19 research outputs found

    Micromorphological structure of maritime antarctic cryosols (King-George and Livingston Islands, West Antarctica)

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    Cryosols of the Antarctic maritime area are much different from the continental ones. The relatively moderate climate conditions in Maritime Antarctica and a strong interaction between the biotic and abiotic environment are drivers for more intensive soil formation processes than in the continental regions. Soil formation studies from the Maritime Antarctica are, however, rather rare. Therefore, micromorphological investigations on polar soils can contribute to more comprehensive information on soil genesis in Antarctica. In this study, we applied the micromorphological study of thin sections from soil micromonoliths to assess the intensity and trends of the pedogenic processes in selected soils from two adjacent islands of the South-Shetland archipelago: King George Island and Livingston Island. The results obtained show that regional lithology and the origin of the incoming organic matter mainly determine the micromorphological structure of the local soils. Soil matrix micromorphological properties and features (mineralogical content, weathering stage and even partly grain-size distribution) are mainly defined by pyroclastic particles due to recent and ancient volcanic eruptions. The presence of rounded grains and aggregated mineral particles is the evidence of marine origin of the sediments. Ornithogenic soils show the clear evidence of the organic plasma formation and mineral particles aggregation via the zoogenic organic substances provided by penguins which is a unique specifics of the maritime Antarctic soils

    Morphological and physico-chemical properties of Cryosoils in the Bulgarian antarctic base on Livingston island, Antarctica

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    Under the global climatic changes and anthropogenic impacts on the environment, information about characteristics and specific features of soils in remote regions as Antarctica is valuable and could be used as references. This study focuses on the analyses of original data about the physico-chemical composition and micromorphological structure of Cryosols, collected in 2019 from the sampling area of the Bulgarian Antarctic Base “St. Kl. Ohridski” located on Livingston Island, Antarctica. The studied Cryosols are moderately acidic with slow and incomplete transformation of organic residues. The organic carbon content is low, except for soils formed under the influence of an ornithogenic factor. The mezo- and micromorphological observations show a predominance of the mineral phase, weakly affected by weathering processes. Many soil pores and voids are observed, which facilitates water-air and intra-soil exchange during the short Antarctic summer. The analyses showed an evidence for the connection of the processes of soil formation of Cryosols in the region with the pulsating degradation of the glaciers

    Assessment and mapping the dynamics of soil properties in selected forest stands from the region of Central Balkan National Park in the context of ecosystem services

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    Forests set natural conditions and embody a repository of biological diversity that represents a myriad of ecosystem services for human well-being. The spatial patterns and the forest ecosystems’ dynamics over time make the forests of particular environmental significance for the provision of ecosystem services. The terrestrial biodiversity and the sustainable management strategies' demand for mapping and assessment of the dynamics for the condition of forest ecosystems by drawing attention to the soil properties. In order to take on that task, the data series obtained by the International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP Forests) for the period 1986–2016 were found as appropriate quantitative indicators that convey information about the ecosystem’s capacity to provide certain regulating ecosystem services. The ICP Forests Level I sites, located in the Central Balkan region, provide consistent information, which is collected on a regular basis about observed forest stands. The primary focus of the present research is to conduct a biophysical assessment of the forest ecosystems and to define their overall condition regarding two time series – the periods 1992/1993 and 2015. This study attempts to introduce an innovative approach and aims at linking the existing ICP Forests network dataset with the ecosystem services concept and the identified spatial units from the CORINE Land Cover (CLC) polygons for the territory of Central Balkan National Park. On this basis and through the implementation of GIS techniques, the dynamics of soil properties in selected forest ecosystems was analysed with regard to their capacity to supply relevant ecosystems services, which were assessed and mapped. The biophysical data provides robust information on the ecosystem services and the results show the variations in the capacity of different forest sub-types to provide ecosystem services within a well-defined land cover unit. Additionally, the research work intended to review the generated outcomes with reference to the DPSIR (driver-pressure-state-impact-response) method by giving feedback on the changes in the terrestrial ecosystems in the last 25 years. Further application of the mapping approach in assisting the communication in the decision- making process is also discussed

    Mapping and assessment of urban ecosystem condition and services using integrated index of spatial structure

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    Urban ecosystems are the areas where built infrastructure covers a large proportion of the land surface but the main source of ecosystem services provision is the green infrastructure. This provision is very much dependent on the particular combination of green spaces such as parks or vegetation belts and paved areas such as buildings and streets. The spatial arrangement of these elements is an important parameter which could be used for the assessment of the ecosystem condition in the urban areas. An integrated index of spatial structure is proposed which incorporates built types and land cover from the Local Climate Zones (LCZ) concept with urban ecosystems' classes developed on the basis of MAES typology. An algorithm has been developed for index generation using an urban ecosystems' database and remote sensing data. The index is used to define vegetation cover in urban ecosystems and assess their condition as a part of the assessment framework. It is also applied in the assessment of several ecosystem services through quantification of ecosystem services' indicators or as an indicator in a complex assessment. The results show that, although most urban ecosystems in Bulgaria are assessed as moderate and good condition, very few of them have very good condition and about 3.5% have very bad condition. The highest scores are defined for urban green areas while the lowest are for transport networks. The use of an integrated index in urban ecosystem services' assessment is represented by examples for global and local climate regulation. The results are used to develop maps of ecosystem services supply capacity for selected cities. The overall analysis indicates that the urban ecosystems in Bulgaria have a moderate to good capacity for local climate regulation and moderate to low capacity for global climate regulation. The integrated index of spatial structure provides an appropriate basis for characterisation and assessment of the urban ecosystems condition and ecosystem services following the requirements of the EU Biodiversity Strategy and the MAES process. The proposed approach enables the internal heterogeneity of the urban ecosystems at national level to be defined, this being one of the main challenges in studying urban ecological systems

    Comparative mineralogical characteristics of red soils from South Bulgaria

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    The present study aims to compare mineralogical composition of red soils, formed on marbles in South Bulgaria. We used mineralogical analysis of heavy and light mineral fraction in immersion under polarizing microscope and X-ray diffraction analysis of bulk sample and clay fraction. Three test polygons, located in South Bulgaria were examined: Petrovo, Nova Lovcha and Dobrostan, which are characterized with different latitude, altitude, and exposition. Three or more sites from each polygon were sampled and analyzed. The red soils are formed on white and gray calcite and calcite-dolomite marbles, impure silicate-rich marbles and only in one site – on marble breccias. We determined the following mineral phases in red soils: calcite, dolomite, quarts, and feldspars, mica, illite-type mica, illite, smectite, vermiculite-smectite, and kaolinite. Heavy minerals are represented by amphibole, titanite and epidote, and minor amounts of zircon, garnet, tourmaline, rutile, pyroxene, andalusite, kyanite, sillimanite and apatite. Opaque minerals are predominantly goethite and hematite. Plant tissue is abundant in light fraction from the uppermost soil horizons. Analyses of heavy mineral fraction show presence of metamorphic and igneous minerals which indicate participation of weathering products from other rock types in the nearby area. The types of heavy minerals in soils depend more on composition of parent rocks and geomorphic position than on climate type. Soils from Nova Lovcha show similar composition, but the quantity of goethite and hematite significantly increase in soil from plain. Typical high-metamorphic minerals as andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite present only in Nova Lovcha, while garnet dominates in Petrovo and opaque minerals - in Dobrostan. Red soils, formed on slopes, where erosion prevails over accumulation, contain more illite, smectite and vermiculite-smectite, and very few or no kaolinite, whereas the kaolinite is dominant in soils formed on plain. The mineralogical composition of clays in different polygons depends on geomorphic position (altitude, slope or plain), and less on climate type. The weathering processes in the highest polygon Dobrostan (more than 1200 m) are in early stage (illite, vermiculite-smectite, and smectite), whereas in Nova Lovcha (above 700-900 m) and Petrovo (1000 m) the domination of kaolinite suggests an advanced weathering processes

    Assessment and cultural ecosystem service mapping in mountain protected areas – “Pirin” National park

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    The assessment and mapping of ecosystems and their services is considered an important action that effectively contributes to proper understanding of how ecosystems support human well-being, and furthermore – to promote the sustainable use of natural resources. The diversity of cultural landscapes, especially in mountain areas, is a significant prerequisite for a variety of cultural ecosystem services that are valuable for the society. This evaluation is the basis for environmental management practices and policymaking. The study presents an approach for assessment and mapping of cultural ecosystem service (CES) “Cultural heritage” that is recognised as important and is provided by mountain protected areas (PAs) in “Pirin” National Park. The data from the Management Plan of “Pirin” NP were used for characterization and biophysical assessment of the condition of forest ecosystems and their potential to provide CESs. The analysis of the results revealed that the conservation regime allowed the territories to preserve a high degree of naturalness and a very good ecological condition as 94.80% of forest ecosystems are assessed with score 4 –“good” condition and 0.44% are with “very good” condition – score 5. The majority of forest ecosystems with “very good” ecological condition are Pinus peuce forests, located mainly on the territory of the reserves “Bayuvi Dupki- Dzhindzhiritsa” and “Yulen”, proving the importance of the protective regime of the territories. Forest ecosystems with average and high capacity to provide ES "Cultural heritage" prevailed, which is consistent with well-preserved and unique nature, the diversity of landscapes, and species richness. Considerable areas were assessed with score 5 – very high capacity, mostly on the territory of the reserves “Bayuvi Dupki- Dzhindzhiritsa” and “Yulen”, and at the foothill of the huts

    Investigation of the Effect of pH on the Adsorption–Desorption of Doxycycline in Feed for Small Ruminants

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    Orally administered tetracycline antibiotics interact with feed, which may impact their bioavailability and efficacy. Therefore, the pH-dependent adsorption of doxycycline and its interaction with feed for ruminants was studied in vitro. Adsorption experiments on animal feed (135 and 270 mg) with initial doxycycline concentrations of 35, 75, and 150 µg/mL were performed. Desorption experiments were conducted by agitation of a predetermined mass of doxycycline-loaded animal feed in PBS, at pH = 3.0, 6.0, and 7.4, to simulate changes in the gastrointestinal tract. Antibiotic concentrations were determined by LC-MS/MS analysis. The adsorption/desorption of doxycycline was described by mathematical models. Chemisorption with strong intermolecular interactions between the active functional groups of doxycycline and the organic biomass was found. The experimental release curve comprised three sections: initial prolonged 27–30% release (pH = 6.0), followed by moderate 56–59% release (pH = 3.0), and final 63–74% release (pH = 7.4). The sigmoidal model showed a considerable role of diffusion with an initial prevalence of desorption and a decreased desorption rate thereafter. The Weibull equation revealed an initial release stage followed by a lag time section and sustained release. The study of doxycycline adsorption by the animal feed proved a maximum 80% encapsulation efficiency and revealed initial diffusion followed by chemisorption. The highest release efficiency of 74% suggests high bioavailability of doxycycline after oral administration in ruminants

    Investigation of the Effect of pH on the Adsorption–Desorption of Doxycycline in Feed for Small Ruminants

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    Orally administered tetracycline antibiotics interact with feed, which may impact their bioavailability and efficacy. Therefore, the pH-dependent adsorption of doxycycline and its interaction with feed for ruminants was studied in vitro. Adsorption experiments on animal feed (135 and 270 mg) with initial doxycycline concentrations of 35, 75, and 150 µg/mL were performed. Desorption experiments were conducted by agitation of a predetermined mass of doxycycline-loaded animal feed in PBS, at pH = 3.0, 6.0, and 7.4, to simulate changes in the gastrointestinal tract. Antibiotic concentrations were determined by LC-MS/MS analysis. The adsorption/desorption of doxycycline was described by mathematical models. Chemisorption with strong intermolecular interactions between the active functional groups of doxycycline and the organic biomass was found. The experimental release curve comprised three sections: initial prolonged 27–30% release (pH = 6.0), followed by moderate 56–59% release (pH = 3.0), and final 63–74% release (pH = 7.4). The sigmoidal model showed a considerable role of diffusion with an initial prevalence of desorption and a decreased desorption rate thereafter. The Weibull equation revealed an initial release stage followed by a lag time section and sustained release. The study of doxycycline adsorption by the animal feed proved a maximum 80% encapsulation efficiency and revealed initial diffusion followed by chemisorption. The highest release efficiency of 74% suggests high bioavailability of doxycycline after oral administration in ruminants