59 research outputs found

    Study on H

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    This paper studies the H- index problem. We obtain a necessary and sufficient condition of H- index larger than γ>0. A generalized differential equation is introduced and it is proved that its solvability and the feasibility of the H- index are equivalent. We extend the deterministic cases to the stochastic models. Our results can be used to fault detection filter analysis. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed results is illustrated by an example

    A High-Finesse Suspended Interferometric Sensor for Macroscopic Quantum Mechanics with Femtometre Sensitivity

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    We present an interferometric sensor for investigating macroscopic quantum mechanics on a table-top scale. The sensor consists of a pair of suspended optical cavities with finesse over 350,000 comprising 10 g fused silica mirrors. The interferometer is suspended by a four-stage, light, in-vacuum suspension with three common stages, which allows for us to suppress common-mode motion at low frequency. The seismic noise is further suppressed by an active isolation scheme, which reduces the input motion to the suspension point by up to an order of magnitude starting from 0.7 Hz. In the current room-temperature operation, we achieve a peak sensitivity of 0.5 fm/Hz in the acoustic frequency band, limited by a combination of readout noise and suspension thermal noise. Additional improvements of the readout electronics and suspension parameters will enable us to reach the quantum radiation pressure noise. Such a sensor can eventually be utilized for demonstrating macroscopic entanglement and for testing semi-classical and quantum gravity models

    First Results of the Laser-Interferometric Detector for Axions (LIDA)

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    We present the operating principle and the first observing run of a novel kind of direct detector for axions and axionlike particles in the galactic halo. Sensitive to the polarisation rotation of linearly polarised laser light induced by an axion field, our experiment is the first detector of its kind collecting scientific data. We discuss our peak sensitivity of 1.51×10−10  GeV−1 (95% confidence level) to the axion-photon coupling strength in the axion mass range of 1.97–2.01 neV which is, for instance, motivated by supersymmetric grand-unified theories. We also report on effects that arise in our high-finesse in-vacuum cavity at an unprecedented optical continuous-wave intensity of 4.7  MW/cm2. Our detector already belongs to the most sensitive direct searches within its measurement band, and our results pave the way towards surpassing the current sensitivity limits even of astrophysical observations in the mass range from 10−8 down to 10−16  eV via quantum-enhanced laser interferometry, especially with the potential of scaling our detector up to kilometer length

    Achievements and Challenges in Improving Air Quality in China: Analysis of the Long-Term Trends from 2014 to 2022

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    Due to the implementation of air pollution control measures in China, air quality has significantly improved, although there are still additional issues to be addressed. This study used the long-term trends of air pollutants to discuss the achievements and challenges in further improving air quality in China. The Kolmogorov-Zurbenko (KZ) filter and multiple-linear regression (MLR) were used to quantify the meteorology-related and emission-related trends of air pollutants from 2014 to 2022 in China. The KZ filter analysis showed that PM2.5 decreased by 7.36 ± 2.92% yr􀀀 1, while daily maximum 8-h ozone (MDA8 O3) showed an increasing trend with 3.71 ± 2.89% yr􀀀 1 in China. The decrease in PM2.5 and increase in MDA8 O3 were primarily attributed to changes in emission, with the relative contribution of 85.8% and 86.0%, respectively. Meteorology variations, including increased ambient temperature, boundary layer height, and reduced relative humidity, also contributed to the reduction of PM2.5 and the enhancement of MDA8 O3. The emission-related trends of PM2.5 and MDA8 O3 exhibited continuous decrease and increase, respectively, from 2014 to 2022, while the variation rates slowed during 2018–2020 compared to that during 2014–2017, highlighting the challenges in further improving air quality, particularly in simultaneously reducing PM2.5 and O3. This study recommends reducing NH3 emissions from the agriculture sector in rural areas and transport emissions in urban areas to further decrease PM2.5 levels. Addressing O3 pollution requires the reduction of O3 precursor gases based on site-specific atmospheric chemistry considerations

    Sustainable development of coastal cities through control of land subsidence: activities of IGCP Project 663 in Jakarta

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    The awareness on the importance that land subsidence plays on coastal processes at the regional scale is increased over the last two decades, and it clearly appears that land subsidence can contribute primarily to the relative sea level rise affecting coastal zones. Jakarta is one of the cities mostly affected by the combination of sea-level rise and land subsidence. In this paper, the activities carried out in Jakarta under the umbrella of the IGCP Project 663 were presented, and the possible measures and best practices mitigating land subsidence for the research associates and potential stakeholders were provided, with which can serve as inspiration for authorities and communities facing land subsidence. Meanwhile, major achievements of IGCP 663 in Jakarta were summarized and introduced, including dissemination session, scientific session and field trips. Specifically, major advances on coastal subsidence studies regarding the effect of relative sea level rise, subsidence mapping, monitoring and simulation, as well as the support of policy making are highlighted and summarized

    Design and sensitivity of a 6-axis seismometer for gravitational wave observatories

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    We present the design, control system, and noise analysis of a 6-axis seismometer comprising a mass suspended by a single fused silica fiber. We utilize custom-made, compact Michelson interferometers for the readout of the mass motion relative to the table and successfully overcome the sensitivity of existing commercial seismometers by over an order of magnitude in the angular degrees of freedom. We develop the sensor for gravitational-wave observatories, such as LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA, to help them observe intermediate-mass black holes, increase their duty cycle, and improve localization of sources. Our control system and its achieved sensitivity makes the sensor suitable for other fundamental physics experiments, such as tests of semiclassical gravity, searches for bosonic dark matter, and studies of the Casimir force

    Design and sensitivity of a 6-axis seismometer for gravitational wave observatories

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    We present the design, control system, and noise analysis of a 6-axis seismometer comprising a mass suspended by a single fused silica fiber. We utilize custom-made, compact Michelson interferometers for the readout of the mass motion relative to the table and successfully overcome the sensitivity of existing commercial seismometers by over an order of magnitude in the angular degrees of freedom. We develop the sensor for gravitational-wave observatories, such as LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA, to help them observe intermediate-mass black holes, increase their duty cycle, and improve localization of sources. Our control system and its achieved sensitivity makes the sensor suitable for other fundamental physics experiments, such as tests of semiclassical gravity, searches for bosonic dark matter, and studies of the Casimir force

    Design and sensitivity of a 6-axis seismometer for gravitational wave observatories

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    We present the design, control system, and noise analysis of a 6-axis seismometer comprising a mass suspended by a single fused silica fibre. We utilise custom-made, compact Michelson interferometers for the readout of the mass motion relative to the table and successfully overcome the sensitivity of existing commercial seismometers by over an order of magnitude in the angular degrees of freedom. We develop the sensor for gravitational-wave observatories, such as LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA, to help them observe intermediate-mass black holes, increase their duty cycle, and improve localisation of sources. Our control system and its achieved sensitivity makes the sensor suitable for other fundamental physics experiments, such as tests of semiclassical gravity, searches for bosonic dark matter, and studies of the Casimir force

    DarkGEO: a large-scale laser-interferometric axion detector

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    Axions and axion-like particles (ALPs) are leading candidates for dark matter. They are well motivated in many extensions of the standard model and supported by astronomical observations. We propose an iterative transformation of the existing facilities of the gravitational-wave detector and technology testbed GEO600, located near Ruthe in Germany, into a kilometre-scale upgrade of the laser-interferometric axion detector LIDA. The final DarkGEO detector could search for coincident signatures of axions and ALPs and significantly surpass the current constraints of both direct searches and astrophysical observations in the measurement band from 10−16 to 10−8eV. We discuss design parameters and sensitivities for the configurations of the different iteration steps as well as technical challenges known from the first LIDA results. The proposed DarkGEO detector will be well suited to probe the mass-coupling parameter space associated with predictions from theoretical models, like grand-unified theories, as well as from astrophysical evidence, like the cosmic infrared background
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