76 research outputs found

    High-Performance Drug Discovery: Computational Screening by Combining Docking and Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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    Virtual compound screening using molecular docking is widely used in the discovery of new lead compounds for drug design. However, this method is not completely reliable and therefore unsatisfactory. In this study, we used massive molecular dynamics simulations of protein-ligand conformations obtained by molecular docking in order to improve the enrichment performance of molecular docking. Our screening approach employed the molecular mechanics/Poisson-Boltzmann and surface area method to estimate the binding free energies. For the top-ranking 1,000 compounds obtained by docking to a target protein, approximately 6,000 molecular dynamics simulations were performed using multiple docking poses in about a week. As a result, the enrichment performance of the top 100 compounds by our approach was improved by 1.6–4.0 times that of the enrichment performance of molecular dockings. This result indicates that the application of molecular dynamics simulations to virtual screening for lead discovery is both effective and practical. However, further optimization of the computational protocols is required for screening various target proteins

    A Case of Metastatic Urachal Cancer Including a Neuroendocrine Component Treated with Gemcitabine, Cisplatin and Paclitaxel Combination Chemotherapy

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    The present case report describes a case of recurrent and advanced urachal carcinoma including neuroendocrine features with iliac bone metastasis after partial cystectomy and adjuvant chemotherapy consisting of irinotecan and cisplatin in a 32-year-old man. He received gemcitabine/cisplatin/ paclitaxel (GCP) combination chemotherapy, consisting of gemcitabin (1,000mg/m2) on day 1, 8, cisplatin (70mg/m2) on day 1, and paclitaxel (80mg/m2) on day 1 and 8. After three cycles of chemotherapy, PET-CT showed complete regression of the disease. So the patient underwent total cystourethrectomy, and histological examination showed an almost complete pathological response. External beam radiation therapy was also given to the ileac bone metastasis regions. However, PET-CT taken 17 months after the external beam radiation showed multiple lung metastases. He received GCP chemotherapy again, which resulted in a complete response again after three cycles of chemotherapy. This is the first report on GCP chemotherapy used not only as a salvage chemotherapy but also as a rechallenge regimen for metastatic urachal cancer including a neuroendocrine component

    Contrast-enhanced Computed Tomography-Guided Percutaneous Cryoablation of Renal Cell Carcinoma in a Renal Allograft: First Case in Asia

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    Nephron-sparing treatment should be offered whenever possible to avoid dialysis in allograph cases. Cryoablation is a new treatment option for treating small-sized renal cell cancer (RCCs). We report a case of RCC arising in a kidney allograft treated by cryoablation. To our knowledge, this is the first case in Asia of RCC in a renal allograft treated using cryoablation. Contrast-enhanced CT-guided percutaneous renal needle biopsy and cryoablation were used to identify the RCC, which could not be identified by other techniques. The postoperative course was uneventful. Contrast-enhanced CT also showed no recurrence or metastases at the 6-month follow-up

    Establishment of canine hemangiosarcoma xenograft models expressing endothelial growth factors, their receptors, and angiogenesis-associated homeobox genes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Human hemangiosarcoma (HSA) tends to have a poor prognosis; its tumorigenesis has not been elucidated, as there is a dearth of HSA clinical specimens and no experimental model for HSA. However, the incidence of spontaneous HSA is relatively high in canines; therefore, canine HSA has been useful in the study of human HSA. Recently, the production of angiogenic growth factors and their receptors in human and canine HSA has been reported. Moreover, the growth-factor environment of HSA is very similar to that of pathophysiological angiogenesis, which some homeobox genes regulate in the transcription of angiogenic molecules. In the present study, we established 6 xenograft canine HSA tumors and detected the expression of growth factors, their receptors, and angiogenic homeobox genes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Six primary canine HSAs were xenografted to nude mice subcutaneously and serially transplanted. Subsequently, the expressions of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A, basic fibroblast growth factors (bFGF), flt-1 and flk-1 (receptors of VEGF-A), FGFR-1, and angiogenic homeobox genes HoxA9, HoxB3, HoxB7, HoxD3, Pbx1, and Meis1 were investigated in original and xenograft tumors by histopathology, immunostaining, and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), using canine-specific primer sets.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Histopathologically, xenograft tumors comprised a proliferation of neoplastic cells that were varied in shape, from spindle-shaped and polygonal to ovoid; some vascular-like structures and vascular clefts of channels were observed, similar to those in the original tumors. The expression of endothelial markers (CD31 and vWF) was detected in xenograft tumors by immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR. Moreover, the expression of VEGF-A, bFGF, flt-1, flk-1, FGFR-1, HoxA9, HoxB3, HoxB7, HoxD3, Pbx1, and Meis1 was detected in xenograft tumors. Interestingly, expressions of bFGF tended to be higher in 3 of the xenograft HSA tumors than in the other tumors.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We established 6 xenograft canine HSA tumors in nude mice and found that the expressions of angiogenic growth factors and their receptors in xenograft HSAs were similar to those in spontaneous HSA. Furthermore, we detected the expression of angiogenic homeobox genes; therefore, xenograft models may be useful in analyzing malignant growth in HSA.</p

    Genome evolution in the allotetraploid frog Xenopus laevis

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    To explore the origins and consequences of tetraploidy in the African clawed frog, we sequenced the Xenopus laevis genome and compared it to the related diploid X. tropicalis genome. We characterize the allotetraploid origin of X. laevis by partitioning its genome into two homoeologous subgenomes, marked by distinct families of ???fossil??? transposable elements. On the basis of the activity of these elements and the age of hundreds of unitary pseudogenes, we estimate that the two diploid progenitor species diverged around 34 million years ago (Ma) and combined to form an allotetraploid around 17-18 Ma. More than 56% of all genes were retained in two homoeologous copies. Protein function, gene expression, and the amount of conserved flanking sequence all correlate with retention rates. The subgenomes have evolved asymmetrically, with one chromosome set more often preserving the ancestral state and the other experiencing more gene loss, deletion, rearrangement, and reduced gene expression.ope