17 research outputs found

    Metrology For Advanced Manufacturing – The Networking Project AdvManuNet

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    Advanced Manufacturing is a branch of manufacturing that is considered an important driver for future economic and societal progress. The European Commission (EC) has identified Advanced Manufacturing as one of six Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) with applications across multiple industrial sectors. The networking project JNP19Net01 AdvManuNet funded by EURAMET for four years starting in June 2020 aims to accelerate the process of establishing a European Metrology Network (EMN) to strengthen Europe’s position in Advanced Manufacturing. The consortium to deliver this project comprises National Metrological Institutes (PTB, NPL, INRIM, RISE, CMI, METAS, TUBITAK, GUM), Designated Institutes (BAM), University partners (Politecnico di Torino) and the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (euspen) from across Europe

    New European Metrology Network for advanced manufacturing

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    Advanced manufacturing has been identified as one of the key enabling technologies with applications in multiple industries. The growing importance of advanced manufacturing is reflected by an increased number of publications on this topic in recent years. Advanced manufacturing requires new and enhanced metrology methods to assure the quality of manufacturing processes and the resulting products. However, a high-level coordination of the metrology community is currently absent in this field and consequently this limits the impact of metrology developments on advanced manufacturing. In this article we introduce the new European Metrology Network (EMN) for Advanced Manufacturing within EURAMET, the European Association of National Metrology Institutes (NMIs). The EMN is intended to be operated sustainably by NMIs and Designated Institutes in close cooperation with stakeholders interested in advanced manufacturing. The objectives of the EMN are to set up a permanent stakeholder dialogue, to develop a Strategic Research Agenda for the metrology input required for advanced manufacturing technologies, to create and maintain a knowledge sharing programme and to implement a web-based service desk for stakeholders. The EMN development is supported by a Joint Network Project within the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research

    Measurement of gauge blocks by interferometry

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    The key comparison EURAMET.L-K1.2011 on gauge blocks was carried out in the framework of a EURAMET project starting in 2012 and ending in 2015. It involved the participation of 24 National Metrology Institutes from Europe and Egypt, respectively. 38 gauge blocks of steel and ceramic with nominal central lengths between 0.5 mm and 500 mm were circulated. The comparison was conducted in two loops with two sets of artifacts. A statistical technique for linking the reference values was applied. As a consequence the reference value of one loop is influenced by the measurements of the other loop although they did not even see the artifacts of the others. This influence comes solely from three "linking laboratories" which measure both sets of artifacts. In total there were 44 results were not fully consistent with the reference values. This represents 10% of the full set of 420 results which is a considerable high number. At least 12 of them are clearly outliers where the participants have been informed by the pilot as soon as possible. The comparison results help to support the calibration and measurement capabilities (CMCs) of the laboratories involved in the CIPM MRA

    A novel technique for calibration of polygon angles with non-integer subdivision of indexing table

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    Polygons are basic angle standards for angle measurement, particularly used for calibration of rotary angular indexing, and for measuring equipment such as dividing heads and tables. A main application in daily life is in bar-code readers. Calibration of such angle standards is required for traceability and at the highest accuracy it is a responsibility of national metrology institutes. In order to investigate uncertainty parameters on polygon calibration and to establish the capabilities of national metrology institutes, intercomparision measurements in the name of EUROMET project 371 "angle calibration on precision polygons" between 12 European countries have been carried out. Two precise polygons with 7 and 24 faces have been calibrated by the participants. Difficulties arose for precise calibration of seven-sided polygon for those institutes, which do not have a high- resolution angle comparator or two autocollimators. UME, the National Metrology Institute of Turkey, has applied an alternative technique for precise calibration of seven-sided polygon without using high-resolution angle comparators (i.e., indexing tables or angle dividers) or two autocollimators. The technique is based on the circle closure principle. The pitch and cumulative angles of the polygon are extracted from the angle measurement between some polygon faces (such as one and four (1/4), analogous 2/5, 3/6, 4/7, 5/1, 6/2 and 7/3) the angle of which can be generated close enough by the indexing table. This means that the polygon can be regarded as unfolded in seven 3-pitch angle intervals of 3 x 360degrees/7; 154degrees17', making up 1080degrees in total. The method gives the differences between these seven intervals; with the closure condition (the sum must be zero) this gives all absolute angles. A full uncertainty evaluation is given that is based on the model function which relates the measured values to the polygon angles. For the calibration actually carried out, this yielded an uncertainty of 0.24". Within this uncertainty the measured polygon angles corresponded very well with the reference values of the intercomparison. The method is of use for laboratories which do not have a high-resolution angle comparator (i.e., an indexing table or angle divider) or two autocollimators for the calibration of such angle standards. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserve

    A novel technique for calibration of polygon angles with non-integer subdivision of indexing table

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    Polygons are basic angle standards for angle measurement, particularly used for calibration of rotary angular indexing, and for measuring equipment such as dividing heads and tables. A main application in daily life is in bar-code readers. Calibration of such angle standards is required for traceability and at the highest accuracy it is a responsibility of national metrology institutes. In order to investigate uncertainty parameters on polygon calibration and to establish the capabilities of national metrology institutes, intercomparision measurements in the name of EUROMET project 371 "angle calibration on precision polygons" between 12 European countries have been carried out. Two precise polygons with 7 and 24 faces have been calibrated by the participants. Difficulties arose for precise calibration of seven-sided polygon for those institutes, which do not have a high- resolution angle comparator or two autocollimators. UME, the National Metrology Institute of Turkey, has applied an alternative technique for precise calibration of seven-sided polygon without using high-resolution angle comparators (i.e., indexing tables or angle dividers) or two autocollimators. The technique is based on the circle closure principle. The pitch and cumulative angles of the polygon are extracted from the angle measurement between some polygon faces (such as one and four (1/4), analogous 2/5, 3/6, 4/7, 5/1, 6/2 and 7/3) the angle of which can be generated close enough by the indexing table. This means that the polygon can be regarded as unfolded in seven 3-pitch angle intervals of 3 x 360degrees/7; 154degrees17', making up 1080degrees in total. The method gives the differences between these seven intervals; with the closure condition (the sum must be zero) this gives all absolute angles. A full uncertainty evaluation is given that is based on the model function which relates the measured values to the polygon angles. For the calibration actually carried out, this yielded an uncertainty of 0.24". Within this uncertainty the measured polygon angles corresponded very well with the reference values of the intercomparison. The method is of use for laboratories which do not have a high-resolution angle comparator (i.e., an indexing table or angle divider) or two autocollimators for the calibration of such angle standards. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserve

    European Metrology Network for Advanced Manufacturing

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    The progress of Advanced Manufacturing, which has been identified by the European Commission as a Key Enabling Technology (KET) for future economic and societal progress is strongly reliant on the development of metrology capabilities. EURAMET, the association of metrology institutes in Europe, has established metrology research programs to address the metrology requirements across a spectrum of different thematic areas. In order to leverage the benefits of these developments on the wider industrial landscape, a high-level coordination of the metrology community supporting the Advanced Manufacturing landscape is required. This coordination is aimed to be achieved by the establishment of European Metrology Networks (EMNs), which are intended by EURAMET to provide a sustainable structure for stakeholder engagement and support. The joint networking project 19NET01 AdvManuNet funded by EMPIR for 4 years, started in June 2020 and aims to accelerate the process of establishing an EMN to strengthen Europe’s position in Advanced Manufacturing. The AdvManuNet project aims to support the establishment of an EMN on Advanced Manufacturing via the following specific aims: 1. Creation of a single hub for stakeholder engagement across the landscape of various industrial sectors including relevant societies and standardization bodies. 2. Development of a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) and roadmaps for Advanced Manufacturing metrology based on the stakeholder engagement activities, considering current gaps in metrological capabilities existing networks and roadmaps. 3. Establish a knowledge-sharing program for Advanced Manufacturing stakeholders, promoting the dissemination and exploitation of the results of the project, including those from previous EU funded research projects. 4. Development of a sustainable web-based platform and service desk for Advanced Manufacturing stakeholders to allow for easy access to European metrology capabilities and support the wider advanced manufacturing community with metrology-based requirements. 5. Develop a plan for a coordinated and sustainable European metrology infrastructure for Advanced Manufacturing via a European Metrology Network. The project concept followed by the scope and definition of Advanced Manufacturing will be described. The analysis of the current capability of metrology for Advanced Manufacturing and the preliminary concepts for the strategic research agenda will be presented with a focus on dimensional metrology. Acknowledgement The project JNP 19NET01 AdvManuNet has received funding from the EMPIR programme co-financed by the Participating States and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

    A precise aperture centring device ACenD for autocollimator based surface measuring profilers

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    A new Aperture Centring Device ACenD for precisely positioning small apertures with respect to the autocollimator s optics has been developed. With the new device, differences in the angle response of autocollimators between the calibration at a laboratory and their subsequent application in the slope measuring profilers are significantly minimized. Evaluation of the device with a circular aperture size of d 2.5 mm was carried out in different laboratories. It was verified that the ACenD is capable of achieving a reproducible aperture alignment lt; 0.1 mm. The device is a substantial aid for the operation of slope measuring profilometers and enables the measurable, documentable, and transferable positioning of apertures that did not exist befor