show that several Raman bands assigned to total protein can be detected; and the X-ray irradiation have various effects on different components in total protein, especially for the dose higher than 6 Gy, and also associated with the incubation time after irradiation. The differences of content between 0 h groups and 72 h groups appear at bands of C-S stretching, C-H stretching, O=C-O − stretching and L-phenylalanine. It indicated no significant diversification on structures of protein, while the content may be varied during irradiation. Our spectroscopic results reveal that RS analysis of total protein of cell line irradiated by X-ray, in conjunction with mathematical statistical model, can be a potential method to explore the Raman characterization target of cell radiosensitivity, and then for making known the mechanism of radiosensitivity of tumor further

    An efficient, flexible perovskite solar module exceeding 8% prepared with an ultrafast PbI<sub>2</sub> deposition rate

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    Abstract Large-area, pinhole-free CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite thin films were successfully fabricated on 5 cm × 5 cm flexible indium tin oxide coated polyethylene naphthalate (ITO-PEN) substrates through a sequential evaporation/spin-coating deposition method in this research. The influence of the rate-controlled evaporation of PbI2 films on the quality of the perovskite layer and the final performance of the planar-structured perovskite solar cells were investigated. An ultrafast evaporation rate of 20 Å s−1 was found to be most beneficial for the conversion of PbI2 to CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite. Based on this high-quality CH3NH3PbI3 film, a resultant flexible perovskite solar sub-module (active area of 16 cm2) with a power conversion efficiency of more than 8% and a 1.2 cm2 flexible perovskite solar cell with a power conversion efficiency of 12.7% were obtained

    Antibacterial Effects of a Cell-Penetrating Peptide Isolated from Kefir

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    Kefir is a traditional fermented milk beverage used throughout the world for centuries. A cell-penetrating peptide, F3, was isolated from kefir by Sephadex G-50 gel filtration, DEAE-52 ion exchange, and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. F3 was determined to be a low molecular weight peptide containing one leucine and one tyrosine with two phosphate radicals. This peptide displayed antimicrobial activity across a broad spectrum of organisms including several Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria as well as fungi, with minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values ranging from 125 to 500 μg/mL. Cellular penetration and accumulation of F3 were determined by confocal laser scanning microscopy. The peptide was able to penetrate the cellular membrane of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Changes in cell morphology were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results indicate that peptide F3 may be a good candidate for use as an effective biological preservative in agriculture and the food industry