5,216 research outputs found

    Development strategy reconsidered : Mexico, 1960-94

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    Different ways of discussing development strategy often reflect different definitions of development. Analysts who emphasize income or production as indicators of development may focus on macroeconomics or sectors. Other analysts may focus on distribution and social aspects as development. Economists tend to see development strategy from the normative, technocratic perspective of welfare economics. Political scientists may see development as a process of political interaction between different interests. Using Mexico as a case, the authors examine macroeconomic conditions and policies (based on flow of funds tables) and estimates of resource transfers between sectors and regions, to relate them to development strategies. They find that: 1) Macroeconomic conditions and policies have exerted a strong impact on resource transfers between the productive sector and the financial and fiscal sectors. 2) Because of the strong impact of macroeconomic conditions and policies, resource transfers between productive sectors were not necessarily evident for either financial or fiscal transfers. But combined transfers from nonagricultural states to agricultural states were significant in three out of four periods examined. 3) The government more effectively controls fiscal transfers because it is directly involved in decisionmaking about public investment and federal participation. Figures on fiscal transfers suggest that the government favored agricultural states in the quarter century studies. 4) Fiscal transfers dominated financial transfers--hence the general transfer from nonagricultural states to agricultural states. The Mexican government maintained a strong interventionist stance toward the rural and agricultural sector even as it espoused reducing the government's role in economic management. 5) During the era of shared development, the government favored less productive agricultural states over highly productive agricultural states. As agrarian reform was reformed, this favoritism diminished and eventually disappeared. 6) The study results reflect the Mexican government's political inclination to favor agricultural or rural states in coping with macroeconomic turmoil. In terms of development strategy, the federal government may have maintained that preference in securing resource flows, but that focus on the subsistence sector seems to have diminished recently.Health Economics&Finance,Environmental Economics&Policies,Payment Systems&Infrastructure,Economic Theory&Research,Decentralization,Economic Theory&Research,Poverty Assessment,Environmental Economics&Policies,Health Economics&Finance,Achieving Shared Growth

    Healthcare Hot Spotting: Variation in Quality and Resource Use In California

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    This Issue Brief presents analyses of data available through the HEDIS by Geography tool, accessible at https://hbg.iha.org. The tool allows users to display and compare measures of both quality of care and use of health care resources throughout California. Rates can be displayed by product line and geographic area -- from as granular as a ZIP code to as extensive as statewide averages. Two main themes are highlighted in this brief: Health plan products that rely primarily on integrated care delivery networks, such as HMOs and Medicare Advantage, generally have higher quality scores without using more resources. Resource use and health care quality vary widely throughout the state


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    5-25歳の健常児・者72名を対象に, 三種の弁別課題条件下でP300潜時の加齢変化 の過程を比較した.P300潜時は14歳頃までに急速な短縮を示したが, その短縮速度は課題間 で異なっていた.5-14歳の年間平均短縮速度は,単語弁別の左右釦押し反応を求めた場合17 ms,go-nogo反応では16msであったのに対し, 色弁別の左右選択反応課題では28msであっ た.潜時がもっとも短縮する年齢を二次回帰式から予測すると,単語課題が26歳(28歳)に対 し, 色課題では19歳と5年以上の開きが認められた.加齢に伴う潜時の変化は提示課題によっ て異なることを指摘するとともに, この変化には刺激処理機構の発達が表現されることを考察し た

    The Effects of Online Communication on Students’ Voluntary Contribution Behavior

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    In this paper, to ascertain employees\u27 motivations for conducting voluntary contribution behavior in order to smoothly carry out work duties in a teleworking environment, surveys were conducted on university students\u27 voluntary behaviors, which entailed sharing information in an online communication venue, and the decisive factors that bring about this sort of behavior are discussed. First, an overview is provided of the problems that have been identified in the past with online communication and the technologies and measures that have been used to address these problems. Next, with regard to organizational citizenship behavior (subsequently, OCB) that becomes voluntary contribution behavior, with reference to how people possess a sense of belonging within the iemoto system organization of traditional Japanese art (iemoto refers to the founder or current head of a school of traditional Japanese art), which has a similar organizational structure, this author examines the effects of university citizenship behavior (UCB) — which constitutes OCB for university students — on online communication and its effects on the relevant organization. Additionally, the suggestions related to applying this discussion to OCB in online communication through teleworking are also considered

    Aerodynamic Examination of the Laryngeal Function

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